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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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Well I'm particularly thrilled about this. Well done BioWare. Thank you for treating this with respect and ensuring it's done right.



Regarding the implementation, it seems to me the easiest solution would be account level options. A kind of parental control that determines what is turned on and/or off. This would also appeal to parents who would rather their kids not experience certain material until they are emotionally mature enough to do so.


I can't speak for the technical end of things but this seems like the most elegant solution as it accommodates everyone whatever their preference.


Also, the next major patch looks awesome! Keep up the good work.



I think that a case could be made for flirtatious droids. Particularly whimsical flirting like astromech droids. I mean, they already whistle...

Edited by Ghostmachine
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If they are able to change the companions sexuality due to their personality. I wont mind. Otherwise it would probably end up like biowares last screw up where they ruined Anders from dragon age. You got a wide range of personalities in the game. Youd be better off letting it work with a character who would seem to go that direction.


You wouldnt add syrup and icecream to a flame grilled steak. Nor would you add garlic sauce to a piece of cake


I'd rather keep the relationship as a bro-mance with corso. (Like Turk and JD from scrubs) He's your typical cowboy, alot of people have given some fairly good points about this, and many would a gree that it would be better off if he stayed straight.

On a personal note,I would probably shoot him if he went broke back mountain on me :p That stupid grappling thing is already a big enough pain. Considering the fact that Im a gunslinger. I would probably be terrified of that thing every time I would go behind cover. (The enemy would probably die laughing seeing it happen though -BANG!!- -SHHLLK- AHHHHHHHHHH!!!'' -headshot-)


My main point being. Your better off doing some minor changes and making only certain characters available for that option rather than whoring out trying to please everyone.


Although....Having the option to install it would be a better idea too. That way everyones happy.

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As for ME3,



No Ash, really? That is a surprise considering all the tension and Liara's obvious jealousy - not that I'd ever cheat on the blueberry goddess. Traynor is sooooo getting a singleFemshep just for her /sigh I'm even thinking of finally playing broShep for Steve - I just want to hug him every time we speak :) that man really needs some happiness.



Noooo. Kaidan all the way. <3 I always thought it was stupid that they cut out his m/m romance in ME1. >_> Kaidan is mah baby. :D

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For everyone, please, PLEASE, keep all ME3 talk out of this thread until people can experience it for themselves. Seriously. It's not fun coming here to talk about SWTOR and being spoiled for a game that does not come out until Thursday or Friday in many parts of the world. Don't be that person.
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Don't forget that the story patch can bring new companions as well, so for some classes the assumed SGR companion can be a new one.


Actually, my wild guess is that the patch will bring one new available companion to all classes, either exclusive or shared with some other classes. The patch will probably aim to bring new story content not just for SGR but for all. Assuming every class will have one male and one female SGR companion, that companion will for some classes be an existing one, and for some a new one.


They may indeed come out with new companions, but sharing between classes? No. I am so very much against that, I'd uninstall the game and never look back. They've said they want to do it right. Token companions are not right.

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Well I'm particularly thrilled about this. Well done BioWare. Thank you for treating this with respect and ensuring it's done right.



Regarding the implementation, it seems to me the easiest solution would be account level options. A kind of parental control that determines what is turned on and/or off. This would also appeal to parents who would rather their kids not experience certain material until they are emotionally mature enough to do so.


I can't speak for the technical end of things but this seems like the most elegant solution as it accommodates everyone whatever their preference.


Also, the next major patch looks awesome! Keep up the good work.



I think that a case could be made for flirtatious droids. Particularly whimsical flirting like astromech droids. I mean, they already whistle...


Actually, I think the easiest solution is to treat them exactly like OGRAs. No filters, no options, just a flirt tag and everyone's own common sense.

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They may indeed come out with new companions, but sharing between classes? No. I am so very much against that, I'd uninstall the game and never look back. They've said they want to do it right. Token companions are not right.


I agree fully. So, what other LI do you want to see in the game? I mentioned DS Jaesa as a f/f, but only if LS Jaesa is romancable as well.

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If they are able to change the companions sexuality due to their personality. I wont mind. Otherwise it would probably end up like biowares last screw up where they ruined Anders from dragon age. You got a wide range of personalities in the game. Youd be better off letting it work with a character who would seem to go that direction.


You wouldnt add syrup and icecream to a flame grilled steak. Nor would you add garlic sauce to a piece of cake


I'd rather keep the relationship as a bro-mance with corso. (Like Turk and JD from scrubs) He's your typical cowboy, alot of people have given some fairly good points about this, and many would a gree that it would be better off if he stayed straight.

On a personal note,I would probably shoot him if he went broke back mountain on me :p That stupid grappling thing is already a big enough pain. Considering the fact that Im a gunslinger. I would probably be terrified of that thing every time I would go behind cover. (The enemy would probably die laughing seeing it happen though -BANG!!- -SHHLLK- AHHHHHHHHHH!!!'' -headshot-)


My main point being. Your better off doing some minor changes and making only certain characters available for that option rather than whoring out trying to please everyone.


Although....Having the option to install it would be a better idea too. That way everyones happy.


Personality and sexuality have nothing to do with each other. Past behavior, certainly, but unless a character actually tells you they aren't into sex with their own gender, there is no way to know for sure.


Anders, for example, was always bi. His personality changed because of his merging with Justice, but his orientation was never anything different. If you actually took him with you in your party in Awakening there is no way you didn't notice that, especially if you took Nathaniel as well.


So, Corso. Whether the writers think the same thing I do is up in the air, but

if you look at the romance he has with the female Smuggler it becomes apparent that he idolizes women and doesn't really understand them as people. His experiences with women come down to being engaged to a girl his parents picked for him who he didn't love and didn't care about enough to look her up after everything went south on Ord Mantell. It's somewhat likely he's never had any other romantic entaglements. When he courts the Smuggler he is attracted to all the things that aren't "lady-like" and he has to fight his own upbringing and expectations every step of the way.


Making the story work for him and a male Smuggler is not just easy, it seems natural. Of course he's queer, he goes for the girl who is least like a woman in his mind. And in a universe where that same person is a guy? He says "Anything you want, Captain." and hopes that some day the Captain will realize he means "I love you." /gratuitous Princess Bride reference


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I agree fully. So, what other LI do you want to see in the game? I mentioned DS Jaesa as a f/f, but only if LS Jaesa is romancable as well.


I think I'd really love it if Nadia were not the SGRA option for female Consulars. I like the girl, but the whole Padawan thing bothers me like you wouldn't believe. I think Zenith would be a great romance option for either gender once he trusts the Consular enough to open up. I'm undecided on Felix - his story is actually really interesting, but the OG romance starts way too early and it's hard to connect with him before you know why he is the way he is.


On Troopers, I am extremely partial to Aric Jorgan for the SGRA. I haven't really met any of the other companions, but whoa, that one, please. I want.


Jedi Knights I only met Kira and the droid, but yes, I want Kira and I've heard some interesting things about Rusk.


For Smugglers, I don't care about Risha as much as most people I know, but Corso and Akaavi are definitely top of the list.


Haven't really played Empire since beta, but from what I heard and read, I want Vette, Mako, Torian, and Quinn.

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They may indeed come out with new companions, but sharing between classes? No. I am so very much against that, I'd uninstall the game and never look back. They've said they want to do it right. Token companions are not right.


I didn't mean that the only SGR option would be token shared companions, but that along with some existing companions being expanded to allow SGR, there could also be some new companions, potentially shared between classes, let's say 4 new companions divided among the 8 classes, so that all in all every class gets at least one SGR option, and every class gets one new potential companion whether an SGR option or not.


As long as the game in total provides a wide variety of companions available, I wouldn't mind it if a couple of them aren't exclusive to one class only.


This is all speculation, of course, but it's just a theory of mine that they might want to give something new to each class, but don't have the budget to make 8 (16) new companions every time they add compantions.

Edited by gekko_s
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I agree fully. So, what other LI do you want to see in the game? I mentioned DS Jaesa as a f/f, but only if LS Jaesa is romancable as well.


I don't know who Jaesa is or what class she's a companion for, but all the "spoilers" I've been accidentally seeing seem to indicate it's a companion who's Light or Dark sidedness is something you have control over. I hope they don't make her gender preference based upon which path she's on. I can't quite put my finger on it (maybe because it's about 6 AM), but that feels wrong.


I think I'd really love it if Nadia were not the SGRA option for female Consulars. I like the girl, but the whole Padawan thing bothers me like you wouldn't believe.


That's a shame; I adore Nadia and hope she's a Consular female romance option! Same with Elara, really. Maybe more so with Elara, now that I've actually met her in-game.

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I don't know who Jaesa is or what class she's a companion for, but all the "spoilers" I've been accidentally seeing seem to indicate it's a companion who's Light or Dark sidedness is something you have control over. I hope they don't make her gender preference based upon which path she's on. I can't quite put my finger on it (maybe because it's about 6 AM), but that feels wrong.


Jaesa is the apprentice that is available to SW at about lvl 28-32(it depends upon how quickly you finish your class quest.) She is not currently romancable if you keep her as a LS character. I hope this isn't a spoiler(and if it is, please let me know and I'll edit it), but you do have the choice when you first get her to keep her LS or make her into a rather crazy DS character. I'd like LS Jaesa available for all, OGR or SGR, since she isn't available for romance at this time. Making her only gay if she's a DS and only straight if she's a LS would be unfair to say the least. It seems like a form of discrimination. That being said, I have faith that Bioware isn't going to something that exclusive. :cool:

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I didn't mean that the only SGR option would be token shared companions, but that along with some existing companions being expanded to allow SGR, there could also be some new companions, potentially shared between classes, let's say 4 new companions divided among the 8 classes, so that all in all every class gets at least one SGR option, and every class gets one new potential companion whether an SGR option or not.


As long as the game in total provides a wide variety of companions available, I wouldn't mind it if a couple of them aren't exclusive to one class only.


This is all speculation, of course, but it's just a theory of mine that they might want to give something new to each class, but don't have the budget to make 8 (16) new companions every time they add compantions.


I don't think they should do that for romance companions, really. Others like HK-51, sure, share the hell out of that guy. But romances should stay class-specific. And I even have a objective reason why (you know, aside from my BUT I DON'T WANNA SHARE MOOOOOM temper tantrum). Currently companions won't be able to be added to Legacy, but they are working on that. And how unfortunate would it be if all my lesbians happened to be married to the same girl, espececially if they're, like, children or grandchildren?

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For everyone, please, PLEASE, keep all ME3 talk out of this thread until people can experience it for themselves. Seriously. It's not fun coming here to talk about SWTOR and being spoiled for a game that does not come out until Thursday or Friday in many parts of the world. Don't be that person.


I fully agree. Using an ME3 comparison might be a handy way of getting your point across but we're all clever enough to think of comparisons that aren't also spoilers for a game that's still brand new.

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Hey everyone!


As some members have already asked, while we understand you are comparing aspects of Mass Effect 3 with Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ for the use as an analogy, we ask that you keep the thread constructive and on the topic of the game.


Thank you! :)

Edited by Ellvaan
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Ah, my friends. I can come here, post my opinion and not get flamed for it. ;)


I'd like Pierce, Doc and Torian to be available for both SGR and OGR relationships. Quinn I'd rather punt out the airlock into the nearest sun, but that's neither here nor there. For those that aren't familiar w/ the SW, careful, lest ye be spoiled:



I found him very boring to start with. A glorified "yes-man" with all the personality of a piece of bread. Then he betrayed me, and I've wanted to swap him out ever since. He doesn't have to be the only healer. If you're willing to gear up the ship droid, he can be a really good healer.



I also think Arik should be available to all. He's tough, fun and really a kick to have around.


The only people I don't want to be ready for romance are:




The trooper's wookie(forgive me, I don't remember the name)

Any ship droids


Qzyen(although that I can understand why people may want him)

Khem Val(I've seen those that want him...and I just go :eek: )

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Dang, some good answers got cut out, but thank you to the mods for staying on top of this thread!


So, now that we're back on track, any other ideas? Either for possible SGRs or how to possibly "unlock" them(for those that are 50)?

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I know it's a common topic of discussion, but I've given it some thought, and I don't think we'll be getting a new companion for SGRs. We know SGRs are coming in a story patch, and one or more new companions seems like way, way too big a job for just a patch. Think about it: adding a new companion not only means a ton of new writing and voice acting, it also means going back through a ton of missions in the game - potentially every single one - and figuring out how that companion would react to the PC's choices. Obviously, I can't say for sure, but that sounds like weeks of work at the least. :eek: So I could be wrong, but I don't see it happening.


Something else that's got me thinking:

Yes, that's true. We can guess some things - Nadia will more likely than not be the F/F option for Consulars, since she's the one female companion.

Not only that, but every female companion in this game is a romance option, and for five out of eight classes, that female companion is their only female companion. The only exception is SCORPIO, and I think she gets a pass because she's a droid. ...though if TOR was a single-player game, someone would have modded that romance in by now. :D


So it's entirely possible that most if not all female companions will be SGR options. I'm making this guess based on how every class currently has at least one male and one female romance option; given BioWare's reputation for equality, I'm hoping that they'll want to make every class have at least one SGR option for both genders.


Honestly, I just want Kira to tell Doc "Back off, she's mine!" I don't think that's asking for too much. :p


Also, just so no one misinterprets me, I fully support SGRs with male companions, I'm just not personally interested in them. Just because I probably won't play them doesn't mean I don't want everyone to be happy. :)

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Oh, I've been watching you(Mused) in several incarnations of this thread, and I can safely say that you are supportive. My husband is the same way; he probably won't play SGR, but he's a fan of diversity. He likes having the choice available.


When it comes to new companions for SGRs, I'm torn. On the one hand, I'll get to meet new companions. I've loved the way the companion stories played out and it would be neat to see another one.


On the other hand...I'm pretty attached to my current companions. Most of them(except Broon and Quinn) are at maxed affection. If they put in a new companion just for LIs, then I'll be kinda wondering if all the affection I got for my girls(and Pierce) would be in vain.


Off-topic, but quick: Mused, do you post comments on videos for the Nostalgia Critic? The name is pretty distinct.

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My thought on Corso- is that coming from a small farm community I think he fits the M/M roll quite well. Having met men with similar views as his as far as women go.


Also pleas hide any possible spoilers for M3 my daughter ordered mine and didn't pay for it to be here at release :( now I have to wait for USPS :(

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Also pleas hide any possible spoilers for M3 my daughter ordered mine and didn't pay for it to be here at release :( now I have to wait for USPS :(


Don't worry, the devs are on top of it! :D And for the record, I completely agree about Corso.

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b) Pets! Perhaps a small vanity pet(such as a kitten for Vette) that has a tag that says, "Vette-For Romance Only," next to it.


The only thing I can think of now is my Sith Warrior lady, all decked out in full warrior gear, lightsaber at her belt, tattoos, weird eyes, and everything else walking into a pet shop and demanding a kitten.


And after she leaves, the staff look at each other until one says, "She's going to eat it, isn't she."


And then back to the ship, where she and Vette are tickling the kittens tummy, going "Coochy-coo! Who's a pretty kitty then!"



Otherwise, I'm pleased by the news. And willing to wait for it to be implemented.

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As MusedMoose said, they can't just go adding companions willy-nilly - it must make sense or they'll just become unimportant, token companions who are just there so their gayness can shine like a beacon bright enough to be seen from Dromund Kaas.


Only I can do that.

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I know it's a common topic of discussion, but I've given it some thought, and I don't think we'll be getting a new companion for SGRs. We know SGRs are coming in a story patch, and one or more new companions seems like way, way too big a job for just a patch. Think about it: adding a new companion not only means a ton of new writing and voice acting, it also means going back through a ton of missions in the game - potentially every single one - and figuring out how that companion would react to the PC's choices. Obviously, I can't say for sure, but that sounds like weeks of work at the least. :eek: So I could be wrong, but I don't see it happening.

I agree that it probably is a lot of work to add new companions, so if they do add some new ones as supplement for SGR, it seems logical that it'll be part of a set of new companions that benefits all.


I don't know how they plan to do it with patches and expansions, but I know they've added a flashpoint in a content patch. A flashpoint and a set of new companions for story continuation are perhaps comparable in complexity.


I guess it depends what the point of the story patch will be, it can be mainly to address SGR, is can be mainly to go further with existing stories or it can be mainly to add a greater selection of stories/companions. Or a combination of those.

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The only thing I can think of now is my Sith Warrior lady, all decked out in full warrior gear, lightsaber at her belt, tattoos, weird eyes, and everything else walking into a pet shop and demanding a kitten.


And after she leaves, the staff look at each other until one says, "She's going to eat it, isn't she."


And then back to the ship, where she and Vette are tickling the kittens tummy, going "Coochy-coo! Who's a pretty kitty then!"


LMAO!! Thanks, just the chuckle I needed before bed. :D


Now I'm picturing Kit, with those glowing red eyes, playing with an akk puppy(my idea for either Mako or Pierce.)


No romance pets for Khem Val, even if he becomes a romancable choice.(still makes me go :eek: ) He's likely to eat the poor critter, or "I will love him and pet him and name him George."

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