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Lvl 50 with 1k warzone 1k merc commendations .. what to do ?


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So Im about to hit lvl 50 mercenary arsenal .. i have 1k warzone and 1k mercenary commendations banked + 1 champion bag.


Should I get all champion bags with my commendations or should i just get pvp armor with my commendations ?


Thanks for tips.

Edited by LDesp
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Expertise = Golden.


Centurion relics don't have expertise. Champion ones do, and are cheap. I recommend buying 2x champ relics the first thing. Use centurion commendations to buy set bonus pieces starting from the cheapest to quickly build up full 4/4 set bonus for yourself.


After that, just keep fleshing out yourself. Chances for token drops are so low that I would not worry about them, just buy the cheapest ones you still need. You should buy/build a good chest and mainhand weapon from PvE though, since they cost a ton of commendations, and you will use them for quite a while until you have geared yourself up in all the other slots except them.

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Expertise = Golden.


Centurion relics don't have expertise. Champion ones do, and are cheap. I recommend buying 2x champ relics the first thing. Use centurion commendations to buy set bonus pieces starting from the cheapest to quickly build up full 4/4 set bonus for yourself.


After that, just keep fleshing out yourself. Chances for token drops are so low that I would not worry about them, just buy the cheapest ones you still need. You should buy/build a good chest and mainhand weapon from PvE though, since they cost a ton of commendations, and you will use them for quite a while until you have geared yourself up in all the other slots except them.


DON'T SPEND YOUR WZ/MERC comms!!! At least not all of them. Buy one champ bag at a time with them then build back up to 1k/1k. That way when 1.2 hits you'll be able to buy some BM comms.

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DON'T SPEND YOUR WZ/MERC comms!!! At least not all of them. Buy one champ bag at a time with them then build back up to 1k/1k. That way when 1.2 hits you'll be able to buy some BM comms.

Aaand how is a freshly 50 dinged player going to wear those BM gear that require rank 60? =P

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DON'T SPEND YOUR WZ/MERC comms!!! At least not all of them. Buy one champ bag at a time with them then build back up to 1k/1k. That way when 1.2 hits you'll be able to buy some BM comms.


hmm interesting .. do you know when 1.2 is said to come out?

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Buy champ bags, unless you somehow managed to get valor rank 60.


Also in my opinion, do NOT get 2x champion relics, get one champ relic and then farm 3 matrix shards and get the matrix cube from the assembler machine on DK.


Which in your case would be 3 blue shard (hutta, tatooine and corellia). Just do a serch on youtube with one of those planet names i.e "planetname datacron empire" and you get a bunch of good easy to follow guides on how to get the shards aswell as other fitting datacrons.


Then when you have 3 blue shards you go to dromund kaas and head over to outpost warden near the dark temple. There set course towards the dark temple, once you start to get closer keep an eye on the left hand mountain wall (west wall according to the map I think), there should be a green phase portal you can enter that has the matrix cube assembler. Walk up to the 3 consoles behind the table, input a blue shard in each, activate the table and loot the cube on the table.


It will give you tons of aim, endurance and crit. No on-use effect though.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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And no expertise. Using datacron relic vs champ relic is more a question when you have 400+ expertise already rather than dinging 50. The relics are one of the cheapest expertise slots. Edited by Ewert
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This is all terrible advice.


  • Buy 6 Champion Bags (5 more + 1 you already have).
  • Grab some Bounty Hunter friends and run the level 49 dailies for armor, mods, and enhancements. Have you friends give you the items they just earned. Put these into your Orange PVE gear immediately.
  • Buy all of the Centurion gear you can afford in NON-SLOTTED positions (Ear, Implants, Bracers, and Belt if you don't have an orange.
  • Get your blue crystal shards as explained above and your relic.
  • Pick up your PVP dailies from the Fleet and complete those for 2 more bags
  • Work on your Weeklies for 6 more bags
  • The difference between 200 Expertise and 500 expertise is around 5%. IMHO when you are just starting it is better to save for the best upgrades (Main Hand, Off hand) than to spend it all in a mad scramble for a little extra Expertise. The drop in your primary stat is going to hurt.


As you continue to earn Centurion Commendation start to replace your orange PVE gear. Be sure to pull the better level 49 Crit + Surge and Primary Stat Mods out of the PVE set and put them into the new Centurion Gear you are equipping.


If at the end of your first week of PVP you still haven't gotten a Champion drop from the bags (some people are luckier than others, I got my Chest and Main Hand as drops) then start to buy Champion Gear. Always start with your Main Hand weapon (highest stat increase you can purchase). Fill in your Champion Pieces as you can afford them while continuing to do dailies and weeklies.


I would also highly suggest that you participate in some hard mode flashpoints or normal mode operations. The Columi gear has better mods than the PVP gear for the most part. This means you can take the extremely easy to obtain PVE rewards and put those mod's into your PVP gear - by doing this you've just essentially turned Centurion gear into Champion gear.

Edited by Paerin
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