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Vanguard/Powertech Most OP class in the game


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Yes it is.



- Most utility in the game (tied with sorc), ie. leap (specced) and pull (which in itself is insane),

- Most amounts of interrupts in the game.

- One of the toughest and arguably the toughest class in the game when it comes to defensive CDs and damage mitigation.

- Best AoE ability in the game

- Excellent ranged damage capabilities

- Excellent melee damage capabilities

- One of the best burst capabilities in the game as assault/pyro

- One of the highest sustainable DpS over time



- Umm.. None


I cant really see how a wellgeared PT/Van would be able to lose a duel EVER.


They should at least remove harpoon/grapple from the game. That would at least make Ilum remotely playable again, making it be about tactics, teamwork and postioning, and not only be about which blob got the most amount of PTs/Vans and are able to fish the fastest. Harpoon is the prime reason Ilum is broken atm.

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Yes it is.



- Most utility in the game (tied with sorc), ie. leap (specced) and pull (which in itself is insane),

- Most amounts of interrupts in the game.

- One of the toughest and arguably the toughest class in the game when it comes to defensive CDs and damage mitigation.

- Best AoE ability in the game

- Excellent ranged damage capabilities

- Excellent melee damage capabilities

- One of the best burst capabilities in the game as assault/pyro

- One of the highest sustainable DpS over time



- Umm.. None


I cant really see how a wellgeared PT/Van would be able to lose a duel EVER.


They should at least remove harpoon/grapple from the game. That would at least make Ilum remotely playable again, making it be about tactics, teamwork and postioning, and not only be about which blob got the most amount of PTs/Vans and are able to fish the fastest. Harpoon is the prime reason Ilum is broken atm.


They have some fair utility, some good AoE potential and are good at interrupts.


How do you know their sustained damage is better than any other class? There's no combat logs yet. I'd argue my Shadow probably does more sustained than my Vanguard, but I won't know for sure until combat logs.


They have almost no ranged capability unless spec'd into Assault.


Their interrupts are improved by Tactics


Their charge comes from Shield Specialization.


We need Harpoon as Tactics, and that's where we get the shorter cooldown for it. Go figure.


is this another 31/31/31 spec'd class?

Edited by Grubfist
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Powertechs are very strong, but not overpowered. They don't need a nerf.


Class balance overall is pretty much fine. A boost to operatives and snipers, and keep everything else the same, see how the ranked warzones pan out, then make any adjustments if needed.

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I grant you its hard for them to leap and burst at the same time. They still have the option though, if they want to leap, they can leap. My primary concern however is the assault/pyro tree.


It gives way too much dps compared to the beefyness/utility of this AC. A good pyro/assault will usually top any WZ in damage when you add in the immense AoE they can do. They usually are also left alone cause even in pyro/as. they take pitiful damage, and can just shrug of bursts with their CDs.


Funny thing is commando which shares that tree will totally gimp their damage by doing so as they unlike vanguard have no synergizing trees. They could just as well give commandos some random forecebased pebblethrowing tree as assault, cause it is utter useless to them.

Edited by Niconogood
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Vanguard/PT is not broken because of faction imbalance.


we only got 1 interrrupt.

AOE can be broken, or you COULD MOVE AWAY FROM IT.



Good defense? yeah but we can't get away from things unless we use our stuns, or is specced for it... We got a shield like everybody else, but it is worse then Sorcs..

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LOL at someone playing both easymode FOTM classes (Commando and sage) and whining about another class. I've seen it all now.


It makes sense, actually, Vanguards are quite good at disrupting casters, so from his PoV....

Edited by Grubfist
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This isn't really up for debate. Any rational person will admit Pyro damage is out of control in PvP. This burst is absolutely and utterly retarded. I have had back to back 4500-5k crits on me in full champ gear. A BM Pyro-Powertech is nearly impossible to kill and can burst someone dead within a few globals.


Anyone that tries to pretend the burst doesn't needs to get toned down has no idea what they are talking about or are blatantly lying in hope devs don't notice the problem.

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The only thing they should look up is their dmg and their red bubble defensive cooldown.


Their dmg scale way too well since it is mostly elemental ( fire /lightning ) and cant be reduced by armor or tank stance or anything. Also cant be dodged shielded, parry. So when really well geared they can do absurd amount of dmg aka 700+k dmg in a single warzone while being hard as hell to kill. Rail shot is reduced by armor but we all know powertech got something like 60-90% armor pen on those by talent, witch make it another true dmg ability or so scalling too well. Even in pve they tend to do most dmg ( aka only classe stealing agro every taunt cooldown even with guard on )


The dmg mitigation they get is from abilities are learned by all bounty hunters. So even being dps speced they get all the nice defensive cooldowns they need. Those shield/def cooldown should be up there in the shieldtank spec like warriors and shadow/assassin tanks.


Other than that they are fine, they need the grapple since its their build in way to get close to the enemy and peel. Don't even lower the cooldown. It feels pretty fine as it is right now.

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What is this AoE insanity that you keep mentioning?


The 1 min CD mortar volley? or the 15sec CD frontal cone pulse generator?


Both tick for 1k crit, getting a total of 3k max into a target over 3 seconds; Orbital Bomb does that in one tic.


Pyro spec vanguard is a MDPS spec with one defensive CD, no charge, and no escape. What it does well is damage all targets nearly equally, as it's less susceptible to armor and shield mitigation, compared to say a marauder who end up doing much more damage to soft targets.


Tank spec vanguard specialize in absorbing damage; they do not have anywhere near the burst potential of pyro, with equal uptime I would say they deal somewhere 60% the damage of the pyro, but they are required to be within 4m of their target to do so where the pyro has wiggle room between 4m-10m and can somewhat operate at 30m.


Your complaint is formed as though you've fought a Vanguard that had over 21 points in all 3 specialization lines. Perhaps a more focused argument like "31 pyro has too much burst" or "Shield spec hybrids are too hard to kill" would generate a more positive reception. Instead you have people calling you an idiot for complaining about 31/31/31 Vanguards with 2 offhand items and 12 armor slots again.

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Actually, their 31-point talent is Kinetic damage and their proc (High Impact Bolt) is deflectable.


Tactics has far more elemental/internal damage.


Yes but almost ignore all armor mitigation. and beside the 31 point witch still hit very hard compared to other classes 31 point talent, everything else is elemental dmg.

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There's no tri-spec like a Sorc that lets you have all of that.


You have tanking, mobility, and moderate damage (Carolina Parakeet or Ironfist)




Lots of ranged damage and burst, and no defense. (31+ point Assault/Pyrotech spec)

Edited by savionen
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What is this AoE insanity that you keep mentioning?


The 1 min CD mortar volley? or the 15sec CD frontal cone pulse generator?


Both tick for 1k crit, getting a total of 3k max into a target over 3 seconds; Orbital Bomb does that in one tic.


Pyro spec vanguard is a MDPS spec with one defensive CD, no charge, and no escape. What it does well is damage all targets nearly equally, as it's less susceptible to armor and shield mitigation, compared to say a marauder who end up doing much more damage to soft targets.


Tank spec vanguard specialize in absorbing damage; they do not have anywhere near the burst potential of pyro, with equal uptime I would say they deal somewhere 60% the damage of the pyro, but they are required to be within 4m of their target to do so where the pyro has wiggle room between 4m-10m and can somewhat operate at 30m.


Your complaint is formed as though you've fought a Vanguard that had over 21 points in all 3 specialization lines. Perhaps a more focused argument like "31 pyro has too much burst" or "Shield spec hybrids are too hard to kill" would generate a more positive reception. Instead you have people calling you an idiot for complaining about 31/31/31 Vanguards with 2 offhand items and 12 armor slots again.


It should be pretty obvious to most with a couple of braincells that my main complaint is pyro. I even write excpicitly in the introduction post that storm is "(specced)", so even dummies should understand this...


When it comes to mortar volley I got this ability myself as a commando. With maxed out BM/Rakata + trinket/adrenal I easily crit 2,5k+ damage a tick, times 3 ticks. Thats up to 7,5k damage AoE. Powertechs can do the same, which is pretty insane considering their tanky nature, and that they actually are mobile.

Edited by Niconogood
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The only thing they should look up is their dmg and their red bubble defensive cooldown.


Their dmg scale way too well since it is mostly elemental ( fire /lightning ) and cant be reduced by armor or tank stance or anything. Also cant be dodged shielded, parry. So when really well geared they can do absurd amount of dmg aka 700+k dmg in a single warzone while being hard as hell to kill. Rail shot is reduced by armor but we all know powertech got something like 60-90% armor pen on those by talent, witch make it another true dmg ability or so scalling too well. Even in pve they tend to do most dmg ( aka only classe stealing agro every taunt cooldown even with guard on )


The dmg mitigation they get is from abilities are learned by all bounty hunters. So even being dps speced they get all the nice defensive cooldowns they need. Those shield/def cooldown should be up there in the shieldtank spec like warriors and shadow/assassin tanks.


Other than that they are fine, they need the grapple since its their build in way to get close to the enemy and peel. Don't even lower the cooldown. It feels pretty fine as it is right now.


Reactive Shield reduces damage by 25%, that's the same as Saber Ward, and that's all a Vanguard/Powertech gets.


Shadow/Assassin tanks don't get any extra defensive cooldowns, aside from Kinetic Ward, which is borderline useless in PvP.



Unless you're a Pyrotech/Assault-spec you don't do a ton of elemental damage. Ion Pulse has pretty low damage for a standard attack, if it wasn't elemental it'd honestly be worthless.


Hi-Impact Bolt can also be deflected/parried, so some classes like Assassin/Shadow can block it pretty easily. Also has a 15-sec cooldown unless you're Pyrotech/Assault-spec, again, which has terrible defense.

Edited by savionen
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I kill Powertechs all the time. They are nasty, but nothing overpowered. If they were they would be the Flavor of the month. There aren't many high end PTs, which tells you something.


Thats strange, cause on my server theyre crawling.. All over both the low level and level 50 bracket. Especially after the operatives nerf.

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It should be pretty obvious to most with a couple of braincells that my main complaint is pyro. I even write excpicitly in the introduction post that storm is "(specced)", so even dummies should understand this...


When it comes to mortar volley I got this ability myself as a commando. With maxed out BM/Rakata + trinket/adrenal I easily crit 2,5k+ damage a tick, times 3 ticks. Thats up to 7,5k damage AoE. Powertechs can do the same, which is pretty insane considering their tanky nature, and that they actually are mobile.

Shieldtech PTs are "tanky nature". Pyrotech PTs are not "tanky nature".


Your post is laughable and shows your ignorance. L2P, you're playing two of the easiest classes in the game.

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I kill Powertechs all the time. They are nasty, but nothing overpowered. If they were they would be the Flavor of the month. There aren't many high end PTs, which tells you something.


I am calling ******** on this. You obviously haven't faced a BM one that has a freaking clue what to do.


There aren't many high end PTs because


a) most people rolled a force user

b) For the people who rolled BH, Merc sounded a lot more interesting ("state of the art weapons!" )


Don't be stupid.

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