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Economic Changes in Patch 1.1.5


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Eve Online says hello


And, also, "Die, n00b."


(I liked EVE but didn't have the time to commit to it. During my 2 months of playing, I think my favorite part was when people asked in general chat, "I got killed, how do I get my ship back?" and them not believing it when you said, "You don't.")

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Anytime a player begins a post with, "I'm a casual player...", it should be immediately disregarded by developers.


MMOs are not for casual players.

They require huge time sinks, sometimes lasting several years. (snips rest).




Actually, ALL play styles need to be addressed. Alienating one play base just because it's not how YOU wish to enjoy the game does just as much damage.


Your "more uber then thou" mentality is what ruins many a MMO in my opinion also. The game does NOT exist only for the hardcore player. In my opinion, arrogant "my playstyle matters, the other playstyles don't" posts like YOURS should be ignored.

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If teir 1 speeder pioleting cost has gone down, do I get my credits back sience i already got teir 1?


I've only played one other MMO, but usually they don't do refunds in money or other tokens/shards/whatever when they do a cost change in a MMO. Usually due to how many they would have to refund. Think about what percentage has at least speeder 1 license on at least one character now. It would be obnoxious for them to do that massive of a refund. Not saying they won't, but I am saying I wouldn't expect it.

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Actually, ALL play styles need to be addressed. Alienating one play base just because it's not how YOU wish to enjoy the game does just as much damage.


Your "more uber then thou" mentality is what ruins many a MMO in my opinion also. The game does NOT exist only for the hardcore player. In my opinion, arrogant "my playstyle matters, the other playstyles don't" posts like YOURS should be ignored.


It has nothing to do with "uberness":


I've been a member of these forums for some time.

I pre-ordered the game.

I created my first character on Dec 16th.

After 2 months, my main is level 28 (I have 4 characters between 16 and 28).

I have about 200k credits between them all.


That fact of the matter is, MMOs are different from regular RPGs and where this game (and most others) fails is that it's too easy to solo. Hence the "need" for an LFG tool.


EQ Live had the right formula for building a solid MMO on the backs of a solid community, by forcing group play ~ level 12. Years later, as MMOs began to gain more traction, players began to complain that as "casual players" they didn't have time for such and such things and thus began the catering to the casual crowd.


That ruined MMOs.


I'm a casual player. I have a family and a demanding job in the medical field. I don't have the time to play MMOs for 12 hours, like I did back in my Plane of Fear raiding days.


If I want casual, I play Skyrim or Kingdoms of Amalur.

I don't want my MMO to be casual.


MMO is a genre, just like FPS and RTS.

If you or anyone else needs a dumbed down, easy to solo, casual MMO...I wish I could say, you need to look elsewhere.


[edit] This is all, of course, my opinion.

Edited by Tetriarch
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Itoo have been playing mmo's for some time. I think ea and bioware have a great game but it does lack economy. I mean that I know you can craft, but the mods and stuff you get from doing daily's on ilum after you hit level 50 makes it redundant, actually if you think of it it is all redundant, you can get what you need from npc's as loot instead of buying it, especially since buying it will be for not since you level so fast. I think the crafting needs to be steped up to where we can create items that are better to get than some in game items to make an economy grow. just my 5 cents
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I just realised that all the speeders being taken out are all the good looking ones that cost a lot of need a lot of tokens.


I assumed they were the low level ones.


What a rubbish way to reward people who didn't rush to the level cap. I've been enjoying the game to 49 and now I feel I should have been power grinding because there's a time limit on some of the best content that's not solely for the raiders??


This is quite uncool.


Are you going to make them super cheap so people can actually buy them if they didn't exploit or powerlevel their way to get them?


How long do I have to have to grind credits to get one of these before you remove them?


How about you don't take them out at all based on customer complaints? Be fair.




yeah, this kinda irks me too. Just because I didn't exploit Slicing at the beginning, and didn't RUSH through content but enjoyed it, I feel like I am being punished.

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That worries me too.


I might be wrong but seems to me BioWare is pushing players to grind credits and cap their characters. For example some to be removed speeders needs social level 10. So for too many players they will stay out of reach.


Another example is I play really casually and have like 60k on my main character. I expect not to be able to afford those speeders either. Not to speak about my 5 others lower level alts!


In a way, if my reading is right it's the opposite of an incentive, as a casual player, to keep subscribed until you fix the game.


Not to mention that the social system is still broken... my gf and I level together. We haven't gained a social level in 20 levels. we see the points while we are talking, but they aren't awarded properly at the end of the quest. So, broken. So the only people who can get these are those who ran heroic BT a bunch of times to get social ranks...

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Please, keep red crystal for only sith, the whole point of this game is the ongoing conflict

Between light and dark, good and evil, Jedi an Sith. What makes the game good is the certain restrictions between the 2 factions. This game so far beats WoW so I owe you guys a lot of credit. Keep it up.

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Here's something I haven't heard anyone mention involving the removal of alignment restrictions over color crystals.


This will allow lightside Sith to use red.



Exactly what I felt was a must fix for this game. As a light sided sith I don't want to advertise my light sidedness by being forced to use some other color than red. I would think it would be the same for a a dark jedi, not all of them want you to know they are a dark jedi so why should they be forced to use red? I understand that this can have the drawback of those who chose to mix colors and factions/aligments may make the world look different than the Star Wars many of us are used to, but this change now allows those of use that have wanted to, to fully commit to playing a light side sith or a dark side jedi and not have to let the whole world know we are doing so. So big kudos to Bioware for making this change!!

Edited by DarthAngryDad
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Please, keep red crystal for only sith, the whole point of this game is the ongoing conflict

Between light and dark, good and evil, Jedi an Sith. What makes the game good is the certain restrictions between the 2 factions. This game so far beats WoW so I owe you guys a lot of credit. Keep it up.



Before today's patch, crystals weren't bound to faction only dark or light sided aligment, so a Republic Jedi with enough dark side points was forced to use a red crystal (or yellow or orange) and were blocked from the normal blue and green associated with the republic and vice versa for an Imp Sith. I have a feeling that a lot of the players that decided to buck the norm and go light as sith or dark as a jedi didn't like the fact that they would be forced into a color scheme advertising that choice. As a matter of fact, with the change as it is now, we could see colors go even more factions centric than they are now since it fixes the problem many players were having trying to play the opposite force side alignment within there own faction, but that is only if a majority of players on your server now CHOOSE to play that way.

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Love all the changes and upcoming changes as well... specially what I heard from the guild summit as I viewed yesterday... there is just one thing I can't get around...


The speeder I bought for 1.5 million credits from the vendor in the VIP lounge. This was supposed to be available only to Digital Deluxe and CE customers.


Now it is available for A) 500,000 credits LESS and B) available to general public.


So that is my problem with the changes made.... EVerything else is fine.


I'd like to get a response on this item though, to have it available to everyone, and reduce it's cost by 1/3 is to me a tad bit insulting, I paid 1,5 mil creds, have the digital deluxe... I mean come on... here it is in a nutshell:


There is not a single item in the Digital Deluxe or the CE that is worth paying extra money for, and those of us that did buy it, at least had the privilege of buying a nice mount for a modest 1.5 mil creds that only we had access to. But with this change, not only did we pay extra real money for a version that is utterly pointless, but we don't even have exclusivity on the speeder? Really?


I love what you guys are doing, and I will be a long time customer regardless of this, but my opinion on this change is that it should be reverted back... Quickly.

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prices for Tier I and Tier II speeder licenses across the galaxy are expected to see a significant decline.


So... what did this mean, exactly? I read it as the first two levels of Speeder Piloting, becoming cheaper, but that hasn't happened. It's still 40K for level 1 and 210K for level 2. Nor do the level 25/40 speeders seem any cheaper.

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prices for Tier I and Tier II speeder licenses across the galaxy are expected to see a significant decline.


So... what did this mean, exactly? I read it as the first two levels of Speeder Piloting, becoming cheaper, but that hasn't happened. It's still 40K for level 1 and 210K for level 2. Nor do the level 25/40 speeders seem any cheaper.


Price changes for speeder training don't change until 1.2. The Speeder (vehicle) prices that went down this patch will be removed from vendors (but still function if you have one) when 1.2 comes out.

Edited by Rawhyde
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If this was a cash sink from BW. Why do only level 49 and 50 have the possibilities to spend money on the new Vendor ?


I think they at least could let the levels 40 players spend some of our millions. I can understand that we can't use the crystals before level 50, but we could at least be able to buy the BOE crystals.


At least we will have a lot of money when the 1.2 patch hits.

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My standpoint on this is BW really could have gone about removing these excess credits from those who exploited slicing a bit better. I only started slicing after it was patched, so I don't have the millions that my friends have. So why is the only crystal worth buying (white) 2.5m? I only have about 600k total... and I have to save all this time for one crystal before they take it away.


On top of that, I read that you can't even buy the crystals until you have the appropriate level. What the hell is that? I can't even give the crystal to the character I want because it's BoP and REQUIRES level 50 to buy? I feel like BW doesn't care about those who play the game correctly, and would rather push people to exploit or worse methods just to be on par with the elitist players.


I for one, and 100% against this crystal vendor business.

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orrealis Corporation, a family-owned personal transportation company based out of Balmorra, has announced that, in response to a sharp increase in customer complaints, all production of the ‘Sovereign’, ‘Prince’, 'Baron' and 'Commander' speeder lines has been halted indefinitely. This announcement comes on the heels of the rumor that Tirsa Industrial Consortium has quietly ceased production of their less than successful 'Prime' model, which faced similar blowback.


Vehicle Vendors across the galaxy have been advised to clear out any remaining stock of these models, and many Vendors have begun offering steep discounts to entice potential customers. Collectors and investors may want to take note that the previous limitations governing the resale of some vehicles seem to have been lifted and are encouraged to use the opportunity to purchase these legacy vehicles while they are still available.



Meaning that those vehicles will be no longer available for sale?

***? the game is only 3 months!!!!!:mad::mad::mad: And you expect to have social 10 for the baron??? Also, I dont even know the others how to get them (sovereign and prince).


Please reconsider this vehicle removal, because as a collector, ill not have a reason to continue playing.

Edited by Kissakias
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I have a question im sure others have had as well. I pre ordered the game and was unable to obtain the pre order code before the the store gave it away . My question is will the crystals from pre order ever become available to anyone else like maybe those with the founders title. That seems fair to me since we still were among the first to commit to playing the game early on. Just curious
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I've been playing a bit after the recent update came through. saw the new prices on speeders. good thing i'm still using the old speeder i got since level 25. But i saw a lot of whining on the chat board. a lot of guys were saying they spent 1.5 mill creds on their speeder and saw that the same speeder now only costs 1.0 mill. the whiners said they were gonna demand a refund of the half mill creds from customer service...


Biggest load of crap i ever read... Its like buying a car for $10,000 then all of a sudden the dealer lowers the price of the car to $7,000 after a year. you mean to tell me youre going to march over to the dealer and demand that they give back the $3,000 they took from you? Pardon my french, but that's a load of bull!


So they lowered speeder prices. Boo friggin hoo! Man up and move on! That's the Force's way of punishing you for expoliting the slicing bug and stealing millions!

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I've been playing a bit after the recent update came through. saw the new prices on speeders. good thing i'm still using the old speeder i got since level 25. But i saw a lot of whining on the chat board. a lot of guys were saying they spent 1.5 mill creds on their speeder and saw that the same speeder now only costs 1.0 mill. the whiners said they were gonna demand a refund of the half mill creds from customer service...


Biggest load of crap i ever read... Its like buying a car for $10,000 then all of a sudden the dealer lowers the price of the car to $7,000 after a year. you mean to tell me youre going to march over to the dealer and demand that they give back the $3,000 they took from you? Pardon my french, but that's a load of bull!


So they lowered speeder prices. Boo friggin hoo! Man up and move on! That's the Force's way of punishing you for expoliting the slicing bug and stealing millions!


are players (include me) that gain the credits via dailies

anyway my biggest prob is that they think to remove some vehicles from the game, for a collector (like me) its a game break

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are players (include me) that gain the credits via dailies

anyway my biggest prob is that they think to remove some vehicles from the game, for a collector (like me) its a game break


nah. im referring to those who joined the game since launch that managed to exploit that little bug in the Slicing ability that let them score obscene amounts of credits. if you got your credits from dailies, thats not a problem.


as for the issue of losing some of the vehicles, it may be a bit of a bummer for me too since i wantd to ride a speeder that looked more car and less jet ski.


maybe on the next update we get to see better looking speeders? or maybe perhaps customizable speeders?


maybe West Coast Customs should get in on this thing... hehehehe

"Yeah, i want a really trick speeder! its gotta have LED monitors on the headrest, ostrich hide seats, and really big subwoofers with enough bass to get me into hyperspace!" LOL

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nah. im referring to those who joined the game since launch that managed to exploit that little bug in the Slicing ability that let them score obscene amounts of credits. if you got your credits from dailies, thats not a problem.


as for the issue of losing some of the vehicles, it may be a bit of a bummer for me too since i wantd to ride a speeder that looked more car and less jet ski.


maybe on the next update we get to see better looking speeders? or maybe perhaps customizable speeders?


maybe West Coast Customs should get in on this thing... hehehehe

"Yeah, i want a really trick speeder! its gotta have LED monitors on the headrest, ostrich hide seats, and really big subwoofers with enough bass to get me into hyperspace!" LOL


I dont care, i just cancel my sub when i see on Ilum that the Baron wasnt there for purchase.

I love collecting things, since my vehicle collection will always be no complete, have no reason to continue playing.


Bye all !!!

Edited by Kissakias
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I'm not the fortified baby about things and I usually accept whats given to me humbly. But what happen to implemtation of a BLACK COLOR CRYSTAL since we're not even RPlaying the crystal lore. Can the devs add-on a black color crystal (for the short time that we have) seeing as Im a faithful Empire player and I like dark colors.


I would even gladly pay for it as well seeing as my money is going to waste. . .


Hopefully someone can point this to right forums/developer. Enjoy your travels..

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