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Total map for Alderaan / The Juran Mountains


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in the pure south of the juran mountains there is a very small annoying area that you need 2 explore i had problems with it 2 but its in the south of the map. if you are republic its like on the right of your side from where you enter the juran mountains as a imp i would say its around the location where the planet quest line ends for that zone.



if this aint helping sorry. not got a map quick of the Juran mountains at hand now.

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The above posters are correct. I received a full map reveal at co-ords X1617, Y224.

The above posters are correct that it is the southern tip of The Juran Mountains. However, I need to correct GoldenCircle's coordinates. There's an ongoing map bug going back to the launch of SWTOR. When you open the map and look at the Player (X,Y) coordinates, you're actually seeing X,Z instead. If you move slightly or do a jump, the map will then show the correct X,Y coordinates. You can also hover your mouse over the minimap for the correct coordinates.


In any case, the correct coordinates are around 1617,1500 at the Alsakan Overlook. There is a republic quest (A Historic Endeavor) given by Maelrich Alde at 1379,1252. Follow the path to the top of the mountain. This will take you up to the Mount Tessef Ruins. When you get to the top, you'll see a basin to the south. That's where you need to go. Get near the 1617 axis and jump down.

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