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Merc Healer PvP Stats?


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Power / Crit / Surge are your bread and butter for healing.


Alacrity after 7% is pointless unless u can get it to around 40% with current gear ingame u can't.


Once u are in champ gear u can start pulling mods out of repeat gear to get rid of alacrity and replace it with power / crit / surge.

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I am actually one of those guys who did go the alacrity route. Frankly, I will take speed over crits anytime.




Because you are PVP healing. In a game where CC and interrupts get tossed around like bread in a Roman arena, every millisecond counts.


Being in the under 50 warzones, you may find that interrupts aren't being focused too heavily towards you. But face a team that knows what it is doing and the only time you will discover you can heal at all is when your bubble is up and you have full immunity to those same interrupts.


But in PVE healing, all that alacrity isn't worth a damn. Heal in FPs and I agree with the other players who stress the crits, power, and surge stats. Critical heals is the difference between tossing a few heals here and there and having to spam heal your team mates for the whole run.


It really depends on what you want to do with your character. If you are going to mix PVP with PVE then yes go with the crits. But if you are going to go PVP only, then I think alacrity is the better route.

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^^ has a point. If you can get your heal off before the opponent can recover from their GCD and inturrupt you, thats good. Of course, getting a crit is great too.


Though it is far easier to go through your heat bar in pvp than pve. With alacrity almost doubly so, due to faster casts (less heat regen per cast) as well as less crits/lower crit numbers. It isn't an easy thing to figure out, unlike the PVE numbers that have been crunched out (thanks community)


The diminishing returns on Surge is rather fast, Almost to the point you do not need much surge before the others are more useful. I'd take 1% more alacrity than 2% more surge.

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^^ has a point. If you can get your heal off before the opponent can recover from their GCD and inturrupt you, thats good. Of course, getting a crit is great too.


Though it is far easier to go through your heat bar in pvp than pve. With alacrity almost doubly so, due to faster casts (less heat regen per cast) as well as less crits/lower crit numbers. It isn't an easy thing to figure out, unlike the PVE numbers that have been crunched out (thanks community)


The diminishing returns on Surge is rather fast, Almost to the point you do not need much surge before the others are more useful. I'd take 1% more alacrity than 2% more surge.


I actually find that all those stuns floating around in the course of a warzone come with an advantage ... when they land on you they give you a few seconds to burn off some heat build up.


A number of times the opposing teams immediate objective isn't to kill you. It is to simply to stop you from healing. Hitting you with a mez or a stun does that quite well. Without CC, the only other option they have is to actively attack you - either to slow your healing or force you to self heal. This tactic can work for our lesser armor brethern, but with our heavy armor and possible bubble bonuses, we simply mitigate too much damage to drop quickly. So using CC on us is the more logical approach. In the heat of the moment (no pun intended) you may find you need those few seconds you get while cced will help you get your heat back under control.


This can be true very early on in Huttball. You get in the level 50 brackets and the initial ball grab can turn into a real slug fest. Target the guy who took the first hit and heal the crap out of him. Because odds are one hit will be followed by several more as the opposing team looks for an easy medal grab. 30 seconds later of spam healing and you will likely have gone through every cool down option you have and then some - especially if you focus on alacrity as a primary stat. Get a stun from a member of the opposing team and you might want to kiss the guy and say "thank you". Because anything else they could do to you will likely cause you to lose your position and force you to remaneuver which takes valuable time.

Edited by ForceWelder
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