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Elara Dorne VS Doc healing output


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Ok, so I have got a Vanguard to 50. I have been using Dorne as my main companion since I got her. She is a very impressive healer for a companion. I have even had other classes compliment me on her. Well, I started a alt thats a Jedi Sentinel, and got Doc. I have been extremely disappointed with his healing. Am I missing something? I even turned off his cc, and its like he wont heal until I am extremely low. Now, I realize there is a big difference in armor, but is the difference THAT big? I am not the brightest guy, so please enlighten me. I just have a hard time believing that one companion for one class is so much better than the other. Is it the style of healing? I am currently at level 36 on my J/K sentinel if that helps. Again, I realize, that going from heavy armor with sheilds makes a difference, but I wouldnt think I should have to pop healing stims with him out(only a couple of times). And, most of my equipment is blues. I just really expected to be able to take on alot with a healer with the dps output I have. Especially after playing a Vanguard with low dps. Please let me know what I am missing.:o


Thanks in advance


And Bioware if I posted this in the wrong place, sorry, please move it for me.:D

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It's likely that Elara was geared substantially better since you can basically give her all your hand-me-downs and quest rewards that you don't use.


I wouldn't think there would be any difference mechanically, but who knows.

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Not sure about Elara, but my Sawbones character healed better at level 32 in greens (outside warzones, naturally - just pve questing) than Doc does at 50 in Centurion\Champion, with fairly optimized stats.
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Ok, I will go over Doc's gear and see what to replace. It was easy with Elara being she used the same gear without def, just like the second poster put. Since you guys were helpful, any suggestions on Doc's gear? main attribute+power? Or Crit?


Thanks again.

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There is a massive difference in armor and therefore damage reduction.


Heavy Armor Vanguard v Medium Armor Sentinal

Vanguard also tends to use ION cell = +60% more armor.


My Vanguard typically runs with about 50% damage reduction from his armor which makes keeping his health up alot easier for a companion.


Lets look ath BM sets (as its easy to compare to BM sets for different classes), info taken from: http://www.torhead.com/items/catg/2/subcatg/3


Battlemaster Medium Armor set (Enforcers) = 3547 Armor

Battlemaster Heavy Armor Set (Medic) = 4731 Armor + 60% for Ion Cell = 7576

I don't think the actual armor values change for different sets, just the added stats


So heavy armor with Ion Cell as a tank gives more than double the armor value, add your shield chance and absorb to that = alot less damage taken and therefore alot easier to keep you alive.

Edited by Loxion
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They both have the exact same skills (in fact all healers do afaik). Any differences you are seeing are purely gear related.


Actually, Doctor Lokin has melee abilities (which he can only use in his DPS form), instead of the 2 ranged special attacks other healer companions get. Which, given his rather... unique ability, makes sense.

Edited by KorinHyvek
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Range + AI = screwed.


NPC Healers only Heal you if you are in range of their abilities, they do not move into range to Heal you.


For Coms/Vguard/Shdw/Sage/Scon/Gun, healer companions are much easier to manage.


Coms, Sage and Gun = you start the fight at range, with the Healer by your side and you end the fight the same way.


Shdw/Scon = You and your compaion stealth into melee range and both stay there.


Vguard = you likely start the fight at range, and then move in closer, this can cause problems as companions wont move with you, but due to a combination of your long range moves and melee mobs coming to you, you wont have the issue often.


Guardian/Sentinal = you force charge into every fight leaving your companion at long range and therefore you are more or less always out of heal range. So if you want to use a heal companion you need to drag the fight back so your companion is in range or drag him into melee range in the first place somehow.

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