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What end game? Playing this game starting to feel like a chore.


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I did every side quest on every planet, without spacing through a single conversation.


I collected every datacron on every planet before leaving.


I did every heroic quest on every planet before leaving.


I did every bonus series on every planet.


I got all my crafting and mission skills to max.


I got 3/5 of my companions to max rep.


I did every flashpoint I was given while levelling up.


I did every space mission at least once.


I played about 3-4 hours a day.


I hit 50 in 3 weeks.

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you know why molten core used to be known as molten chore?


Took a while to get to that point. MC wasn't on farm for most guilds until about 6 months after launch. Hate Molten Core all you like, but the fact remains that it was tuned in difficulty enough to give Blizzard time release BWL.


TOR had guilds farming NM mode stuff within the first 3 weeks. That is terrible design incarnate.

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no think this mmo was designed for the fable 3 or facebook button clicking crowd.


really within 2 months of launch I have done all the content, that is sad.


and I only play 2-3 hours a day due to working fulltime and being a 3rd year pysch major.

somedays I dont even get to play, hell there was a 10 day break where I was traveling that I didnt play.


You've been 50 for a month? Did you stop to eat along the way? ;p


You did that on three hours a day with 10 days off? Math does not support that my friend.


Either way, you've outpaced the game is all. People did the same thing in Wow, and every MMORPG since ultima online. This is not a hard core shooter. It will take the game a while to catch up with you.

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Took a while to get to that point. MC wasn't on farm for most guilds until about 6 months after launch. Hate Molten Core all you like, but the fact remains that it was tuned in difficulty enough to give Blizzard time release BWL.


TOR had guilds farming NM mode stuff within the first 3 weeks. That is terrible design incarnate.


If Molten core was a solid design, why did they abandon it and why did no game since follow that model?


Molten core actually sucked. I catered to a select few and did prove to keep them off the boards, for a short while. I guess that could be considered a minor success. ;p

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Then you never played WoW after Cata...WoW's gameplay is just as linear as this but this is far more entertaining.


I disagree on both your points. You had two starting zones in Cata for level 80's to go to. Either or both, as you saw fit. And the actual world around you changed as you did the quests. I felt like a hero in Cata, more then I ever did in SWTOR.

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The wife and I hit level 50 on january 17th. We skipped all of the flashpoints. Did all of the bonus kill x mobs quests. We didnt skip through any of the conversations.


At level 50 we have been able to run HM flashpoints and just cleared full normal EV for the first time. We have completed HM Black Talon, Boarding Party, and The Foundry. We started directive 7 but the second boss was bugged and spawning too many adds.


Anywyay, I have gotten one toon to max affection and marred them. I have not done any of the bonus eries stuff andh ave done ust a couple of dailys on belsavis and illum.


My wife has done less then that. Im sorry OP but we play 4-5 hours a day and have not accomplished half os what you have. We want to but we are ok going at this pace. Our guild is progressing nicely.


What we have done though, is we have a level 15 pair of jedi's and now a level 15 sith inquisitor for me, and a sith warrior for her. So maybe out time spent leveing a coupld of other toons contributed to how much we have not done on our mains but its ok. We will et there. My advise is to take a break.

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Welcome to the world that is MMO , it is called ENDGAME , you know game ended !!

Every MMO is the same , you either enjoy the endgame grind .


Or you reroll or quit , congratulations on finishing the game .


Nobody is asking you around to do stuff you don´t enjoy .

Simply move on , less complaining people the beter ... since it is a me meself and I generation.

If you don´t have FUN , then stop paying and playing .

If you do have FUN , then continue playing and paying .


Nobody cares what you think is FUN , cause FUN is subjective to each person.

And yes END GAME is a chore .. let alone work for free for guild leaders and raid leaders.

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I started with early access and I was able to play 6-8 hours a day, because I was on holiday break from school. I had basically a month off from school.


and if you play a class that starts out with a healing pet, then leveling is stupid fast.

because there is no down time healing between fights.

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I have to agree with the OP. There is nothing to do at end game. Ive tried making new characters, but it just feels the same, like im doing the same things over and over again.


I find it hard to believe anyone can disagree with the OP, that this game is fun and theres loads to do. The fact is you people are just mindless robots, with no idea what fun is.


THIS GAME ISNT FUN. Its repetitive, it gets boring at end game and most of the time its just a grind. I genuinely thought it would be something new. Yeah the voice acting is okay but thats just a feature we cant control, or play if that makes sense. Im glad someone has some sense in this. Its mostly 13 or 14 year olds who are probably playing this game, posting on the forums attacking anyone who says anything bad about this game


The fact is this game NEEDS more end game stuff, considering how quick it takes to get to max level. People go "oh well quit if you done everything". Theyre right, people have quit because theres no end game, because levelling up another character is just the same.

Edited by DarthWoad
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I have to agree with the OP. There is nothing to do at end game. Ive tried making new characters, but it just feels the same, like im doing the same things over and over again.


I find it hard to believe anyone can disagree with the OP, that this game is fun and theres loads to do. The fact is you people are just mindless robots, with no idea what fun is.


THIS GAME ISNT FUN. Its repetitive, it gets boring at end game and most of the time its just a grind. I genuinely thought it would be something new. Yeah the voice acting is okay but thats just a feature we cant control, or play if that makes sense. Im glad someone has some sense in this. Its mostly 13 or 14 year olds who are probably playing this game, posting on the forums attacking anyone who says anything bad about this game


Well maybe your idea of FUN is wrong , maybe you should just stop playing .. and do something else constructive with your time .

If you are not enjoying something, why are you doing it ?

So basically if you are not enjoying the life ahead of you , then stop waisting time and money of other people .


You know what to do , stop saying 13-14 years old post on this forum .

Mature people don´t have time to deal with your drama or problems .

It is a ME MESELF and I generation , if you don´t have fun , then stop complaining .

If all you can do in life is complain , then sorry you can go to any forum for that .

And guess what IT IS FREE ...


The game is not bug free , the game has tons of flaws .

End deal is simple , if fun greater then annoyance , then you have fun .

If annoyance greater then fun , then just stop ..

Nobody is sitting at gun point and telling you to do stuff are they ?


Or you have to work in this game for a living .

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Bored with the game? Leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay


I personally have been taking my sweet *** time leveling up and I'm enjoying it immensely.


edit: I don't think it's a fan boy issue, but that no one cares about your rant.

Posting on these forums won't change anything. You want to send a message to bioware about the game? Say it with your pocketbook and cancel your subscription

Edited by Dirtyseaman
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Bored with the game? Leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay


I personally have been taking my sweet *** time leveling up and I'm enjoying it immensely.


edit: I don't think it's a fan boy issue, but that no one cares about your rant.

Posting on these forums won't change anything. You want to send a message to bioware about the game? Say it with your pocketbook and cancel your subscription


Don't look now, but I think his entire point was about END GAME. Seeing as you have admittedly not even GOT to end game yet, it makes your opinion sort of worthless, and your entire post even more so.


Why are people so defensive? It's true, there is nothing to do to progress at 50. Everything is either too easy, or a tedious chore (IE the Battlemaster gear grind/Valor Rank grind...MY GOD so boring).


So, the people who have made it to 50 and tried everything there is to try and are now bored are supposed to just go away and cancel our subs eh? Sounds like a solid plan for a game I'm sure will continue to grow. :rolleyes:


But, you might want to take into account people like me got 3 month subs at launch, and AREN'T renewing their subscriptions. I actually haven't played barely at all for a month now, even rolling an alt was the same old thing, and that was their big selling point for replayability.

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I've been playing since a couple of weeks ago and haven't tried any mmos for a few years since I played LOTRO. So far the game has been fun but I'm quickly starting to play for the story since I'm leveling so quickly it hardly makes sense to take the time to get optimized equipment.


I can see how this game can get boring fast. It's important to keep in mind, though, that the game is new and can't really be compared to games like WoW that have been out for so long and have so many expansions to bring added content.


Try comparing it to WoW before any expansions and I think you'll find that it's not that bad. There will be more to come. If you keep lurking around the game I think you'll see that eventually. Nobody is making anyone play a game they don't like so I think that says it all.

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I love all the fanboy sheeples that will defend bw and ea to the bitter end.


And why shouldn´t they , not everybody is a fanboy , not everybody is hater


It is simple minded people like you , that serves no purpose .

Calling people fanboi , cause they are enjoying a product ?


No sorry tons of flaw in this product , but you know what , beats reading these simple one liners from haters .


That have no idea what they are talking about , aside from ME ME BETA BETA ...

Who is the sheep ? you or I , I don´t pay for a product cause you failed to do your job .

I don´t pay to solve problems you caused .

But sadly cause of bunch of losers like you .


I have to deal with the product on other terms , my OWN enjoyment .

And that is currently greater in this game then annoyance .


So keep paying to flame , I don´t mind you are paying for my improvements and enjoyment.

So That entitles you to simple oneliner comment . sorry BRO I love using you .

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I've been playing since a couple of weeks ago and haven't tried any mmos for a few years since I played LOTRO. So far the game has been fun but I'm quickly starting to play for the story since I'm leveling so quickly it hardly makes sense to take the time to get optimized equipment.


I can see how this game can get boring fast. It's important to keep in mind, though, that the game is new and can't really be compared to games like WoW that have been out for so long and have so many expansions to bring added content.


Try comparing it to WoW before any expansions and I think you'll find that it's not that bad. There will be more to come. If you keep lurking around the game I think you'll see that eventually. Nobody is making anyone play a game they don't like so I think that says it all.


WoW was never this easy.

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WoW was never this easy.


And somehow, less linear, if that's possible.


And was it just me or did all the planets feel bland and one-dimensional as well?


Tatooine...big desert.


Hoth...big frozen desert.


And a bunch of others I barely remember because they were that boring.


Not one of the planets ever gave me any feeling or atmosphere or meaning...Even the Jedi temple was kind of a let down.


But that could just be me.

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Removal of unnecessary timesinks is not (in and of itself) a bad thing. But it must be done in careful moderation and with careful consideration of the ramifications, otherwise players can end up progressing too fast through content.


And personally, I think the latter has occurred in TOR.

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And somehow, less linear, if that's possible.


And was it just me or did all the planets feel bland and one-dimensional as well?


Tatooine...big desert.


Hoth...big frozen desert.


And a bunch of others I barely remember because they were that boring.


Not one of the planets ever gave me any feeling or atmosphere or meaning...Even the Jedi temple was kind of a let down.


But that could just be me.


Nah, there's some truth to that. I got to 50 on Belsavis, and Voss, Corellia and Ilum were just mind numbingly boring after.

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Nah, there's some truth to that. I got to 50 on Belsavis, and Voss, Corellia and Ilum were just mind numbingly boring after.


The problem is that they have all these planets, and we are stuck on Fleet, Ilum and Belsavis at 50. Each of the planets should have a level 50 questing area.

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