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Removed from instance on boss kill :-((

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Last night I was with pug in The False Emperor flashpoint (HM). Group was good so run was quite fast. However during the fight with last boss I've been removed from the flashpoint just before the boss kill. I was still in the group but I was unable to enter the flashpoint when rest of the group killed the boss. One of the group members suggested that re-log could help. I followed his suggestion. So I re-logged, asked for re-invitation to the group but still I was unable to enter the flashpoint. Basically when I was trying to enter flashpoint, loading screen was showed on the screen. When it loaded to 100% I was still at the entrance without any information or whatever what the problem can be. It was late so I asked group members (who by the way were very very help full and patience) to simply loot the boss and see what it drops. He dropped an item (chest columni token for my class). I was a bit disappointed with this. One of the group members said he will loot this item (as nobody needed it) and he will write a ticket which explain whole situation to the "game master" and ask him to simply remove this item from his bags and transfer it to mine inventory. He suggested I will do the same in order to make this situation more clear to the "game master". I did wrote a ticket where I described whole thing. I described what has happened, who took item just to "hold it" and I asked for help.


It was about 14 hours ago and I didn't get an answer from BW/GM. I'm asking you gals/guys did any of you had similar situation and did BW/GM helped to resolve it?



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24 hours and no reply from game master. Is it normal?


very normal.


I'd say you won't get a response for an item restore in at least 3 weeks. So just keep running Hard Mode FE and you'll get another one before they get around to it.

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3 weeks? No you can't be right with it. Although it's 34 hours now...


At least 1-2 weeks, depending on how the queue is fluctuating, and 3 weeks is not unheard of.

A quick scan of the Customer Service forum will show a ton of threads along these lines where the replies have taken 1-3 weeks if the posting users are to be believed.

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if you die during the battle with the last boss don't revive outside the instance. The second he is killed the instance locks and you can't get back in.


That is the only time I've seen someone get locked out, just lay there on the floor and wait for a party member to revive you.

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if you die during the battle with the last boss don't revive outside the instance. The second he is killed the instance locks and you can't get back in.


That is the only time I've seen someone get locked out, just lay there on the floor and wait for a party member to revive you.


Guess you've never seen anyone force pushed off the ledge

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If you're fighting a boss and die, never ever choose to revive at a med centre. This always places you outside the instance and in a state that you can't enter until the boss fight is killed, the group wipes, or everyone leaves the instance.
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If you're fighting a boss and die, never ever choose to revive at a med centre. This always places you outside the instance and in a state that you can't enter until the boss fight is killed, the group wipes, or everyone leaves the instance.


This would work unless you were force pushed into the pit.. Then it automatically throws you out of the zone. Happened a few times with a couple guild members. Best thing to do is if it happens, everyone in your party just jump in the pit and redo it. Otherwise.. no loot for the person that was kicked out.


Its like this so you dont have a group of Rakata geared people clearing the zone and then dropping and swapping people after the boss is dead and then opening the chest with people that didnt even participate in the flashpoint.

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