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If I were to Stream Arsenal PvE


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I'm down to 10mill now since I dropped biochem (again) to level up artifice and crit on a relic and then proceeded to re-level biochem with just using the GCN.



2002 aim unbuffed. What up.

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I still don't understand what makes all the self-proclamed most awesome players in the universe think that everyone else in the game wants to watch them play? Tbh, I could not give a crap less to watch someone else play this or any other game, PVE or PVP. I'm here to play it, not feed other peoples e-ego. Seriously if it was videos of you doing completely stupid things and being killed in comical ways, that would maybe at least make me chuckle that might be different, but why should I care to watch you play?


Did you ever have one of those friends that was like "oh man, you should totally come over, I'm playing AVP arenas and I'm totally pwning everybody"? It's about as much fun as that.

Edited by bahdasz
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I wouldn't but mainly because I am a healer. I have watched other's streams, and some are like watching paint dry, others are more involving and entertaining, but few have the ultimate...


Include "raid chatter" so we get a better idea of what the raid is doing when and why. Then, without doing a play by play, still comment on what you are doing an why. That way its entertaining and people can learn something. Things like: "I chose to stand on the seam here in SOA because I can DPS w/o the possibility of having to move out of the green poo which would lower my DPS." Or "I did XXXX here because the boss is about to YYYY and I want to be able to ZZZZZ". Probably take having 2 mic binds or something, but would be very cool.


That's my $0.02, good luck.

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Streaming you use Tracer Missile 10 million times on a boss might give non-Mercs more ammo in their stupid Tracer Missile threads.


Not that I'm against it but that would be the concern I raise against this.

Edited by Defang
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The current content in SWTOR is a joke, and ontop of that... arsenal merc? lol...


I'd be interested if you could provide live streams of Hello Kitty! raiding, as that sound more interesting than the push-over content of SWTOR.



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The current content in SWTOR is a joke, and ontop of that... arsenal merc? lol...


I'd be interested if you could provide live streams of Hello Kitty! raiding, as that sound more interesting than the push-over content of SWTOR.




How's 10/10 NM treating you buddy?

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I think watching PVE would be a bit boring unless we could hear what the Op is communicating, in terms of placement and burn sessions. Just watching the abilities being used isn't exciting, but hearing that the boss needs to be turned and that all dps needs to rotate clockwise halfway around the boss, that would be more exciting.


Though, I'd admit that i still wouldn't watch it. If I want to watch people playing games, I'll turn on Day[9] and watch some high level starcraft 2 commentary.

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I would watch it just because I would want to see if there's anything that u do better than me. Without a break down of someone's DPS u can't really tell how they do things so watching what someone else does is the next best thing.


We're 10/10 16m NiM too but we only have the Unyielding title (lol pylons).


Ignore the haters, keep on doin what ur doin.

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The ONLY reason I was streaming was for people to see how we may be killing things (Jarg and Sorno 16 NMM...). I know we talked to Cali Killed Nox about how they do Jarg and Sorno because its such an overtuned fight for 16man.


Believe it or not, people watch streams to see if they can improve something that they need improved on. When did I state that I am the best? When did I even give the hint that I want to get attention to feed my ego? I guess haters are gonna hate. It was just a simple thread actually intended on helping those who, believe it or not, don't raid all night and may need to see a certain boss killed in a way they didn't realize they should do.


I guess from the feedback from this thread I will not be streaming. It doesn't bother me one way or another if I stream or not. God forbid someone try to do something to help the community.

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There will always be trolls and haters.. Belive me alot of people would watch a livefeed from ops and hardmodes especially from a renowned guild(considering how long the game has been out)


I'm not into raiding in SW:TOR but I would watch, just to see how it is if I ever decide to take a stab at it.

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There will always be trolls and haters.. Belive me alot of people would watch a livefeed from ops and hardmodes especially from a renowned guild(considering how long the game has been out)


I'm not into raiding in SW:TOR but I would watch, just to see how it is if I ever decide to take a stab at it.


If I were to do it: There WOULD be vent chatter. I would be explaining why we're doing certain things, etc. I wouldn't be sitting there playing some ****** techno song and spamming tracers.

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That's what those of us that want to see needs. You can't grasp what it's about just looking at some video with metal or dubstep blasting through the speakers.


You need to hear the tactics, what goes wrong when/if it does etc.


I think you should go for it, atleast once to see the reactions from those that tune in.

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How's 10/10 NM treating you buddy?


For the love of god I hope you ment NMM, and not NM which is usually means NORMAL.


and 10/10 NMM is doing just fine thank you very much, apart from guilds falling apart around me due to the fact people are getting bored :)

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