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Dammage in warzone


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I did 399,913 as my highest, I couldn't believe that close to 400k and not getting it. twas a Voidstar (as I imagine most of your numbers are from Failstar). I average about 220k and a 30/12 kill/db ratio, 6 metals. best kill DB ration was 40 kills 20db, most solo kills, 7 (poor fresh 40 sorc thought he was OP when he was 49 in wz, then fights a guy with 500-600 exp when he has none... not fair fight but I'll take them:-p). Although since getting a good combo of columi and champion working for me I'm getting 300k dmg a lot more often now in voidstar and huttball standoff matches. I can't count on that 300k metal but it's getting more and more frequent.


I did one voidstar with 7 out of 8 mvp's for ninja every single door and capping the datacore in a pug Vs premade (we were pugs) to get the win with 5s left in round 2. I think I almost had a stroke when I got the core. That was my only pro moment in this game thus far... I don't expect many more.

Edited by KruelhandJorb
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