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Changing computers!


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Hey guys, I am awaiting my EGA, should be getting it today :) as I was 13th December - but I have SWTOR installed onto my laptop, however today I will be picking up my new computer, so my question is when I get my computer home in a couple hours, if I un-install SWTOR from my laptop, am I going to be able to install it again on the computer? even though the official launch is not out yet? I'm 99% certain I would be able to, but I just thought id check before I go and do it and find I cannot play until the 20th haha, thanks or your time :)
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Ahh ok thankyou :)


Sorry I havnt explained it very well, basically I have SWTOR installed on my laptop, but my new computer comes today so when I get it home and set it up, I want to install it again on the computer, So if I delete it from my laptop, Will my SWTOR account allow me to download it twice before the offical release?

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