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I don't know about this "guild summit"


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It's just a PR stunt. While I'm sure they'll try to incorporate as many of the reasonable suggestions brought up at the event, the whole act of flying guild leaders to Austin for a live stream broadcast won't change anything major anytime soon. Most of the people they invited were probably in the beta already and have given the devs tons of feedback.


There really isn't anything these guys can ask or suggest that hasn't already had multiple posts on the forums.

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If they upped the difficulty of, well, everything, I don't think people would really complain. Honestly, this game is really easy. Unless you're really undergeared/suck, it's hard to fail at anything.


I wouldn't mind that. My concern isn't really adding difficulty, it's more along the lines of catering to hardcore players through a majority of new gear and content that casual / solo players will never even see.

Edited by Spymaster
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It's just a PR stunt. While I'm sure they'll try to incorporate as many of the reasonable suggestions brought up at the event, the whole act of flying guild leaders to Austin for a live stream broadcast won't change anything major anytime soon. Most of the people they invited were probably in the beta already and have given the devs tons of feedback.


There really isn't anything these guys can ask or suggest that hasn't already had multiple posts on the forums.


Hope this is true. I'd much rather they read the forums and get the general player's opinion than have them asking guild leaders what they want.

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It could turn out good for the game, or not.


I just hope they don't end up changing the game to cater more to hardcore players.


I wasn't worried about this until I really stopped and thought about the majority of posts made by guild players, especially pvpers. Now I am worried. They don't like lfg systems, they don't like solo pvp, they don't like an even playing field in any sense of the word in any portion of the game. To many players who belong to guilds, it's all about them, and everyone else should be playing single player games.

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It's just a PR stunt.


In a nutshell, this.


They don't care about what we have to say. If they did, the game would be sigificantly better right now, as 90% of the issues we're dealing with at the moment were repeatedly addressed by the beta testers and summarily ignored by this development team.

Edited by AJediKnight
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I wasn't worried about this until I really stopped and thought about the majority of posts made by guild players, especially pvpers. Now I am worried. They don't like lfg systems, they don't like solo pvp, they don't like an even playing field in any sense of the word in any portion of the game. To many players who belong to guilds, it's all about them, and everyone else should be playing single player games.


Bit exaggerated but there's truth in that.


If BW is dumb enough to cater to one player type at the expense of another, they will get what they deserve. :)


That could be good or bad.

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I wasn't worried about this until I really stopped and thought about the majority of posts made by guild players, especially pvpers. Now I am worried. They don't like lfg systems, they don't like solo pvp, they don't like an even playing field in any sense of the word in any portion of the game. To many players who belong to guilds, it's all about them, and everyone else should be playing single player games.



Join a a guild problem solved. ;)

You talk about guilds like they are the spawn of satan or something.All guilds are not hardcore raiding guilds.You have levelling guilds, raiding guilds, hardcore raiding guilds,pvp guilds etc,etc and you should be able to find a guild to suit your playstyle and how much time you can put into the game.

Getting feed back from guilds is a good idea as it covers the vast majority of the player base.

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I wasn't worried about this until I really stopped and thought about the majority of posts made by guild players, especially pvpers. Now I am worried. They don't like lfg systems, they don't like solo pvp, they don't like an even playing field in any sense of the word in any portion of the game. To many players who belong to guilds, it's all about them, and everyone else should be playing single player games.


I must be misunderstanding the intent of your post -- because this sounds bizarre.


Guilds don't like even playing fields, solo PvP, and LFG? Who says? When? Where? How? Your post makes no sense to me.

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If they did, the game would be sigificantly better right now, as 90% of the issues we're dealing with at the moment were repeatedly addressed by the beta testers and summarily ignored by this development team.


Better is a point of view. Some people like the game as is and some people hate it. You can never please every single person no matter how you change the game. The game won't ever be perfect so all they can do is just try to improve the game as best they can with the issues that the consensus of people agree the game has. Hardcore players will hate the game turning too casual and casual players will hate the game turning too hardcore. Just the nature of the beast.

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Join a a guild problem solved. ;)


Not really. Not everyone want's to be in a large hardcore raiding guild.


Some people just want to play in small guilds, solo or in small groups. If the game ends up catering to hardcore guilds only there realy is no way to "solve the problem".


Getting feed back from guilds is a good idea as it covers the vast majority of the player base.


I don't know about this ^


People who represent guilds and can fly off to Texas for summits aren't really the average players.

Edited by Spymaster
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Better is a point of view. Some people like the game as is and some people hate it. You can never please every single person no matter how you change the game. The game won't ever be perfect so all they can do is just try to improve the game as best they can with the issues that the consensus of people agree the game has. Hardcore players will hate the game turning too casual and casual players will hate the game turning too hardcore. Just the nature of the beast.


This is true, but I'm a bit worried that this game will do an SWG and try to change the game from what it is, to something totally different.


You already see a lot of complaints on the forums about this being a "single player MMO".... well, those of us playing the game currently and enjoying it don't really want to see it changed a great deal in order to please the hardcore crowd that has already come and gone.

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This is true, but I'm a bit worried that this game will do an SWG and try to change the game from what it is, to something totally different.


No, that isn't going to happen.


Which, frankly, is a shame, because I wouldn't shed a single tear if they turned combat into something more like what Tera is trying.

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This is true, but I'm a bit worried that this game will do an SWG and try to change the game from what it is, to something totally different.


You already see a lot of complaints on the forums about this being a "single player MMO".... well, those of us playing the game currently and enjoying it don't really want to see it changed a great deal in order to please the hardcore crowd that has already come and gone.


I myself am a casual player and this is my first MMO so I can't compare the game to any other games. I don't exactly know what is and isn't "broken" or "wrong" with the game. I personally am enjoying the game and will continue to do so and will adapt to the game as it changes. I enjoy the single player portion of the game and will start to branch out and experience more of the MMO side of things once I get more acquainted with the game and how MMO's generally work.

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I myself am a casual player and this is my first MMO so I can't compare the game to any other games. I don't exactly know what is and isn't "broken" or "wrong" with the game. I personally am enjoying the game and will continue to do so and will adapt to the game as it changes. I enjoy the single player portion of the game and will start to branch out and experience more of the MMO side of things once I get more acquainted with the game and how MMO's generally work.


Yeah, you're kinda the player I'm talking about here.


You're enjoying the game as it is.... you're not going to fly off to Texas with a list of changes you want to see to make the game less casual friendly, and more about large elite guild content with arbitrairy rules and huge gear gear gaps that keep normal players from competing in ranked WZ's or making progress in the end game game without a large guild backing them.


I'm worried that Bioware see's these hardcore players leaving the game and events like this are a way to keep them around. If that's the type of players they end up catrering to, those of us who enjoy the game now might be in trouble.

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Not really. Not everyone want's to be in a large hardcore raiding guild.


Some people just want to play in small guilds, solo or in small groups. If the game ends up catering to hardcore guilds only there realy is no way to "solve the problem".




I don't know about this ^


People who represent guilds and can fly off to Texas for summits aren't really the average players.


Just a little FYI, I wouldn't consider my guild "hardcore" we literally do operations one, maybe two nights a week and have cleared all 8-man NM content.


Seems a little too easy in my estimate. We aren't bad player by any means, but especially EV is just a complete joke. For all intents and purposes there are 2 bosses in that place. If you can get Annihilation droid you can get to Soa. Soa is a bit tougher, but not much.


Jarg + Sorno NM are the hardest fight currently in game in my opinion. Much harder than Karagga or Soa. This may be due to the fact that we have no offtank, and must cheese the strategy for this fight quite heavily, but nevertheless the healing requirements on the group are quite absurd.

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all I know, is if the game does end up being 'guild centric' becasue of this summit....i'm gone.


.no tears...just not interested in being a forced lemming with anonymous other players.


my 'real' freinds dont play mmos...so there wont be a guild of freinds....ever..


. I prefer solo mmo gaming. much more satisfying than pretending to be interedsted in another digital avatar just for the sake of completing a mission.

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all I know, is if the game does end up being 'guild centric' becasue of this summit....i'm gone.


.no tears...just not interested in being a forced lemming with anonymous other players.


my 'real' freinds dont play mmos...so there wont be a guild of freinds....ever..


. I prefer solo mmo gaming. much more satisfying than pretending to be interedsted in another digital avatar just for the sake of completing a mission.



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