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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Already /afk in fleet - PVP boring/imbalanced?


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- Illum is: whoever has most players camps the others while controlling the "planet"

- Warzones are: if you have 2+ players that have less than 15k hp... you are very likely to lose

- Some classes are obviously ahead of other classes


The more you get geared the more you get gear "faster" after as objectives are not ajusted to it (still).


The PVP "bug" that got the empire "geared" clearly killed this "balance" that was supposed to go a lot slower.... or what is it?


Now i try to queue and wait... then wait... then i get in only to see some playerS with 12-14k hp getting rolled in 30 seconds.


EACH and EVERY Warzones are "finished" after less than 1 minute.... or you start with 6-7 players and its the same result.


It is one of the reasons I left previous game. No balance = no fun.


Is it really so hard to see / fix? Does anyone "care"?

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The PVP "bug" that got the empire "geared" clearly killed this "balance" that was supposed to go a lot slower.... or what is it?


I played WZs all the way up to Battlemaster. I'm not sure how you'd consider that a "bug". Maybe it bugs you that some people invested more time into this game then you, and on account of their time investment they do indeed have better gear then you.


A full set of Champion gear is all you really need though, the difference between Champion and Battlemaster is quite small.


Some people dislike it, personally I enjoy the WZs in this game. Huttball is the best of the three, it's more original/different. huttball is also the most fun because of how players can use the environment against their enemies.


Last time I checked, most WZs take about 15min to end, not 1min. And I've won 8v12 Huttball matches, so 7v8 isn't the end of the world.

Edited by deltaminus
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I think it just differs on different servers.

On my server, we have a lot of imps who got their rank/gear via ilum leeching, tho they can't really play well. And we also have reps who are much lower rank than imps and still faceroll them badly.


The only thing I don't like is: If there's a possibility to leech Ilum, imps will be there, making WZ pops very slow :(

Edited by Stranger_LDR
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I played WZs all the way up to Battlemaster. I'm not sure how you'd consider that a "bug". Maybe it bugs you that some people invested more time into this game then you, and on account of their time investment they do indeed have better gear then you.



What planet have you been living on. His talking about how on most servers Empire

players got to battlemaster in one day by exploiting Ilum by camping Republic spawn.

And bioware did nothing.

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What planet have you been living on. His talking about how on most servers Empire

players got to battlemaster in one day by exploiting Ilum by camping Republic spawn.

And bioware did nothing.


Yet Empire players that didn't do that, such as myself, are being accused of doing that through generalizations such as yours and that of the OP.


The fact of the matter is, if you're not Battlemaster by now, you have no one to blame but yourself. And if you are Battlemaster, you'd have a full set of Champion gear and Battlemaster ear/implants at the VERY LEAST... which would mean you're already rather close stat wise to someone in full Battlemaster gear.

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What planet have you been living on. His talking about how on most servers Empire

players got to battlemaster in one day by exploiting Ilum by camping Republic spawn.

And bioware did nothing.


Bioware did nothing because they didn't react fast enough to the problem when it first happened. On top of that they didn't have the balls to remove the exploited valor retroactively.


Another thing, bs generalizations just make your opinion invalid. Implying, and yes you are implying, that all Empire players got BM from exploiting is ridiculous.

Edited by Ozzone
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Yet Empire players that didn't do that, such as myself, are being accused of doing that through generalizations such as yours and that of the OP.


The fact of the matter is, if you're not Battlemaster by now, you have no one to blame but yourself. And if you are Battlemaster, you'd have a full set of Champion gear and Battlemaster ear/implants at the VERY LEAST... which would mean you're already rather close stat wise to someone in full Battlemaster gear.


I respect and think it's great that players like you got there the right way.

Also remember alot of new players jon the game everyday who know nothing about these things and they have to faace all of these battlemasters in the hard way.The same people who exploited are the ones complaining in WZ about that damd new 50 player with 12 k HP

who doesnt know better and is maybe new to MMOs.

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- Illum is: whoever has most players camps the others while controlling the "planet"

- Warzones are: if you have 2+ players that have less than 15k hp... you are very likely to lose

- Some classes are obviously ahead of other classes


The more you get geared the more you get gear "faster" after as objectives are not ajusted to it (still).


The PVP "bug" that got the empire "geared" clearly killed this "balance" that was supposed to go a lot slower.... or what is it?


Now i try to queue and wait... then wait... then i get in only to see some playerS with 12-14k hp getting rolled in 30 seconds.


EACH and EVERY Warzones are "finished" after less than 1 minute.... or you start with 6-7 players and its the same result.


It is one of the reasons I left previous game. No balance = no fun.


Is it really so hard to see / fix? Does anyone "care"?


jup thats it. and if you do premade with 4 ppl. you win every *********** WZ because its not very hard to facerool those randoms with crappy gear. actually it is LESS fun to play in premades atm.


thats why i stopped playing, too. 1.2 seems to far away. no way i pay for another month. and 1.1.5 is to late with the change for the crappy bag system for BMs. like 45-50 bags and not a single BM token.... yeah, great.


so i would have to grin out huttball every day AGAIN to get my BM gear now, with either premades which is boring as **** or solo and be annoyed of the 11k HP ppl and leavers etc.


Whats the point if you cant get fun out of PvPing atm? And if you pause until 1.2 hits... yeah then you have rated WZs BUT... not full BM gear = disadvantage to all luckers who got lucky with BM token drops before patch.


no thanks.

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