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Guys, quit harping on the game...


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Listen guys, I'm quite disappointed in the way you have been harping on the game for not being absolutely perfect upon release. Most of you are rage quitting the game before giving it a chance to improve, do any of you remember previous mmos? There have been bugs and glitches among all MMOs and yes, I do realize there are quite a few in this game, I've even reported a few bugs and had help fixing them by the Customer Service representatives. Major bugs and glitches however you can't expect to be fixed overnight. They do have people working to fix these problems and they're going to release them when they are sure that the problem has been fixed. I remember playing WotLK on WoW (it's when I initially joined) and I was disappointed in the glitches and stuff that still popped up in the vanilla areas, however eventually these problems were corrected and the gameplay went a lot smoother. Seriously, just give the developers a chance and stop raging about how this game sucks, because to be honest I don't think any of you remember how long it took for WoW, Aion, Rift and various other MMOs took to fix the problems they have. Guys, it's just the BEGINNING of the third month of the game, give the poor Developers a break and stop acting like 12 year olds who have nothing better to do than to rage on TOR's Forums.
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Listen guys, I'm quite disappointed in the way you have been harping on the game for not being absolutely perfect upon release. Most of you are rage quitting the game before giving it a chance to improve, do any of you remember previous mmos? There have been bugs and glitches among all MMOs and yes, I do realize there are quite a few in this game, I've even reported a few bugs and had help fixing them by the Customer Service representatives. Major bugs and glitches however you can't expect to be fixed overnight. They do have people working to fix these problems and they're going to release them when they are sure that the problem has been fixed. I remember playing WotLK on WoW (it's when I initially joined) and I was disappointed in the glitches and stuff that still popped up in the vanilla areas, however eventually these problems were corrected and the gameplay went a lot smoother. Seriously, just give the developers a chance and stop raging about how this game sucks, because to be honest I don't think any of you remember how long it took for WoW, Aion, Rift and various other MMOs took to fix the problems they have. Guys, it's just the BEGINNING of the third month of the game, give the poor Developers a break and stop acting like 12 year olds who have nothing better to do than to rage on TOR's Forums.


I will complain for any product I pay and is not up to standards, and SWTOR is not up to any MMO standards for 2012.

You can say "but WoW at launch was worse than SWTOR" all you want, WoW at launch had its competition, and SWTOR at launch has its own, and frankly, its not faring too well...

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I will complain for any product I pay and is not up to standards, and SWTOR is not up to any MMO standards for 2012.

You can say "but WoW at launch was worse than SWTOR" all you want, WoW at launch had its competition, and SWTOR at launch has its own, and frankly, its not faring too well...


but he's quite disappointed in you. That MUST make you stop and reconsider how you feel about the game, no?

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I will complain for any product I pay and is not up to standards, and SWTOR is not up to any MMO standards for 2012.

You can say "but WoW at launch was worse than SWTOR" all you want, WoW at launch had its competition, and SWTOR at launch has its own, and frankly, its not faring too well...


Perhaps, but it's also not fair to base your judgements off of a game that has been around for years. WoW has improved since launch and TOR will too, you guys just gotta give it a chance.


That's all I'm saying.

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I will complain for any product I pay and is not up to standards, and SWTOR is not up to any MMO standards for 2012.

You can say "but WoW at launch was worse than SWTOR" all you want, WoW at launch had its competition, and SWTOR at launch has its own, and frankly, its not faring too well...


Juan has a point.


Certainly there are many elements missing that the gamers expect. Especially considering Bioware is a major company going after WoW.


However, I just dont care so much. Game is fun for me.


What I find intollerable is the manner in which most express their discontent here in the public space.


Juan is fair in his criticisms....


others not so much.

Edited by Blavatsky
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You all are of course entitled to your opinion, I'm not denying that. It's just the way you go about voicing your opinions is what has me disappointed, along with the basis of your opinions. I've seen people basically say that the game isn't up to par because of the bugs and glitches... my point about this is that all games take time to resolve bugs and glitches, even RPGs for the Xbox, PS3, ect... it's just due to the nature of those games, the actual game isn't released until the bugs are fixed.
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Hello everyone,


We are closing this thread. While we understand that people can be frustrated with the community at times, please understand that threads like this, while made with good intentions, tend to draw out people who wish to be overly negative and incite flames. In the future, please create threads that encourage constructive discussion, and not ones which criticize the community.


We appreciate your understanding that we've closed this thread!

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