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Removal of alignment restriction on color crystals... seriously?


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Ok, I'll be the black sheep on this one, because according to the patch notes in 1.1.5, it was highly demanded...


Why should it have been removed? I, for one, consider this a trademark of the KOTOR franchise. You could only use crystals of a given color if you were of a given alignment. Removing the restriction is almost a betrayal, and the beginning of showing weaknesses, just like Blizzard did for WoW.


Just my 2 cents.

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Ok, I'll be the black sheep on this one, because according to the patch notes in 1.1.5, it was highly demanded...


Why should it have been removed? I, for one, consider this a trademark of the KOTOR franchise. You could only use crystals of a given color if you were of a given alignment. Removing the restriction is almost a betrayal, and the beginning of showing weaknesses, just like Blizzard did for WoW.


Just my 2 cents.


You dont get it.. the masses who play this game want it to be exactly like WoW. then they want to complain it is to much like WoW.. though frankly I dont see the issue with lightsaber colours being a problem. there is pleanty of cannon lore that states lightsaber colours were not faction based. wookiepedia pretty much states it in a few places.


but meh. in the long run wont kill the game it will up enjoyment for like 60 or more percent of people and thats a good thing.

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Ok, I'll be the black sheep on this one, because according to the patch notes in 1.1.5, it was highly demanded...


Why should it have been removed? I, for one, consider this a trademark of the KOTOR franchise. You could only use crystals of a given color if you were of a given alignment. Removing the restriction is almost a betrayal, and the beginning of showing weaknesses, just like Blizzard did for WoW.


Just my 2 cents.


you 2 cents have been noticed and REJECTED! I hate being tied down to a piticular story choice because I want a certain look to a certain char. Customization is Key for me. Hurray for this change it can't come soon enough.

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