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SWTOR: Commando PvP Godlike 1v7 for minutes.


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Couldnt find a video sorc/sage do any kind of 1v7 for 1/4 of the time that commando did solo defending a node from 7 people zerg rush.


Any idea where I can find all these so called sage/sorc 1 shot kill auto WZ win while afk tanking 8 people and not die?

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I guess the 7 had no type of stun/mez/snare available to them. When I have been in that situation resolve did not save me and I watched my screen as my commando was quivering and shaking for what seemed like an eternity.


I am not heal spec so maybe they are able to mitigate the cc stuff.


He also didn't look very interested in completing any of the objectives. Would be perfect in ilum though.

Edited by Redcorn
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Pre-50-bracket? lol... As a BM-decked hybrid commando I have however won plenty 1v2s against level 50 impscrubs on Ilum and in WZs. But against 5-6 guys meh. that was only possible pre-50 bracket. Edited by Niconogood
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Can someone link me to the spec he was using here? Is it still viable given as this is an old video? I'm a new Commando =)


The spec was in the beginning of the video and this was a Battlemaster Geared player going agains alot of lower chars before the bracketed War Zones. Im not saying he isnt a good player but you better beleave that isn't going to happen against good imps.


Only time you're going to own 2 ppl at a time with any class is if they sucks REALLY bad at playing the class. And you make No mistakes.


Although it makes me want to try Combat Medic again.:D

Edited by whataboutbob
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Can someone link me to the spec he was using here? Is it still viable given as this is an old video? I'm a new Commando =)


1) This was before the surge/critical hit multiplier nerf - you can't hit that hard anymore


2) He's playing vs a lot of lower levels which have less abilities and no expertise stat.


3) He's got 2-3 rows of buffs most of the time he's shown damaging because the burst is from him blowing his CD buffs.


4) He has a pocket tank following him sponging damage with guard and probably taunt.



It is still perfectly viable to go round as a tank/medic pair with the tank guarding you and you healing. Such things are still difficult to counter.


But you won't hit as hard and you won't fight weaker levels as he was.

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