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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

::::Dark Reaper Server::::


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Hey Everyone!

:D Noticed there was not a community post for the Dark Reaper server so ill Start out.

:sy_darkside:First off i think would be best to start making a guild list for our server so please if you will throw in your:sy_star: Guild name and faction and info and website etc.

:sy_empire:Feel free to share a bit about all of yourselfs. what area are from? Are you New to MMO's? Are u a Vet?:sy_republic: you know all the basic stuff

:DThen of course we can start the good ole faction wars, Events, Dance offs, cliff jumping partys whatever:D!!! Anything goes!!

Dark Reapers!!! ....Mount Up!....

Edited by sacrediablo
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Dance off, Dune Sea.


1/1/12 at 7 PM CST (5 PM PST).


A friendly dance off between Empire and Republic, bring your speeders and set your companions to passive, this will be crazy. Will probably evolve into pvp battle later, but try to keep it friendly for a little while.


Contact Spin (Empire) or Marbo (Republic) for details.

Edited by Dagmt
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Hey I'm thinking about switching from Rep to Imp and starting on the Dark Reaper server. I normally play on a standard population server and I saw that this server has a full pop most of the time. How many people play it? For example in the Rep. Fleet on my server it's around 40-50 people in the zone at a time. Also how is the server balance between rep/imp? It is about even or is there a major upside by one of the factions?
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Hey I'm thinking about switching from Rep to Imp and starting on the Dark Reaper server. I normally play on a standard population server and I saw that this server has a full pop most of the time. How many people play it? For example in the Rep. Fleet on my server it's around 40-50 people in the zone at a time. Also how is the server balance between rep/imp? It is about even or is there a major upside by one of the factions?


We don't need more Imps. lol


A flipper in late night Fleet general chat last night stated there were 200 peeps in Fleet channel on Imp-side, 40 on Pub-side. While only anecdotal, that should give you an idea of the level of disparity between the two factions on our server.

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