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Only 4 medals count for score


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So basically, they are making it so any mediocre pvp'er can get the same amount of commendations that any good pvp'er can? It's pretty difficult to NOT get 4 medals in a pvp zone unless you are afk'ing or really really suck.


Why add all the objective based medals (they claim they are adding in 1.2) then nerf the crap out of medals? Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


And, I have a feeling the healers getting kill credit medals for healing those who kill is going to swing things way overboard. Yes, I'm a healer. I think healers were getting the shaft, but now this seems like it will be a bit much. Not that it matters much (see above with the 4 medal limitation)...

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Perhaps change it from first 4=40 to-


first 4 =40,

5 onwards, 5 comm, 8 2 comms, 10 1 comm,

so hit 7 you have 55 (?)













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The number of medals earned does not translate into skill. Hybrid classes had a huge advantage in the old system since more medals were available to them. Players that focused on winning warzones rather than their scores were consequently punished since game objectives didn't add to the medal count. I've had plenty of huttball games with my organized group scoring all of the points, and the other half of the op focusing on their scores, and the result was always them scoring more valor/commendations than us.


The change isn't perfect, but it is way better than what was there before.

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The number of medals earned does not translate into skill. Hybrid classes had a huge advantage in the old system since more medals were available to them. Players that focused on winning warzones rather than their scores were consequently punished since game objectives didn't add to the medal count. I've had plenty of huttball games with my organized group scoring all of the points, and the other half of the op focusing on their scores, and the result was always them scoring more valor/commendations than us.


The change isn't perfect, but it is way better than what was there before.


Well, I agree with you on that, but they are supposedly adding 14 new objective based medals into the system to fix this in the 1.2 update. That's what I was saying. Why add the objective based medals if they're just not going to count for anything?

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Why does it matter if they get the same number of commendations? If a player IS truly bad at PvP, he will still be bad. Are you saying your uber PvP skills arent good enough to handle a bad player in the same level of gear?


***? You must apparently be one of those who is bad? I'm saying people who are better should be rewarded more for their efforts than people who suck. That's all.

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Well, I agree with you on that, but they are supposedly adding 14 new objective based medals into the system to fix this in the 1.2 update. That's what I was saying. Why add the objective based medals if they're just not going to count for anything?


It's at that point that the logic of the change falls apart for me as well. Just add the new medals, I'm happy. However, I guess that wouldn't really encourage people to support the objectives.

Edited by Bamajawn
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The number of medals earned does not translate into skill. Hybrid classes had a huge advantage in the old system since more medals were available to them. Players that focused on winning warzones rather than their scores were consequently punished since game objectives didn't add to the medal count. I've had plenty of huttball games with my organized group scoring all of the points, and the other half of the op focusing on their scores, and the result was always them scoring more valor/commendations than us.


The change isn't perfect, but it is way better than what was there before.




they made it so "Good" PvPers can now reach the medal count AND help their team, because medal farming idiots weren't doing it before, they are trying to force people that spend all day looking out for themselves to work with their team for maximum valor and comms

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Yes only 4 medals will count, but if you want more comms, valor, etc you have to then focus on winning the wz instead of farming for more medals. I believe this is how it should have been from the begining.
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Well, I agree with you on that, but they are supposedly adding 14 new objective based medals into the system to fix this in the 1.2 update. That's what I was saying. Why add the objective based medals if they're just not going to count for anything?


this is because these medals are made to make it so people aren't FORCED to meet dps or healing numbers to hit their medal mark, they can instead make say 60k damage but hold a door or an objective the entire time and still meet their medal mark

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It's to help against medal farming and to make it so all players can earn the same rewards.


This kinda sucks for me because I actually enjoy medal farming, it gives me something to do if I'm in a losing WZ and there's no hope for a comeback. Don't get me wrong, I always support the objective in WZ and most of my games are wins, however every now and then you get a team that doesn't work well together or you're simply up against a better coordinated team (pre-mades) and if you're going to sit there for 5 minutes after realizing the objective is lost no matter what you do, might as well go farm some medals to get more comm's.


I agree with the OP because capping it out at 4 is kinda silly, especially considering that they're making it easier for healers to get medals and they're introducing 14 new medals which can do anything from round out class/spec imbalances to rewarding players for doing WZ objectives. In these matches basically everybody is going to walk out with the 4 medal reward regardless of skill or how much they actually contributed to the WZ.


Competitive players *like* to earn achievements, competitive players *like* to be set above the pack. The system as it currently is can recognize that, although in a way that can come off as completely broken depending on what you play (see tank vs healer) but rather than nerf the system almost completely IMO they should have no medal cap, and continue improving the ways we earn medals.

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It's to help against medal farming and to make it so all players can earn the same rewards.


This kinda sucks for me because I actually enjoy medal farming, it gives me something to do if I'm in a losing WZ and there's no hope for a comeback. Don't get me wrong, I always support the objective in WZ and most of my games are wins, however every now and then you get a team that doesn't work well together or you're simply up against a better coordinated team (pre-mades) and if you're going to sit there for 5 minutes after realizing the objective is lost no matter what you do, might as well go farm some medals to get more comm's.


I agree with the OP because capping it out at 4 is kinda silly, especially considering that they're making it easier for healers to get medals and they're introducing 14 new medals which can do anything from round out class/spec imbalances to rewarding players for doing WZ objectives. In these matches basically everybody is going to walk out with the 4 medal reward regardless of skill or how much they actually contributed to the WZ.


Competitive players *like* to earn achievements, competitive players *like* to be set above the pack. The system as it currently is can recognize that, although in a way that can come off as completely broken depending on what you play (see tank vs healer) but rather than nerf the system almost completely IMO they should have no medal cap, and continue improving the ways we earn medals.



see my previous post, adding more medals makes it so that you no longer have to purely heal or purely dps to earn your medals, you can be versatile, help your team, and get objectives, and still get your medals


and you can still earn medals past 4, if you OMG *LIKE* TO EARN ACHIEVEMENTS, you can still do that with your 9-13 medals, it just wont benefit you to farm your e-peen anymore

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see my previous post, adding more medals makes it so that you no longer have to purely heal or purely dps to earn your medals, you can be versatile, help your team, and get objectives, and still get your medals


and you can still earn medals past 4, if you OMG *LIKE* TO EARN ACHIEVEMENTS, you can still do that with your 9-13 medals, it just wont benefit you to farm your e-peen anymore


I understand completely how my post might look to some, and the e-peen comments aside I think you're missing my point.


As it stands PVP in this game is already pretty lackluster, you're pretty much forced to grind WZ's. Taking out the challenge of accumulating more medals is going to make that WZ grind even more boring for many players. Players don't want to grind past 4 medals because that is a ridiculously low number to hit, it is already easy to get and with the healer twink and 14 new ways to earn medals that's going to get even easier. They're steering the game towards the carebears and I know I will come off as an elitist a**hole for saying this but I don't really care, being rewarded for personal performance even if you're on a losing team was one of the things that made WZ's more enjoyable for me in this game, take that away and we're one step closer to becoming a WoW clone.

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I understand completely how my post might look to some, and the e-peen comments aside I think you're missing my point.


As it stands PVP in this game is already pretty lackluster, you're pretty much forced to grind WZ's. Taking out the challenge of accumulating more medals is going to make that WZ grind even more boring for many players. Players don't want to grind past 4 medals because that is a ridiculously low number to hit, it is already easy to get and with the healer twink and 14 new ways to earn medals that's going to get even easier. They're steering the game towards the carebears and I know I will come off as an elitist a**hole for saying this but I don't really care, being rewarded for personal performance even if you're on a losing team was one of the things that made WZ's more enjoyable for me in this game, take that away and we're one step closer to becoming a WoW clone.


then perform well and get mvp votes... or do ranked WZs... i think people are forgetting that ranked WZs are being implemented in 1.2

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So basically, they are making it so any mediocre pvp'er can get the same amount of commendations that any good pvp'er can? It's pretty difficult to NOT get 4 medals in a pvp zone unless you are afk'ing or really really suck.


Why add all the objective based medals (they claim they are adding in 1.2) then nerf the crap out of medals? Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


And, I have a feeling the healers getting kill credit medals for healing those who kill is going to swing things way overboard. Yes, I'm a healer. I think healers were getting the shaft, but now this seems like it will be a bit much. Not that it matters much (see above with the 4 medal limitation)...


No, they are making it so frag monkeys like you will focus on objectives instead of totally ignoring them and loosing WZ to get 9th or 10th medal.

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So basically, they are making it so any mediocre pvp'er can get the same amount of commendations that any good pvp'er can? It's pretty difficult to NOT get 4 medals in a pvp zone unless you are afk'ing or really really suck.


Why add all the objective based medals (they claim they are adding in 1.2) then nerf the crap out of medals? Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


And, I have a feeling the healers getting kill credit medals for healing those who kill is going to swing things way overboard. Yes, I'm a healer. I think healers were getting the shaft, but now this seems like it will be a bit much. Not that it matters much (see above with the 4 medal limitation)...


I disagree with your assertion that more medals = better players.


More medals = players who farm medals.


Better players win matches, REGARDLESS of medals.


By removing the incentive to just farm medals they've encouraged people to actually play to win and not just quit and farm medals. I personally think this is a GREAT change.

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BEFORE 1.1.5.


Medals > victory





AFTER 1.1.5


Victory > medals


actually not true at all. winning now is 8 medals worth of valor and 4 medals worth of coms. So, winning with 4 to 5 medals was always better then losing with 10 medals.


Also, people saying that you cant contribute to a win and get 10 medals are terrible at pvp. I easily get 9 to 10 medals a match(with the exception of huttball, as its harder for melee,or anyone, to get medals there while trying to win) and it usually only takes me about 4 WZ's to get my 3 wins as republic. And no, im not being carried while farming medals, you just have to be conscious of what medals you can get in different situations and execute correctly.


Granted there are times in Civil War or voidstar where i have to guard a turret/door most of the match and i dont get more then 3ish medals, but luckily i play with friends and once they have 9 or so we will switch who gets to watch the boring side.



People who are better then you should be rewarded accordingly. Would it be cool if after you killed the first 4 bosses in a raid the next 6 didnt drop loot because not everyone is good enough to kill them? i didnt think so.





Edited by phluke
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This kinda sucks for me because I actually enjoy medal farming, it gives me something to do if I'm in a losing WZ and there's no hope for a comeback. .


There is only ONE situation where there's ZERO hope for a comeback, and that's in a Voidstar where you're defense second and your opponent has exceded your progress.

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People who are better then you should be rewarded accordingly. Would it be cool if after you killed the first 4 bosses in a raid the next 6 didnt drop loot? i didnt think so.



More medals does not equate to a better player. It just doesn't.


More medals ONLY means you took actions to get more medals. It's absolutely ZERO measurement of a player's skill or contribution to the team.


Your boss analogy is exactly the viewpoint that is requiring this change. Medal #5 is NOT an accomplishmentt. It's just medal #5.


The ONLY accomplishment is winning. Frankly I wish they'd just remove medal rewards entirely. Except that they encourage people to at least participate and not just AFK.


If it were up to me.


Win = valor/commedations

Loss = nothing

Medals = name only, no rewards

AFK = boot kick in 20 seconds of inactivity, + vote to boot kick option.

Quit/Disconnect/AFK/VoteKick = 15 minute lockout. the same duration of the warzone you quit.


THIS would encourage people to PLAY TO WIN. Which in ANY other team competition is the primary and sole goal. As it should be.

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