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When will SWTOR Fall?


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If you aren't level 50 after 2 months on this game you are 1. Very slow 2. Hardly ever play 3. Playing alts


And I've never seen one person on this forum demanding perfection. And asking for more endgame content - especially considering how quicly the leveling up on this game is - is entirely reasonable.


And trying to label people as whiney angry people simply for pointing out this game's very lacking endgame is what is really nonsense.


I like how you try to sound reasonable when all you type is complete and utter crap.


Again you lecture me about judging other people, WHILE judging other people.


"People who have played this game for 2 months and aren't 50 are either slow, hardly ever play, or are on alts because those are the only plausible explanations. Herp."


Let's use WoW as the parameter of perfection in this case, because in the MMO market it's the closest thing to perfect. Subscription numbers don't lie.


Every person who wrote a post complaining about a total lack of ranked pvp, custom ui, custom 3rd party addons, 4+ operations [Even though we got 14+ Flashpoints/Hm's that should have held us over until more endgame content came out], appearance tabs, server transfers off the bat, more sets of end-game armor, swoop racing, pazaak, etc asks for, while not complete perfection, at least a little bit of perfection. All of the above is PLASTERED all over the forums. I see more people ************ about space combat than your end-game.


Fact is, giving valuable input to the developers is fine. I applaud anyone who can sit there any day of the week and type out a well thought post describing the problem, giving their constructive feedback on that problem, and offering ideas that may possibly solve that problem.


However, in the real world without prancing unicorns and super saiyan fairies, we get a majority of people expecting, demanding, and yelling for immediate fixes to any problem they get, in any way shape or form.


The real nonsense is if you believe the people on this forum give constructive criticism/feedback more than they write GIMME GIMME GIMME posts.

Edited by LucisAbyssus
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I'm still boggled whenever hearing folks say that 'The Old Republic' doesn't have enough content "or" that it's easy to blow through it all. Even though I've had this game since Day One, I just finally reached Level 20 earlier today. Granted, I didn't play the game for a good month after the first week though because of my hectic life schedule.


Unlike most RPG / MMO junkies however, I'm more enthralled with the overall story-line and love just running around aimlessly and exploring every nook and cranny. Not to mention, I never skip (spacebar) any of the narrative and revel more in the character development, rather than worry about Level Progression.


Personally, I'm not worried about trying to keep-up with the rest of the population, and figure there will always be enough people around roughly the same Level as myself. Furthermore, it seems that many gamers are only leveling-up one character class, without even bothering to touch what the other 7 have to offer. Don't get me wrong, to each their own, since everyone is going to play in whatever fashion they choose.


I just find that with an INCREDIBLE story (or should I say "stories) that 'TOR' has to offer, why not experience each Class over time if the opportunity presents itself? Even though I plan to reach Level 50 with my Bounty Hunter eventually, I'm still anticipating playing through this game MULTIPLE times - and I GUARANTEE it's going to take me YEARS to accomplish such a feat. Sheesh, I'm lucky to play a few hours every few days... so at this rate, I basically have a life-time of 'TOR' content.


If you were to match up any (or even the combination) of this game's stories to another MMO, TOR would fall flat every time in that department. After getting 2 50's and and 3 other's to mid 30's, I just have not found any of the stories worth giving such high praise. The dialogue is often amusing for some classes, but the actual plot behind them is forgettable. I have not tried smuggler, but the other republic stories are so bland that I don't think I'll bother.


The voice overs were a nice touch the first time through, but they are honestly more of a gimmick than anything. Unless I found a particular character or side quest amusing, all but the main story was skipped after my first republic and imperial characters.


With all the focus on this "4th Pillar," there could have been much more added to the game in its place that would have been vastly more important. There's plenty of content if you're speaking of the amount, but after completing a character or two, there isn't as much replayability as people might believe.


Lol, I can't even bring myself to finish some of the stories as they are not interesting enough to get through all the other side quests. PvP wouldn't be so bad if there was more than 3 Warzones and world pvp existed outside of Ilum. Maybe they'll fix a lot in the next 6 months or so, but until then I can't see too many staying interested.

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Sorry, but I read the first 5 lines of the OP and realized this was posted by a Bungie fanboy. The respect I have for bungie and halo is so minuscule considering Socom 1 was Online with TDM and Objective before halo even came close makes me cry at the ignorance of the OP and his blindness.
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I like how you try to sound reasonable when all you type is complete and utter crap.


Again you lecture me about judging other people, WHILE judging other people.


"People who have played this game for 2 months and aren't 50 are either slow, hardly ever play, or are on alts because those are the only plausible explanations. Herp."


Let's use WoW as the parameter of perfection in this case, because in the MMO market it's the closest thing to perfect. Subscription numbers don't lie.


Every person who wrote a post complaining about a total lack of ranked pvp, custom ui, custom 3rd party addons, 4+ operations [Even though we got 14+ Flashpoints/Hm's that should have held us over until more endgame content came out], appearance tabs, server transfers off the bat, more sets of end-game armor, swoop racing, pazaak, etc asks for, while not complete perfection, at least a little bit of perfection. All of the above is PLASTERED all over the forums. I see more people ************ about space combat than your end-game.


Fact is, giving valuable input to the developers is fine. I applaud anyone who can sit there any day of the week and type out a well thought post describing the problem, giving their constructive feedback on that problem, and offering ideas that may possibly solve that problem.


However, in the real world without prancing unicorns and super saiyan fairies, we get a majority of people expecting, demanding, and yelling for immediate fixes to any problem they get, in any way shape or form.


lol sorry, I quit reading you after you said WoW was closest thing to perfection. That just killed any intitative I had what-so-ever to keep reading your nonsense lol


And I made no personal judgements about anyone. That is what i'm talking about. Flaming people on a personal level.


Very slow, Hardly ever play, or play alts are not personal judgements about people. They are simply the facts as I see them, and weren't meant to be insultilng. Though it's possible to take the very slow comment as an insult I suppose, so i'll give you that one if you like. But hardly ever play or playing alts can hardly be taken as personal flames about people.

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lol sorry, I quit reading you after you said WoW was closest thing to perfection. That just killed any intitative I had what-so-ever to keep reading your nonsense lol


And I made no personal judgements about anyone. That is what i'm talking about. Flaming people on a personal level.


Very slow, Hardly ever play, or play alts are not personal judgements about people. They are simply the facts as I see them, and weren't meant to be insultilng. Though it's possible to take the very slow comment as an insult I suppose, so i'll give you that one if you like. But hardly ever play or playing alts can hardly be taken as personal flames about people.


I told you, numbers don't lie. If you don't believe you haven't made a single personal judgement to anyone in this thread then I feel sorry for either your blatant lack of awareness or clever trolling skills.


Let's break it down: WoW is a definite success from a business perspective. Why? Because it has the largest population of players in the MMO Industry. Why does it have the largest population of players in the MMO Industry? A few reasons:


1. The game is good enough for people to not only subscribe to the game, but continue subscribing to the game.

2. Their marketing campaign is damn good.

3. 11 Million people in the world are just stupid for playing this awful terrible game that nobody should like.


I'm going to exclude #3 and say that it's close to perfect because of #1&2.

Try to play semantics all you like.


It won't support your argument. :rolleyes:

Edited by LucisAbyssus
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Let's use WoW as the parameter of perfection in this case, because in the MMO market it's the closest thing to perfect. Subscription numbers don't lie.




I'd also like to point out the absurd amount of people who either eat fast food or just eat out in general. Most people also can't cook for themselves at any decent level.


There's a similar connection for both examples, but I won't say what that is :p




And yes, the most lacking thing in the star wars game is the STAR WARS part. Lol, hopefully it will consist of more than spamming spacebar and missiles against other players if they ever decide to add something with substance.

Edited by fisheggs
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I told you, numbers don't lie. If you don't believe you haven't made a single personal judgement to anyone in this thread then I feel sorry for either your blatant lack of awareness or clever trolling skills.


Try to play semantics all you like.


It won't support your argument. :rolleyes:


I wasn't playing semantics....


Saying someone hardly ever plays a game or is playing alts cannot be taken as personal insults by any rational person lol


And I'm not trolling. Simply sick of the SWTOR defenders on these forums always attacking other posters who raise legitamate complaints about this game, many of which I share - and I'm not angry nor am I expecting perfection. I"m just expecting a game that doesn't get boring after a month or two :)

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I'd also like to point out the absurd amount of people who either eat fast food or just eat out in general. Most people also can't cook for themselves at any decent level.


There's a similar connection for both examples, but I won't say what that is :p


That's actually a fallacy.


MMO's aren't fast food.


MMO is a source of entertainment. The more entertaining it is, the more you want to participate. Dismissing WoW as a cheeseburger won't help your case at all. It makes you sound petty.

Edited by LucisAbyssus
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I wasn't playing semantics....


Saying someone hardly ever plays a game or is playing alts cannot be taken as personal insults by any rational person lol


And I'm not trolling. Simply sick of the SWTOR defenders on these forums always attacking other posters who raise legitamate complaints about this game, many of which I share - and I'm not angry nor am I expecting perfection. I"m just expecting a game that doesn't get boring after a month or two :)


Protip: Don't play an MMO fresh off the press then. Or create your own content.


1. Legacy/Alts

2. Flashpoints

3. Operations

4. Warzones

5. World PvP

6. Crew Skills/Auction House

7. Space Combat

8. Datacrons


If you don't...


Have at least one level 50 of each advanced class in the game, tier 1, 1.5, and 2 of pve gear for each of them, have cleared every flash point/operation in normal, hard mode, and nightmare mode and upgraded your armor accordingly, have gotten every tier of pvp armor for each class accordingly, make a formidable profit from the auction house/ your crew skills, have completed every space combat mission and obtained every space combat item available, have obtained every datacron necessary for every advanced class you have, and have capped your legacy at level 50 then I see no reason why you should blame

Bioware for being bored.


Unless you're the person who sits at IF or RF all day spamming general chat and hating Bioware for not having more 50's to play with?

Edited by LucisAbyssus
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Protip: Don't play an MMO fresh off the press then.




All the other MMORPGs I've played fresh off the press for a a month or two didn't get boring? lol...


I think you just defeated your own argument :)

Edited by JeremyDale
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All the other MMORPGs I've played fresh off the press for a a month or two didn't get boring? lol...


I think you just defeated your own argument :)


Oh yea? Name them and how long you played them?


If you prefer playing LOTRO, a game with easier boss mechanics than SW:TOR and no PvP that's worth mentioning over SW:TOR, then I hate to say it, but maybe this game just isn't for you. Which, I assure you, if it isn't for you and you decide to leave, I would be so heartbroken over, as many others would be as well.



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Oh yea? Name them and how long you played them?


I played FF11 when it was first released. Played it for years....deffinitely wasn't bored of it after playing for 2 months. Same with LOTRO.


lol...why do you always make a post and then go back and add more to it. You should really stop doing that, cause the stuff you add is always just lame troll comments.


Your posts are a lot better in their initial structures :)

Edited by JeremyDale
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I played FF11 when it was first released. Played it for years....deffinitely wasn't bored of it after playing for 2 months. Same with LOTRO.


This explains it all.


You found FF11 and LOTRO more entertaining than any other MMO on the market.


We are done here. You're dead to me.

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This explains it all.


You found FF11 and LOTRO more entertaining than any other MMO on the market.


We are done here. You're dead to me.


lol Typical when you start to lose a debate you resort to putting words in my mouth then say I am dead to you for saying something I never even said ...


I said both of those games didn't get boring after the first 2 months of playing them. I didn't say they were the most entertaining games on the market.


SWTOR was a very entertaining game when i first got it, and leveling up was a lot of fun. It's just the leveling up was too short and the endgame is very lacking, so it gets boring very fast.


It's a fun game while it lasts. Sadly, it just doesn't last very long.

Edited by JeremyDale
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That's actually a fallacy.


MMO's aren't fast food.


MMO is a source of entertainment. The more entertaining it is, the more you want to participate. Dismissing WoW as a cheeseburger won't help your case at all. It makes you sound petty.


They're both cheap and thrive on low expectations.


Just because something is popular or supported by many, does not mean it is a shining example of excellence. It has more to do with having a more accessible product.


You can call it as 'sounding petty', but it's much easier to deal with your average person than to please someone with standards.


I'd actually like TOR to do better, but who knows if it will.

Edited by fisheggs
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lol Typical when you start to lose a debate you resort to putting words in my mouth then say they are dead to you for saying something I never even said ...


I said both of those games didn't get boring after the first 2 months of playing them. I didn't say they were the most entertaining games on the market.


SWTOR was a very entertaining game when i first got it, and leveling up was a lot of fun. It's just the leveling up was too short and the endgame is very lacking, so it gets boring very fast.


It's a fun game while it lasts. Sadly, it just doesn't last very long.


I dont take anyone named Jermy seriously..


How about you guys.


Jeremy is upset with you....:p


facking lawl


back off jermy please dont hurt us

Edited by Blavatsky
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I dont take anyone named Jermy seriously..


How about you guys.


Jeremy is upset with you....:p


facking lawl


back off jermy please dont hurt us


A guy named Blavatsky making fun of my name? :)


And i'm not upset with anyone lol So don't worry, you are safe and I'm not going to hurt you.

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Time to sit back in my recliner, grab some popcorn, and resresh this page watching you guys.


simple pleasures.


we so enjoy,




we should toast.


Raise up your glass


for life will soon pass


better under the table


then under the grass


So pile each on your platter


a mountain of beef


tis eating and drinking that bring us relief


and give us a kiss


my sweet lovely miss


for hell hath no inkeepers daughter like this.


And give me a hand


i'm not able to stand


but happy while I linger


on top of the land...

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simple pleasures.


we so enjoy,




we should toast.


Raise up your glass


for life will soon pass


better under the table


then under the grass


So pile each on your platter


a mountain of beef


tis eating and drinking that bring us relief


and give us a kiss


my sweet lovely miss


for hell hath no inkeepers daughter like this.


And give me a hand


i'm not able to stand


but happy while I linger


on top of the land...


Bravo! Gonna grab a drink. Popcorns makin me thirsty!

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Protip: Don't play an MMO fresh off the press then. Or create your own content.


1. Legacy/Alts

2. Flashpoints

3. Operations

4. Warzones

5. World PvP

6. Crew Skills/Auction House

7. Space Combat

8. Datacrons


If you don't...


Have at least one level 50 of each advanced class in the game, tier 1, 1.5, and 2 of pve gear for each of them, have cleared every flash point/operation in normal, hard mode, and nightmare mode and upgraded your armor accordingly, have gotten every tier of pvp armor for each class accordingly, make a formidable profit from the auction house/ your crew skills, have completed every space combat mission and obtained every space combat item available, have obtained every datacron necessary for every advanced class you have, and have capped your legacy at level 50 then I see no reason why you should blame

Bioware for being bored.


Unless you're the person who sits at IF or RF all day spamming general chat and hating Bioware for not having more 50's to play with?


Datacrons if your not the largest character type. XD

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