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Discussion about this so-called "huge loss of subs"


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I was so excited about this game I had quit wow and rift and even let my war account lapse because I thought this would be the one to replace them all....NOT1 This game is so boring I have to force myself to stay logged in for an hour at a time....really boring game period.
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I was so excited about this game I had quit wow and rift and even let my war account lapse because I thought this would be the one to replace them all....NOT1 This game is so boring I have to force myself to stay logged in for an hour at a time....really boring game period.


Don't play it, then. Games are supposed to be fun - don't force yourself to play something boring. Find a game that's fun for you. SWTOR is fun for me.

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Personally, I am enjoying PvP a lot, and will stay subbed for that alone. I'm looking very much forward to see it being developed further.


My entire guild dropped WoW to play SWTOR. We also recommended it to many casual friends, who picked up the game. Of us all, I think maybe half are still subbed. The other half? No, they did not go back to WoW. WoW is dead to us; it's simply passé.


What is happening, I think, is MMO as a genre is losing it's adventurous appeal. We've seen it all before. Done it all before. Left are those who enjoy the replayability of PvP, and the more "serious/diehard" gamers. Casuals feel no compulsion to commit themselves to one game, and a monthly sub is hard to justify for many folks in these financially troubled times.


Still, SWTOR is quite obviously blindingly good for an MMO in it's infancy, and I do think word of mouth, ie. personal recommendations, will make up for most of the retention loss, so that we perhaps end up with 4 million units sold, 1M+ subs - enough to keep it going for years to come.

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Lvl cap experience of TOR is a 1:1 clone of what WoW has been offering since TBC. It is literally impossible to create end game that reminds more of WoW even if you tried. It is virtually the same exact experience delivered in little more shallow, little less polished fashion.


About two weeks after dinging 50, it was impossible to keep from asking " Why am I still here and not in Azeroth?" Well, because I'm sick to death of Azerioth that's why!

....Unfortunatelly this inevitably means I'm sick of TOR as well. At lvl cap, they are essentially different content patches of same game. Vanilla WoW differs more from WOTLK era WoW than TOR does.



Having said all that, TOR is AWESOME for people who would have fallen in desperate passionate destructive love with WoW had they ever properly tried it. Amount of potential MMO subscribers who have never tried WoW is not massively massive.

Edited by Stradlin
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