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6 Years of development = 3 months of gameplay?


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I had the biggest guild on the server, 250+ players, 80+ lvl 50's. I'm full battlemaster, about to be full rakata. My guild mates aren't resubbing, and out of 250 players, only about 30 log in at prime time. It's become less and less, from 250 players on the fleet, to 130 players or less at prime time. So much time and money in development, and we end up with so little to do. I'm really confused :confused:. Should I even have hope? Edited by Saereth_Darklighter
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I had the biggest guild on the server, 250+ players, 80+ lvl 50's. I'm full battlemaster, about to be full rakata. My guild mates aren't resubbing, and out of 250 players, only about 30 log in at prime time. It's become less and less, from 250 players on the fleet, to 130 players or less at prime time. So much time and money in development, and we end up with so little to do. I'm really confused :confused:


Roll an alt. You make it sound like they designed this as a single class game.


That's why you're confused. Tunnel vision.


You're welcome.

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Roll an alt. You make it sound like they designed this as a single class game.


That's why you're confused. Tunnel vision.


You're welcome.


I don't like alt's.. I've always like min/maxing my one character and getting the best gear, trinkets.. doing the hardest raids, being the best in warzones.

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I don't like alt's.. I've always like min/maxing my one character and getting the best gear, trinkets.. doing the hardest raids, being the best in warzones.


No MMO will ever be for you then. At least not with any consistency.


I understand your viewpoint, I'm not saying it's wrong either.


Just come back in a couple months, you'll have more to do.

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I don't like alt's.. I've always like min/maxing my one character and getting the best gear, trinkets.. doing the hardest raids, being the best in warzones.


Then, at the moment, this is not the game you are looking for. Bioware is putting effort into alting, like with the Legacy System being an Experience bar for all your characters together. Alting is one of the things the makers of the game expect you to do.


So, if Alting is not for you, then I suggest you just let the game rest for a while untill it might challenge you again in the future.


This is not a, as some will call it, biodrone comment to telling you to get the **** away from our precious game. This is a fellow gamer giving you honest advice. The direction of min/maxing and endgame challenge is not what Bioware seems to focus on right now. So if you need that, there are simply other games that do that better.

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Then, at the moment, this is not the game you are looking for. Bioware is putting effort into alting, like with the Legacy System being an Experience bar for all your characters together. Alting is one of the things the makers of the game expect you to do.


So, if Alting is not for you, then I suggest you just let the game rest for a while untill it might challenge you again in the future.


This is not a, as some will call it, biodrone comment to telling you to get the **** away from our precious game. This is a fellow gamer giving you honest advice. The direction of min/maxing and endgame challenge is not what Bioware seems to focus on right now. So if you need that, there are simply other games that do that better.


It didn't have to be this way, they could as just put as much effort into an amazing endgame and kept a lot of people happy, and subscriptions being renewed.

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If you're an endgame content fan, taking a two month break is a good idea. It's pretty standard fr any MMO - game comes out, people rush to 50 and do all the endgame content, people get bored and wander off, then resub when the next content patch comes out. After all it's been working for WoW for years...


As you have a large guild and playerbase, how about trying a second game? Some of my lot have started a BF3 clan for when they don't feel like playing SW, we also have a fledgling guild on the other faction. Several people are tired of SW and we're starting to think about taking the guild into other MMOs in the future.


If you work at it, a community is for life, not just for Star Wars.

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It didn't have to be this way, they could as just put as much effort into an amazing endgame and kept a lot of people happy, and subscriptions being renewed.


And as my mother always told me: I could have had man-parts, but then I would have been your father :)

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You do know more 'end game' comes in patch 1.2, right?


Doesn't matter if it's Bioware, Blizzard, or Trion - you can only create good content so quickly. You're a high skill player and will burn through it faster then they can make it.


Again, I'm not saying your viewpoint is wrong - just a bit too narrow for MMORPGs. You're not even remotely interested in leveling another class? Both sides?


I'm not a huge alt guy myself, but I still see myself playing one of each 'archtype' (2 imperial, 2 republic).


I'm just suggesting you reconsider the alt option. I've yet to find anyone in my similarly large guild (we're probably the largest Imperial guild on Kinrath) that's regretted rolling a second character.

Edited by islander
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If you're an endgame content fan, taking a two month break is a good idea. It's pretty standard fr any MMO - game comes out, people rush to 50 and do all the endgame content, people get bored and wander off, then resub when the next content patch comes out. After all it's been working for WoW for years...


As you have a large guild and playerbase, how about trying a second game? Some of my lot have started a BF3 clan for when they don't feel like playing SW, we also have a fledgling guild on the other faction. Several people are tired of SW and we're starting to think about taking the guild into other MMOs in the future.


If you work at it, a community is for life, not just for Star Wars.


Good idea, i really hang out and help my guild, i won't be canceling unless my guild fully dies. I just expected more is all.

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It didn't have to be this way, they could as just put as much effort into an amazing endgame and kept a lot of people happy, and subscriptions being renewed.


They are putting a lot of effort into the game, but maybe not in the place you want.

The changes they are making are positive and IMO there is enough game that makes it worth making alts, so they are keeping subs, certainly mine.


You want a game with a lot of endgame content then go away and come back in 6-9 months. As a 2 month old game, they are not going to focus on endgame, and they shouldn't!

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You do know more 'end game' comes in patch 1.2, right?


Doesn't matter if it's Bioware, Blizzard, or Trion - you can only create good content so quickly. You're a high skill player and will burn through it faster then they can make it.


Again, I'm not saying your viewpoint is wrong - just a bit too narrow for MMORPGs. You're not even remotely interested in leveling another class? Both sides?


I'm not a huge alt guy myself, but I still see myself playing one of each 'archtype' (2 imperial, 2 republic).


I'm just suggesting you reconsider the alt option. I've yet to find anyone in my similarly large guild (we're probably the largest Imperial guild on Kinrath) that's regretted rolling a second character.


I tried another alt on the republic side with some guildies of mine, but i just cant get into it like i did the first time, i find myself wanting to spacebar through it all even though i didnt the first time and I feel bad about it.

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When you stop to think about it.


3 months of gameplay is actually a lot of content.

The MMO community nowadays consumes gameplay much faster than developers can deliver. The main issue with SWTOR is that they can't focus on new content because they're still fixing bugs/finalizing the game so they need to do both.


And don't use that biodrone crap on me, I ***** and moan about this game so much it pisses off half my guild when I mention a single issue I have with the game.


I think they should've delayed SWTOR, but EA probably thought differently and pressured BioWare into releasing an unfinished product.


Keep in mind that EA is competing with Activision for the most evil American video games publisher, so I'm probably not far off with my assumption.

Edited by Grotpar
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I don't like alt's.. I've always like min/maxing my one character and getting the best gear, trinkets.. doing the hardest raids, being the best in warzones.


Well then there's your problem.


Creating alts and doing all that over again extends the play time.


It's been this way for just about every other MMO out there with a leveling system like this.

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Well then there's your problem.


Creating alts and doing all that over again extends the play time.


It's been this way for just about every other MMO out there with a leveling system like this.


Break the mold, if anyone could have done it i thought it could be bioware.

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How many threads like this are you gonna start?


See, I hafta agree with this guy. Sareth, you haven't started a single positive thread since before the game's release - you were even one of the guys complaining about how unfair the early access thing was. Ironically, you said you weren't buying the game at launch or subbing, then .. and yet, a few days later, you apparently had '29 days left' on your sub.


There's constructive criticism aimed at improving the game.. I'm all for that. Then there's frankly destructive doom-n-glooming. Show us a screenshot before and after of your guild membership.. that you can prove isn't photoshopped, or isn't just 'online' numbers taken just after a server maintenance, please.

Edited by Lheim
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See, I hafta agree with this guy. Sareth, you haven't started a single positive thread since before the game's release - you were even one of the guys complaining about how unfair the early access thing was. Ironically, you said you weren't buying the game at launch or subbing, then .. and yet, a few days later, you apparently had '29 days left' on your sub.


There's constructive criticism aimed at improving the game.. I'm all for that. Then there's frankly destructive doom-n-glooming.



Yes I have, i was a general beta tester for over a year. If you knew anything you would know all forums and thread were wiped upon release, but thank you. I have thousands of bug reports, thousands of text, had dozens of post with over a million views total and useful positive threads. The reason bounty hunters even got to see colored blaster fire with each cylinder is because I tried so hard to get it, and they finally decided blaster bolts using your color crystal was better than blaster bolts using the color of the ammo or the cylinder.

Edited by Saereth_Darklighter
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I tried another alt on the republic side with some guildies of mine, but i just cant get into it like i did the first time, i find myself wanting to spacebar through it all even though i didnt the first time and I feel bad about it.


Well, how into PvP are you? I personally like PvP (more then open world variety then warzone, but regardless...) this is what I did:


1) First Imp character - leveled to 50 by purely questing. Sure it hurt for 50 pvp but it's been about 3 weeks and I've got nearly 500 exp now. I'm fine now.


2) Second Imp character - way more warzone leveling, do maybe half the quest content on planets. More on the planets I actualyl enjoyed.


rinse repeat for Repub.


In fact, if your guild is so large, have you considered running an opposite faction sister guild on the same server? We have. I totally get the "I know this story already" gripe. However, you don't know the opposite faction side quests.


Level an opposite faction guy, then go back to your initial faction for a 3rd (overall ) character. By then the side quests won't be quite so vivid in your memory.


Just some options for you. I also like what the other guy above said about community, especially in guild. I'm personally not a huge fan of my home server Kinrath Spider, but I'd never free-transfer off because I really like my guildmates. As long as I keep seeing them playing/logging in (and I see around 20-30 a night), I'll keep on trucking :)

Edited by islander
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this game is bad, on its way to F2P..if that fails itll be shut down to cut losses.


ATM they are just biding their time to get as much money back as possible before they jump ship.


FANBOIS = hahahahahahaha


Also no, its fine its bioware theyll never shutdown rofl

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Well, how into PvP are you? I personally like PvP (more then open world variety then warzone, but regardless...) this is what I did:


1) First Imp character - leveled to 50 by purely questing. Sure it hurt for 50 pvp but it's been about 3 weeks and I've got nearly 500 exp now. I'm fine now.


2) Second Imp character - way more warzone leveling, do maybe half the quest content on planets. More on the planets I actualyl enjoyed.


rinse repeat for Repub.


In fact, if your guild is so large, have you considered running an opposite faction sister guild on the same server? We have. I totally get the "I know this story already" gripe. However, you don't know the opposite faction side quests.


Level an opposite faction guy, then go back to your initial faction for a 3rd (overall ) character. By then the side quests won't be quite so vivid in your memory.


Just some options for you. I also like what the other guy above said about community, especially in guild. I'm personally not a huge fan of my home server Kinrath Spider, but I'd never free-transfer off because I really like my guildmates. As long as I keep seeing them playing/logging in (and I see around 20-30 a night), I'll keep on trucking :)


We have a sister guild for the republics on our server.

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