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Marauder pvp?


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Anyone that have played pvp high level with marauder? ii wonder becouse i got alittle nervous yesterday when i jumped a lvl 30 Jedi counsular (sage) and got totaly stomped (was 32 my self) he could keep me stunded all the time more or less i wasent eaven able to hit him more than once or twise =P (thoug ofc this can be becouse im not use to tor pvp at all yet) but im curious if mara is viable in pvp? And what abilities should i focus on in pvp? and is players in pvp counted as standard enemies or strong? For instance does force shout "stun" in pvp or is it just like on strong and hc mobs?


And before all kids starts to scream noob etc try to keep it serious.

and im sorry for any spelling errors and gramatics faults eng aint my native language.


Best Regards and May the force be with you all =P


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I haven't played a marauder or pvp'd myself so I know very little.


Just from reading **** ive heard they are relatively weak in warzones (duels might be another case).


Ive also heard that they dont get a lot of their good stuff until higher levels, making low level pvp kind of rough.


This is purely things ive read. Not to mention its not like there has been a ton of geared 50 vs 50 pvp. For all we know marauders are gods.

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well you can choose any tree as all of them are viable for pvp , just depends how you spec it.. some advice would be

always use cauterize - always keep it on cd, its has a very powerful dot, so if an opponent does go outa range it will stil do its dps.


Interrupt as much as you can especially with sages as most of their attacks are casted.


And yes force scream does not stun, but is stil probably one of our strongest attacks, so use it as much as possible


Slow your opponent down at all times - always keep that abilty on cd


Use saber throw all the time aswel for that healing debuff - esp useful against healers or healed targets (This is our one unqiue abilty from all other classes so use it)


Cloak of Pain - is a must keep it on cd whenever you jump on a target, its a great ability


Other than that just run circles around the target to put them off and use keybinds, there is a lot more and I havn't mentioned it here - but these are some things you should take into account.


Also maurauders are quite complicated to play (probably the hardest to master out of all the classes), as they have a LOT of useful abilities , so the challenge is to actualy know which to use in what situation.


Don't listen to the others, marauders are fine just difficult to master . http://sithwarrior.com/ - might give you a bit more advise

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also want to add - do not force leap onto targets all the time . THis is probably what most people do is force leap onto a target first time, and then they get pushed back, and now they are outta range and rage quit.


The thing is you have to be careful when you force leap, and most of the time - esp with sage or asssasins - just run up to them, preferably with maybe your saber ward on and attack them and wait till they use their force push like move - AND then force leap onto them and slow them down meaning they cant get away from u as easily

Edited by Majinr
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