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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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I like suggest a question you guys should ask from the q and a


it is


When are we going see more companion characters who will have additional romance options?



this question doesn't only apply you guys.


instead ask when are sgr going add which people are tired see ask this question instead

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I like suggest a question you guys should ask from the q and a


it is


When are we going see more companion characters who will have additional romance options?



this question doesn't only apply you guys.


instead ask when are sgr going add which people are tired see ask this question instead


No thank you, but thanks for the suggestion and bump.

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I like suggest a question you guys should ask from the q and a


it is


When are we going see more companion characters who will have additional romance options?



this question doesn't only apply you guys.


instead ask when are sgr going add which people are tired see ask this question instead


Except that we don't want to know about more companion characters. We want to know about SGRAs specifically, and by extension whether they will apply to current or future companions.

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you ask same question over again not only do you guys phase same way it might look like got alot people ask it but it might look to dev that some person has 50 account is ask the same question over and over




on point about i not one from romance some players want human and droid romance but i not one them so add addition companion could also apply players that want see this

Edited by SavageElf
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you ask same question over again not only do you guys phase same way it might look like got alot people ask it but it might look to dev that some person 50 account is ask the same question over and over


Right, because the devs can't tell that these are all individual accounts. :rolleyes:


on point about i not one from romance some players what human and droid romance but i not one them so add addition companion could also apply players that want see this


And they will add additional companions, I'm sure. But, again, that's not what we're concerned with so no, we're not going to ask about it.

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One of the reasons I'm such a dedicated follower of Bioware and their games is their inclusion of the LGBT community. As a gaymer having the option to romance same gender characters adds a level of depth I don't get in most other games. I was pretty surprised when I discovered these have yet to be implemented, as Bioware has pretty much led the pack in such inclusion.


I hope they roll this out soon so I don't miss out. I don't want to have to reroll to get the "full experience" of the same-sex romances.


So there hasn't been any new statements regarding this issue? :-(

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One of the reasons I'm such a dedicated follower of Bioware and their games is their inclusion of the LGBT community. As a gaymer having the option to romance same gender characters adds a level of depth I don't get in most other games. I was pretty surprised when I discovered these have yet to be implemented, as Bioware has pretty much led the pack in such inclusion.


I hope they roll this out soon so I don't miss out. I don't want to have to reroll to get the "full experience" of the same-sex romances.


So there hasn't been any new statements regarding this issue? :-(


Sadly nothing new. We're hoping something comes from the guild summit.

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you ask same question over again not only do you guys phase same way it might look like got alot people ask it but it might look to dev that some person has 50 account is ask the same question over and over.

I did see at least two people copy and past my post from last week. That does happen when someone has framed the question to clearly and briefly hit all the points people want to bring up themselves.


I didn't ask them to, but neither do I mind. I used to work re-writing articles for PhD.s who liked my writing style and wanted to employ it - literally.


On the other hand, "Any update on SGRA's?" is going to sound the same no matter how many people phrase it similarly for brevity.


No - it's not three people sharing 80 accounts amongst them. It's roughly 10% of the forum community who want a status update on same-gender content more than they want the answer to any other question.


We're just well-organized because these issues are only allowed discussion in two forum threads, so it's easy to remind anyone who is so inclined to ask.


Not, you may notice, that it has made a damn bit of difference so far as receiving an answer is concerned, but we are instructed that the Q&A thread is the best means of assuring our concerns are at the attention of the Development Team.

Edited by Uluain
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Agreed, no point in talking about new companions when the ones we already have are still missing content.


How are they missing content and since when does every romancable companion have to have a same sex option??

Edited by Paralassa
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How are they missing content and since when does every romancable companion have to have a same sex option??


--edit: mods seemed to have removed the part of your post I was responding to lol--

Edited by emusan
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Gods, can we please stop going around in circles and get back to implementation discussion?


Do you think other companions should react to the SGRA? I don't know if they make any sort of comment when your PC hooks up with one for an OGRA but it could be entertaining to see some sort of comment from the other companions (as long as it's, obviously, not homophobic or anything).

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Do you think other companions should react to the SGRA? I don't know if they make any sort of comment when your PC hooks up with one for an OGRA but it could be entertaining to see some sort of comment from the other companions (as long as it's, obviously, not homophobic or anything).


Well... I think that would depend on the companion. Some of them, definitely. I can imagine one or two being so disinterested that they maintain a 'don't want to know' attitude or being so oblivious that they just go, 'Wait, what??' when the discussions come up, but I definitely think some companions should notice.


I mean... they're not capital ships. Sooner or later people are going to notice the captain and one of the crew sneaking off for 'private meetings'. I liked that the characters in DAO discussed it with you and I really think they should replicate that in TOR.

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Well... I think that would depend on the companion. Some of them, definitely. I can imagine one or two being so disinterested that they maintain a 'don't want to know' attitude or being so oblivious that they just go, 'Wait, what??' when the discussions come up, but I definitely think some companions should notice.


I mean... they're not capital ships. Sooner or later people are going to notice the captain and one of the crew sneaking off for 'private meetings'. I liked that the characters in DAO discussed it with you and I really think they should replicate that in TOR.


Agreed. It could be done humorously too... like I could see Bowdaar telling a smuggler "I'll keep everyone away from the door!" and then Corso being all "I need to see the Captain. What do you mean she's in there with Risha? So what? Bowdaar let me at the door!" and Bowie being all "You are obtuse..."

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Do you think other companions should react to the SGRA? I don't know if they make any sort of comment when your PC hooks up with one for an OGRA but it could be entertaining to see some sort of comment from the other companions (as long as it's, obviously, not homophobic or anything).

I've thought about this, and while I don't know all the companions, I can see this being hilarious for some. :D


I remember seeing something in a companion video where Kaliyo kisses the Imperial Agent and says something about being much better than Temple. From what I know of Kaliyo, I wouldn't be surprised if she acted like that regardless of who the PC got involved with, though I highly doubt she'd take kindly to anyone offering to share the Agent. :)


We've talked about Aric before, and how Cathar mate for life. While I definitely wouldn't want to see anything homophobic in the reactions, I can see him talking to a female Trooper who's in a relationship with Elara and asking about family, assuming they're going to adopt and all that. He seems a pretty traditional sort, so I think he'd think of that.


Not sure how Risha would react with the smuggler, but I can see Akaavi's reaction being a very distinct "Whatever". Though I did just get her today, haven't really started to chip through that tough exterior.


I don't know any of the Sith Warrior's companions besides Vette very well, but I can see it being no big deal to her. She's been around a lot, so it probably wouldn't be the same SGR she's seen. Though it would be hysterical if a female SW and Jaesa approached Vette for... no, no, the game's rated Teen... :p


I mean... they're not capital ships. Sooner or later people are going to notice the captain and one of the crew sneaking off for 'private meetings'. I liked that the characters in DAO discussed it with you and I really think they should replicate that in TOR.

Oh, yes. There definitely should be discussions. I've loved the few scenes I've had where the companions really interact, more of those would be great, especially with some extra added awkwardness. :D


Agreed. It could be done humorously too... like I could see Bowdaar telling a smuggler "I'll keep everyone away from the door!" and then Corso being all "I need to see the Captain. What do you mean she's in there with Risha? So what? Bowdaar let me at the door!" and Bowie being all "You are obtuse..."

...I think I would renew my subscription forever if things like that happened.

Edited by MusedMoose
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Agreed. It could be done humorously too... like I could see Bowdaar telling a smuggler "I'll keep everyone away from the door!" and then Corso being all "I need to see the Captain. What do you mean she's in there with Risha? So what? Bowdaar let me at the door!" and Bowie being all "You are obtuse..."


I like Elara's solution to the problem in her romance with a male Trooper, and she could just as easily apply it to the female. Elara's normally the one who does Havoc Squad's paperwork, so to get some alone time with her CO she arranges it so that everyone else has to leave the ship to spend hours at the mercy of the Republic bureaucracy. Although I think Aric would eventually ask "Sir, is there a reason I've now filled out these forms five times now, and a reason I get requests for the forms every time you and Sergeant Dorne exchange looks?"

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NONE of the current companions were intended to be SGR options


Whether that is true or not is irrelevant now.


There are going to be SGRA's (fingers crossed). The best way to implement them is with the existing options. The way people want them implemented is with the existing options. The least resource intensive way of implementing them is with the existing options. That fastest way to implement them would be with the existing options. And that is all assuming that I even agree they weren't intended to be SGRA options originally, which is think is as likely to be false as it is likely to be true.

Edited by Nozybidaj
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I am questioning if I should try to submit a question at the guild summit or not. I have some doubts about it because like most companies. The questions are most likely screened . :( Course , it would shock the heck out of me to actually see one about SGRA answered tomorrow.


But if they were to unlock it for companions to have sgra. I would be willing to have my affection reset to zero just to experience it. :D

Edited by Innocentone
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I like Elara's solution to the problem in her romance with a male Trooper, and she could just as easily apply it to the female. Elara's normally the one who does Havoc Squad's paperwork, so to get some alone time with her CO she arranges it so that everyone else has to leave the ship to spend hours at the mercy of the Republic bureaucracy. Although I think Aric would eventually ask "Sir, is there a reason I've now filled out these forms five times now, and a reason I get requests for the forms every time you and Sergeant Dorne exchange looks?"

...I am so glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read that. That's hilarious. Also has me really looking forward to the later parts of romancing Elara with my trooper. :D


And I pity the poor fool who tries to interrupt the smuggler's snuggle time with Akaavi. I just picture someone pounding on the captain's door, Akaavi storming toward it, opening it to see Corso or Risha. Akaavi says, "You're needed in medbay," and hurls the offender toward medbay, then slams the door shut and... resumes. :D


I am questioning if I should try to submit a question at the guild summit or not. I have some doubts about it because like most companies. The questions are most likely screened . :( Course , it would shock the heck out of me to actually see one about SGRA answered tomorrow.

I say go for it. It's always worth trying; I'll be submitting one as well if I can because the times are when I'm at work. Far, far better to try than to give up without ever knowing. It works in real life, it can work on the internet too. :)

Edited by MusedMoose
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I am questioning if I should try to submit a question at the guild summit or not. I have some doubts about it because like most companies. The questions are most likely screened . :( Course , it would shock the heck out of me to actually see one about SGRA answered tomorrow.


No reason not to if that is the question you want to ask. Yeah they will be screened and likely already know what questions they are going to answer and what those answers are, but it doesn't hurt to ask any way.

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I am questioning if I should try to submit a question at the guild summit or not. I have some doubts about it because like most companies. The questions are most likely screened . :( Course , it would shock the heck out of me to actually see one about SGRA answered tomorrow.


Well, screened or not, we can't influence that, but: There's no harm in trying.

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I like Elara's solution to the problem in her romance with a male Trooper, and she could just as easily apply it to the female. Elara's normally the one who does Havoc Squad's paperwork, so to get some alone time with her CO she arranges it so that everyone else has to leave the ship to spend hours at the mercy of the Republic bureaucracy. Although I think Aric would eventually ask "Sir, is there a reason I've now filled out these forms five times now, and a reason I get requests for the forms every time you and Sergeant Dorne exchange looks?"


That's priceless. :D


...I am so glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read that. That's hilarious. Also has me really looking forward to the later parts of romancing Elara with my trooper. :D


And I pity the poor fool who tries to interrupt the smuggler's snuggle time with Akaavi. I just picture someone pounding on the captain's door, Akaavi storming toward it, opening it to see Corso or Risha. Akaavi says, "You're needed in medbay," and hurls the offender toward medbay, then slams the door shut and... resumes. :D



I say go for it. It's always worth trying; I'll be submitting one as well if I can because the times are when I'm at work. Far, far better to try than to give up without ever knowing. It works in real life, it can work on the internet too. :)


*dies laughing* Yes! You just captured Akaavi perfectly!!!


Risha would probably set some sort of trap for anyone interrupting and said fool would end up in humorous pain.

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