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Need PvP healing advice


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Still leveling up my Merc (have an operative healer at 50). Once I hit 50 I'd like to be able to heal in Operations/FPs as well as PvP with a single build (once we have dual spec I will have a pve dps build as well (same one I am using to level). Was wondering what y'all thought of this heal build based on the above intentions :



Check my thread a bit lower titled The Bodyguard, it is just about a pve/pvp combined spec.

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Check my thread a bit lower titled The Bodyguard, it is just about a pve/pvp combined spec.


Thank you and I have read it, but I'd like a specific response regarding the build I propose above in particular with the situation I outlined in mind.

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To preface my post, I will say that I only PVP, I do not do any PVE whatsoever. My guild has walked me into getting a few Rakata pieces, aside from that I PVP and though I have completed all HM instances, I don't consider myself an expert on healing in PVE or Raids. I've been healing as a Merc in warzones since level 35 and I levelled from 35-50 in warzones, since them I've become a BM and have all of my gear.


1. would you link your spec please?


- I'm currently using this spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300rfRMRkcdzqZrcoz.1

- I've toyed around with Systems Calibrations as my gear was upgraded, I didn't have improved vents when I had my champion gear, and I've floated in and out of having reactive armor and two points in powred insulators.


2. do you use kolto missile only in groups?


- No. It gives a 5% healing buff for 15 seconds as well as a nice heal, it's also one of the few talents we have which can be used on ourselves while moving that isn't a reactive based heal. Healing whlie moving is critically important and for this reason, in PVP, Kolto Missile cannot be ignored.


3. after you build up 30 units of super charged gas, when is the best time to use it?


- I use it often and surprisingly, more as part of my heat management than anything else. It's a great tool to use to get several healing scans out there which will also proc Proactive Medicine on each person, and Reactive Armor. Use it often, abilities like this one aren't usually best saved and getting more uses per match or battle in is typically more important overall than saving it for a "critical time".


4. rapid scan and healing scan seem very similar to me. I know one is faster and the other heals a bit more, but is there a preference here?


- They are two different things. Rapid Scans has a longer cast time however it builds charges for Supercharged Gas, it's a hefty heal and it's complimented via talents by Healing Scan. Healing Scan will proc a heat reduction via Critical Efficiency, so Healing Scan will reduce the heat cost of the following Rapid Scan. Additionally, in having a faster cast time on healing scan you have a greater chance over time, per cast of receiving your talented Critical Reaction buff which will increase your Alacrity by 5% for 6 seconds. Another poster mentioned that you want your healing scan to be the cast that gets interrupted or locked out, I agree with him completely on that point. When Healing Scan is up, cast it on someone, it's one of your strongest abilities because of the added talented buffs, bonuses, and HOT. Rapid Scan is your primary healing ability and the one you will spam the most.


5. the sticky post guide guy says to spam rapid shots as much as possible. I know this gives your location away, but do you agree/disagree with this?


- I use rapid shots when I make an error in heat management, and I use it when I'm moving and need to keep someone else up inbetween my movement rotation. Aside from that, if I'm planted, I rarely use rapid shots. PVE is a completely different matter in that you have a more difficult time managing your heat and the damage input and healing output remain primarily at a constant. When I'm in a maximum output healing rotation scenario in a BG, I do use rapid shots as a filler so that I'm outputting heals in the pauses I have to create to manage heat.


6. assume your in a WZ and a teammate is 1v1. You're under no pressure. What is a typical heal rotation in this rare (lol) senario?


- It actually will and does depend on your spec and gear. Practice on other players outside battlegrounds and work on a healing rotation that is repeatable and zero heat, it will change as your stats change. In PVP, you don't usually have the luxury of spamming heals unfettered and in PVP you quite often need to be healing while moving, something else that's worth investing time in buliding muscle memory for.


7. same as question 6 except you have a guy beating on you as well. Do you pop shield/shields, concentrate on yourself, continue to heal teammate plus youself, etc.?


- This is entirely situational and while I love to get into hypotheticals, I don't any of mine will benefit you or make you a better player :)


I would love to see more questions about how we achieve supreme survivability, healing with movement, talent choices, and what things really give you problems in PVP.


I'll follow this off with three simple tips which will make any new group better:


- If someone has guard, it usually needs to be on a healer, you may not be that healer. Quite often the lesser experienced or lesser geared healer will make or break the operation based on how you make this decision.


- Teach your team where you like to LOS, how, when, for how long, and where they need to be if they expect heals. This is fundamental stuff, but the maps we have been presented with represent a huge opportunity for healers in general when it comes to mitigating damage and confusing the enemy regarding the flow of the battke


- The way everyone else is doing it isn't necessarily the way you need to do it. When dealing with PVP, a lot of things are done that don't make sense or correlate to how we heal or spec in PVE. Be creative, mix it up, and have fun banging out big green numbers.

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1. would you link your spec please?


2. do you use kolto missile only in groups?


3. after you build up 30 units of super charged gas, when is the best time to use it?


4. rapid scan and healing scan seem very similar to me. I know one is faster and the other heals a bit more, but is there a preference here?


5. the sticky post guide guy says to spam rapid shots as much as possible. I know this gives your location away, but do you agree/disagree with this?


6. assume your in a WZ and a teammate is 1v1. You're under no pressure. What is a typical heal rotation in this rare (lol) senario?


7. same as question 6 except you have a guy beating on you as well. Do you pop shield/shields, concentrate on yourself, continue to heal teammate plus youself, etc.?


Sorry for the onslaught of questions and thanks again for your (and everyone else's) help.


Here is my 2 cents for your Qs (I am arguably the best merc healer or any healee on my server due to my ability to play and where/when to use what casts and cds)

1) I am on my phone so can't link spec but I use cookie cutter build no points in any +endurance or damage reductiin. No points in improved cure as I rarely rarely raaaaarely use it because it doesnt cure sorc dots. Spec into reduced heat on powershot


2) Some people were talking about mobility and this is so true, I can keep myself topped of really well on the fly, spam kolto missile, kolto shell, insta heal if needed. Protip The 40% increased healing while bubbled WORKS with medpack and kolto override. I can burst 15k+ healing on myself while moving in 3gcds and everyone can.


3) If I see 1 person taking tons of damage i pop it and then kolto bomb for 10% damage reduction then spam scans. Orrrr with relic/adrenal on anyone you see with sub15k hp spam powershot then cgc then more ps you will get your 2.5k damage medal np and kb most likely and highly likely to get 1v1 medal(i know medals dont matter too much but I always get 9 or more medals and it helps puggies to vote for u if you are top medals)


4) Use the one with cd on cd for reduced heat on rapid scan and for hot just keep your heat semi in checkcheck


5) I disagree wholeheartidly on this... only time i use rapidshots is if target needs like 500 or so hp to be topped off or if i need 3-6 quik stacks for cgc proc or if i amd running and stacking cgc at the same time.


6) If under no pressure you mean they arent taking much damage spam powershot if you mean noone is focusing you and they are taking serious damage and you need to top them off or sustain heals on them say I am running in and see a friendly at 5% hp i run towards him pop any adrenal/relic i have and instacast no heat proc as soon as he is in rannge hot with the 31 talent point insta heal then insta cast big heal then kolto bomb and he should be topped off. Then i stun the enemy and help kill him while keeping teammate topped. That is best (cd) scenario if i have no cds up i hit him with kolto bomb then (i am terrible with names for skills) the heal with a cd, then spam rapid scan with insta heal when on cd and make sure u get kolto shiled on him when u can.


7) I think this is the situation that separates me from other healers. Dead teammates means you are dead too... i top off all teammates and let myself dip to sub30% or lower without healing myself at all (unless teammates are topped) then i pop bubble medpack (7k heal with bub) kolto bomb 3k crits with bubb insta heL if i have one pop cds and rapid scan crits for 6.5k top myselc off as soon as humanly possible. Then i knockback everyone focusing me then get teammates healed asap and stun anyone back on me.


8) oh there is no 8.... well once again i am on my phone so i apologize for typos and poor skill name linking... i can clean up the post or you can talk to me on skype i have one video on youtube.com/kimjonghealsgaming it may shed a little light... me and 1 other healer on their base's ledge 7v2 while taking throws for caps and gaking serious damage.

Edited by Kimmjongheals
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people are answering this seriously, I love it.


keep up the good posts.


Not taking "Powered Insulators" seems like a bad idea, its 2-300 expertise worth of damage reduction.

Edited by KKaae
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Not taking "Powered Insulators" seems like a bad idea, its 2-300 expertise worth of damage reduction.


I agree here, mostly for PVP purposes. In PVE it may be a bit different due to taking damage moslty from positional problems (don't let the missile land on your head), but in PVP we draw a lot of fire for a good reason. 4% extra damage mitigation helps.

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