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Marking healers with raid icons need to STOP!


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wow seriously?


its not the game.. its the people that play the game


it sounds like you all just want the opponents to just stand there while you can spam the 1 button until they are dead


jesus christ what is wrong with this next gen of gamers..


****in *****made

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And Rift is doing soooo well now right?


All the games that have this died. WoW killed the add on for it. Get a clue.


L2p. Or continue crying about how hard this game is. I guess we all know what option you'll be picking.

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Might as well ban the use of vent for rated wzs too, cause you can just call out names and it's just as effective as marking.


Vent is a serious advantage and only a moron would claim otherwise.


So marking healers is just going to make a Pre Made with Vent a GOD!


Vent and organized is good enough to win a fight, if you have to have EZ MODE ICONs too you suck.


Now many advantages do you need to win, where did skill go?


Really skill is doing you job and not having to have any cheats to do it.



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Vent is a serious advantage and only a moron would claim otherwise.


So marking healers is just going to make a Pre Made with Vent a GOD!


Vent and organized is good enough to win a fight, if you have to have EZ MODE ICONs too you suck.


Now many advantages do you need to win, where did skill go?


Really skill is doing you job and not having to have any cheats to do it.




Actually, premades don't need to mark, because they have vent. Marking for a premade really doesn't make them any better at all, since they're already calling focus targets and switches. That's right, AND SWITCHES, let's see you do that w/ a target marker in a pug.


What marking does is allow pugs to stand the tiniest chance against a premade on vent.


People running premades generally do not need their targets marked to focus them.

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L2p. Or continue crying about how hard this game is. I guess we all know what option you'll be picking.






Can not be summed up any better.


People suck so much at PVP they have to have a label and pointer as where to go.


This just shows how lame and crappy players are. No talent at all. NOOBS!!!!!

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Vent is a serious advantage and only a moron would claim otherwise.


So marking healers is just going to make a Pre Made with Vent a GOD!


Vent and organized is good enough to win a fight, if you have to have EZ MODE ICONs too you suck.


Now many advantages do you need to win, where did skill go?


Really skill is doing you job and not having to have any cheats to do it.




So because you dont use vent and you dont mark targets you want everyone else not to as well. OK buddy... I'll let everyone know you'll be sending us all a memo with your terrific points listed above. Please go back to playing WOW already. No one wants you here.

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DEFINITELY agree with this. this is absolute garbage and makes the healing class borderline useless in pvp. granted when im not marked i do love distracting a good 2-4 people for a bit from the actually objective but what happens when an enemy premade makes things easy mode by marking you. chain CC and death in seconds. pointless. your CC breaker wont always be up...


premades use voice chat, and guess what they chain cc and death you... you going to cry about it?


we're talking pugs who can't communicate effectively with each other... and even with a mark, it doesn't mean that the pug group will actually shoot the healer with coordination...


try to keep up...

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Vent is a serious advantage and only a moron would claim otherwise.


So marking healers is just going to make a Pre Made with Vent a GOD!


Vent and organized is good enough to win a fight, if you have to have EZ MODE ICONs too you suck.


Now many advantages do you need to win, where did skill go?


Really skill is doing you job and not having to have any cheats to do it.




Using something in the game is cheating now?


Id be mad if I sucked at this game too.

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Actually, premades don't need to mark, because they have vent. Marking for a premade really doesn't make them any better at all, since they're already calling focus targets and switches. That's right, AND SWITCHES, let's see you do that w/ a target marker in a pug.


What marking does is allow pugs to stand the tiniest chance against a premade on vent.


People running premades generally do not need their targets marked to focus them.


Then you would have no problem with them removing this from PVP.


I agree as a Scrapper I do not need EZ Mode to tell me where to find a healer.

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Healers need to stay out of the war zones. Healing is weak sauce and strictly for girls. Combat is about dealing damage and killing your enemies.


They should make it so if you want to heal you have to stand in a med tent somewhere away from the fighting and wait for the casualties to show up so you can spam your annoying little heals.


They should also make it so whenever you cast a heal it automatically throws a giant red cross mark over your pointed head so everyone knows you're just nancy boy care bear.


That's right, I said it.

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So because you dont use vent and you dont mark targets you want everyone else not to as well. OK buddy... I'll let everyone know you'll be sending us all a memo with your terrific points listed above. Please go back to playing WOW already. No one wants you here.


He's one of those "I'm below average and proud of it!" people.

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I disagree. I made this point in a related thread, but I'll do it here as well (just because!). Targeting the healers first is a pretty basic tactic. Anyone who does PvP often should realize that taking out the healers should be your first order of business. So, tagging a healer is almost redundant. Healers will be focused on -- period! Tag or no tag.

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Healers need to stay out of the war zones. Healing is weak sauce and strictly for girls. Combat is about dealing damage and killing your enemies.


They should make it so if you want to heal you have to stand in a med tent somewhere away from the fighting and wait for the casualties to show up so you can spam your annoying little heals.


They should also make it so whenever you cast a heal it automatically throws a giant red cross mark over your pointed head so everyone knows you're just nancy boy care bear.


That's right, I said it.


Proves this attitude is those that suck at PVP. Required EZ Mode to make up for no talent.


If you have to have it this easy for your inability to use interrupts and CC it prove my point.

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Then you would have no problem with them removing this from PVP.


I agree as a Scrapper I do not need EZ Mode to tell me where to find a healer.


I don't need a mark to find the healer. I'm usually the one calling out the healers to be marked in the first place.


I do this because all too often (ie: majority of pug warzones, every single day) because the average SWTOR pvper is unfortunately, not very good.


So my problem w/ removing this from PvP is that healers don't look distinct enough to the average SWTOR pvper for them to kill them w/out me placing a giant glowing sign over their heads.


There are also no other real tools besides Ops chat for me to try to coordinate my little soldiers to kill the healers on the fly, because for some reason, nobody bothers to read Ops chat in the middle of battle.

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I disagree. I made this point in a related thread, but I'll do it here as well (just because!). Targeting the healers first is a pretty basic tactic. Anyone who does PvP often should realize that taking out the healers should be your first order of business. So, tagging a healer is almost redundant. Healers will be focused on -- period! Tag or no tag.


The tag can be seen from across the WZ. This is EASY MODE for no talent.


The tag does not allow a healer to get away ever and recover as the tag is taller then most items in the WZ.


The tag persists after death over and over.


Again this is a unfair advantage and will result in no healer ever doing PVP.


How would DPS feel if you could never break 10k in damage. Not even the health of a scrub.


This is how healers feel when the entire match they heal only 10k, few medals and little valor.


Plain and simple this is a EXPLOIT and is unfair to healers.

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As you must be a DPS as only a DPS would say something this bias.


A healer is supposed to heal. How would you feel being the only healer in a PVP match.


This is exactly how healers feel in PVP as very few are crazy enough to want to heal.


Your solution is just to ensure healers never que up in PVP. Or get gear ever.


The marking is done by NOOBs that can not see one animation from another or NOOBs that have no talent to know you attack healers first.

The Pre Mades on the other hand just want EZ MODE PVP.


re roll if you are too scared to heal because you get focused...


and just to clarify your statement, the marking isn't done by noobs... it's done by experienced people who know who to target first, and do it so the rest of the noobs in his group realize the same thing...

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The tag can be seen from across the WZ. This is EASY MODE for no talent.


The tag does not allow a healer to get away ever and recover as the tag is taller then most items in the WZ.


The tag persists after death over and over.


Again this is a unfair advantage and will result in no healer ever doing PVP.


How would DPS feel if you could never break 10k in damage. Not even the health of a scrub.


This is how healers feel when the entire match they heal only 10k, few medals and little valor.


Plain and simple this is a EXPLOIT and is unfair to healers.


But then someone could just as easily say "Hey there's a healer right there! This is his name! Get 'im!" You wouldn't consider that unfair too, would you?

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Healers need to stay out of the war zones. Healing is weak sauce and strictly for girls. Combat is about dealing damage and killing your enemies.


They should make it so if you want to heal you have to stand in a med tent somewhere away from the fighting and wait for the casualties to show up so you can spam your annoying little heals.


They should also make it so whenever you cast a heal it automatically throws a giant red cross mark over your pointed head so everyone knows you're just nancy boy care bear.


That's right, I said it.


I lol'd. : )


Yes, I know you're not being serious. Unlike that other guy, apparently.

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Can not be summed up any better.


People suck so much at PVP they have to have a label and pointer as where to go.


This just shows how lame and crappy players are. No talent at all. NOOBS!!!!!


ahahahahahahahah rageeeeeeee! this guy is the winner of the thread! move over misspriss!

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So because you dont use vent and you dont mark targets you want everyone else not to as well. OK buddy... I'll let everyone know you'll be sending us all a memo with your terrific points listed above. Please go back to playing WOW already. No one wants you here.


Vent is fine.


Look in vent you can not see the respawn point of the healer before he even leaves the respawn point and is standing there before the door lets him out.


This gives the enemy 45 seconds to get back to the door and kill him instantly so he spends another 45 seconds waiting. Over and over and over and over.


THIS IS A EXPLIOT PLAIN AND SIMPLE. The healer does not have a chance in hell of healing.


Vent allows coordination of the team but does not create a EXPLOIT, the tag is a EXPLOIT!

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