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[SPECULATION +SPOILERS] So what was the Emperor Thinking???


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So as most of us know the "Voice of the Emperor" died at the hands of a *COUGH* Jedi Kinght. So my question lies, how do you think it will be spinned in the future?? I could easily see the Emperor, planning the Death of the Voice of The Emperor all along to spark the new galactic war bringing many neutral systems to a alliance with the empire. (SURE I know the empire has broken the treaty more than once but.. cmon its not like imperial personnel attempted to assassinate Satele or the Chancellor)
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So as most of us know the "Voice of the Emperor" died at the hands of a *COUGH* Jedi Kinght. So my question lies, how do you think it will be spinned in the future?? I could easily see the Emperor, planning the Death of the Voice of The Emperor all along to spark the new galactic war bringing many neutral systems to a alliance with the empire. (SURE I know the empire has broken the treaty more than once but.. cmon its not like imperial personnel attempted to assassinate Satele or the Chancellor)


This is all part of the Emperor's plan to make the Jedi believe he is dead. He will come back in full force and the galaxy shall know his fury. Watch him infiltrate Tython and destroy the Jedi Council single handedly.

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This is all part of the Emperor's plan to make the Jedi believe he is dead. He will come back in full force and the galaxy shall know his fury. Watch him infiltrate Tython and destroy the Jedi Council single handedly.


That would upset Jedi Fan Bois

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So as most of us know the "Voice of the Emperor" died at the hands of a *COUGH* Jedi Kinght. So my question lies, how do you think it will be spinned in the future?? I could easily see the Emperor, planning the Death of the Voice of The Emperor all along to spark the new galactic war bringing many neutral systems to a alliance with the empire. (SURE I know the empire has broken the treaty more than once but.. cmon its not like imperial personnel attempted to assassinate Satele or the Chancellor)


The Emperor's ultimate goal is to consume the galaxy and then remake it how he sees fit, in essence he wants to become a god.


I've had this theory since beta that The Entity had a vision that the key to the Emperor's defeat or success is the JK. So the Entity planted the visions that Scourge had, causing him to seek out the Jk and lead him into fighting the Emperor(effectively turning Scourge into the ultimate double agent, he doesn't know anything and could pass inspection from Jedi.)


The Emperor then had his Voice test the JK's power(this body was the one he had used all along,keeping his real body hidden, thereby helping to completely fool Scourge) to see what he was up against,how powerful the JK was or if he could find a weakness in the JK he could exploit. The Emperor underestimated the JK's power though and the Voice being killed severely weakened the Emperor and delayed his plans.


To further get crazy, I like to think when the Emperor consumed all the life on his planet and "became something more" he became a powerful spirit being able to take over bodies and vessels that have been prepared for him at will.


His real body,however, is keeping him anchored in the world and preventing him from achieving his goals. His real body has become immortal after the ritual and the only one who can kill his true body is the JK according to the Entity's Force vision, and doing so will free the Emperor and allow him to ascend to godhood and achieve his plans. The JK could throw a wrench in this by discovering the plans and figuring out a way to neutralize the Emperor indefinitely.


Crazy theory I know, but it would make for very interesting and entertaining future story content for the JK and galaxy wide.

Edited by Temeluchus
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I could easily see the Emperor, planning the Death of the Voice of The Emperor all along to spark the new galactic war bringing many neutral systems to a alliance with the empire. (SURE I know the empire has broken the treaty more than once but.. cmon its not like imperial personnel attempted to assassinate Satele or the Chancellor)


The war is in full swing during Chapter 3(honestly I don't see how it isn't considered in full swing during Balmorra for the Republic but apparently that doesn't count). By the time the Emperor and JK fight, the treaty is worthless.....also a Darth does try to assasinate the Chancellor through the BH.


The Emperor's ultimate goal is to consume the galaxy and then remake it how he sees fit, in essence he wants to become a god.


His ultimate goal as stated by him is to essentially live every kind of life possible. And then he will enjoy peace for a few centuries after everything dies out as he waits for life to begin again.


You discern a fraction of reality. Beyond these stars exist other galaxies, other worlds, other beings. I will experience or ignore them as I wish. I will spend eternity becoming everything: a farmer, an artist, a simple man. When the last living thing in the universe finally dies, I will enjoy peace and wait for the cycle to begin again.
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This is all part of the Emperor's plan to make the Jedi believe he is dead. He will come back in full force and the galaxy shall know his fury. Watch him infiltrate Tython and destroy the Jedi Council single handedly.


Now, that would be a story twist lol...

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The war is in full swing during Chapter 3(honestly I don't see how it isn't considered in full swing during Balmorra for the Republic but apparently that doesn't count). By the time the Emperor and JK fight, the treaty is worthless.....also a Darth does try to assasinate the Chancellor through the BH.




His ultimate goal as stated by him is to essentially live every kind of life possible. And then he will enjoy peace for a few centuries after everything dies out as he waits for life to begin again.


Dude, do you browse the forums looking for stuff to nitpick? What the Emperor describes himself doing is essentially god like power he even says his "ascendance is inevitable" to the JK.


To me, ascendance implies elevation to another form, the next step would be godhood or demigod status; perhaps it means something different to you. What do gods do? They create and destroy. You might consider my statement as a leap of logic but I find it to be a fairly accurate description of deities as we know them.

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Dude, do you browse the forums looking for stuff to nitpick? What the Emperor describes himself doing is essentially god like power he even says his "ascendance is inevitable" to the JK.


To me, ascendance implies elevation to another form, the next step would be godhood or demigod status; perhaps it means something different to you. What do gods do? They create and destroy. You might consider my statement as a leap of logic but I find it to be a fairly accurate description of deities as we know them.


I just read threads that look interesting to me and if I see something I disagree with or that I think is wrong I will respond. If it looks like I am nitpicking, well that is not my intent but I am going to keep doing what I am doing. *shrug*


He might end up with power that could be considered to be the equivilent of a god(honestly I'd say he already has such power), but his goal is not to remake the galaxy. The moment he kills off the galaxy, he is going to abadon it and go to antoher one. And then once he arrives in the new galaxy he will live the life of a farmer, and the life of an artist, and then a simple man, and then the life of something else. He's not going to rule the new galaxy. He's not going to reshape it in his image. He is just going to live the an infinite number of lives seeing every possible facet of living.


Why he thinks he needs to kill off a galaxy to pull this off is beyond me, but that is what he states his goals to be. And to the best of my knowledge there is nothing which contradicts this statement by him about what he will do once he ascends to his new level of power.

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