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Ilum OWpvp was doomed from the start, create a new objective based pvp zone......


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Create a new game that's oPvP and objective based. This is just a singleplayer story game with a subscription. They forgot to put in the credits once you hit 50...for some reason I can still run around the worlds with my character but there's nothign to do! Weird.
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Create a new game that's oPvP and objective based. This is just a singleplayer story game with a subscription. They forgot to put in the credits once you hit 50...for some reason I can still run around the worlds with my character but there's nothign to do! in my opinion. Weird.



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What changes/suggestions would you make on a new zone?


1> A population imbalance buff mechanic.


2> Objective based control points that are meaningful and lasting, and mechanics supporting tactical reasons to fight in more than one place simultaneously.


3> Removal of "kill credit" quests.


4> "Bonus" valor system revamp...the "bonus" shouldn't excede the base amount by an order of magnitude.


5> A game engine that can support large scale combat...i.e. more than 100 people in a zone, and more than 40 people being able to engage without massive latency and performance degradation.


6> Proper rez circle mechanics...currently the turrets dont' fire on opponents reliably, AND the stupid jump down heal yourself is way past old...this game exists in a universe with force shields why not just have an area safely surrounded with insta kill guns and forceshields to prevent getting inside?


7> A reset on ALL gained valor...lets face it, there are a LOT of players who haven't earned a point sitting in zerg piles every day just spamming their class buff for tens and hundreds of thousands of valor.


These are really general...I'm sure I could list 50 if I got into specific ideas. But you can get the point from this.


Basically the end result should be a zone in which large scale fighting is not just zerg on zerg point farms, where it's tactically meaningful. A zone where small scale and solo players CAN and are incentivized to seek out others with tactical purpose and rewards. A zone where all risk/reward analysis has been done providing a well balanced cost/benefit play opportunity for multiple playstyles and group sizes.


Basically a zone that is optimized for open PvP with a reward structure that encourages good competative play.

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1> A population imbalance buff mechanic.


2> Objective based control points that are meaningful and lasting, and mechanics supporting tactical reasons to fight in more than one place simultaneously.


3> Removal of "kill credit" quests.


4> "Bonus" valor system revamp...the "bonus" shouldn't excede the base amount by an order of magnitude.


5> A game engine that can support large scale combat...i.e. more than 100 people in a zone, and more than 40 people being able to engage without massive latency and performance degradation.


6> Proper rez circle mechanics...currently the turrets dont' fire on opponents reliably, AND the stupid jump down heal yourself is way past old...this game exists in a universe with force shields why not just have an area safely surrounded with insta kill guns and forceshields to prevent getting inside?


7> A reset on ALL gained valor...lets face it, there are a LOT of players who haven't earned a point sitting in zerg piles every day just spamming their class buff for tens and hundreds of thousands of valor.


These are really general...I'm sure I could list 50 if I got into specific ideas. But you can get the point from this.


Basically the end result should be a zone in which large scale fighting is not just zerg on zerg point farms, where it's tactically meaningful. A zone where small scale and solo players CAN and are incentivized to seek out others with tactical purpose and rewards. A zone where all risk/reward analysis has been done providing a well balanced cost/benefit play opportunity for multiple playstyles and group sizes.


Basically a zone that is optimized for open PvP with a reward structure that encourages good competative play.


What you said, but we shouldn't have to tell BioWare this, we aren't the developers, they are, we are the consumers.

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What you said, but we shouldn't have to tell BioWare this, we aren't the developers, they are, we are the consumers.


The sad thing is this isn't something shockingly new. These issues have been discovered and fixed and developed in the past in other games.


It's honestly like BW didn't have a PvP plan so much as just "Hey, we need some place to pvp in lets throw some instances together and a chunk of open map for people".


I'm a project manager in real life and I can aprpeciate that a MMO must be a MASSIVE undertaking. But there really seems to be a lack of focused and organized direction with regard to PvP in this game.


I'd LOVE to hear a BW person come out and really explain their end state vision for PvP...because so far that vision seems muddy at best.

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