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Bioware...Don't Forget About the Story


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HECK NO..................................


I prefer solo play but as an ex raider and an experienced player the VO class quest story line was fantastic while leveling but there is absolutely no point once you reach level cap till the next xpac.


Unless these "additional" class quests are going to reward gear equal to the quality of entry level raid gear I would much prefer to have solo versions of flashpoints and Op's that I could run with 3 or more companions.


In effect what I what is something that I can run repeatedly for 3+ months gearing myself & all my companions NOT something I can complete in a few hours that has taken 3 -6 months to create. Because after that I will have nothing to do and no reason to continue to subscribe.


wrong wrong wrong. What makes SWTOR unique from the rest is the top notch storyline. If that ends, so does this MMO.


with that said... They do need to sharpen the MMO aspects more so that we have a great balance of MMO (raid, gear, grind, etc...) with storyline.


If they can do that, this will be the ultimate MMO on the market and will finally compete with WoW.

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I'm with the OP I want an endless KOTOR with lot's of personal class story. There's no reason why there can't be more of your typical MMO content as well as the stories for those of us who prefer that.


Most people who have been following this game for a long time have been excited about story, I wish the next part was ready at 50, and I think that's one of the mistakes BioWare made. If they drop the story in favor of the typical MMO treadmill as a full time focus, then they're just shooting themselves in the foot when they could do both.

Edited by Noviru
editing out mild rude
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I agree with the OP - while there's been almost total focus on PvP and Warzone updates, along with endgame (flashpoints and Ops), almost nothing for the PvE or RP player has been put forward as yet. Please Bioware - don't forget the other side of your customer base, the side that will stick with your game for the story once the vocal PvPers have gone to the next new game that is released.


I'd love to see new planets, new quests (not just class quests either), more options with companions (not romancing them, but more companion questlines). More companion conversations even at max affection level. Perhaps having marriage at the high point of companion affection isn't a good idea - what comes after? There is no room for raising the affection level cap (which may need to happen if the player level cap gets raised eventually).


Currently there seems to be too much focus on the destination (endgame) and not enough on the journey (the story). From a PvE'ers perspective, anyway.


Perhaps the devs could look at EQ2 for inspiration as to how it works (or worked, up until it went FTP) with a good balance between the PvE and PvP/endgame requirements.

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For me, personally, the story is paramount. Not interested in gear grinding- I only worry about stats to a 'if I don't upgrade this, will I get stalled on a class mission and break immersion' basis, not interested in raiding- the idea of committing to *hours* trailing round following the "orders" of an ego-tripping idiot while being frothed at for not having enough DPS, pulling the wrong mob, wanting to actually listen to the story that's my character's motivation for *doing* XYZ, rather than breaking my spacebar key like an ADD loon..., not interested in max levelling... because that's currently where the story ends.


So... certainly don't forget about the story. It's what makes the game significantly different from WoW and all the rest.


What I'd like to see from expansions in the future are further class story content, class story branching, so that, for example, not every Jedi Knight or Smuggler is automatically the same, more role play tools (usable chairs, /hood command, a 'derender' function on 'ignore'- so that the ignored player cannot target you, if PvP happens to be enabled, and is effectively and entirely painted out of your world, thus allowing RPing groups to use a setting without being pestered by trolls... wider variety of clothing and styles and more moddable clothing readily available to allow for more unique looks, and *dropping* the strong 'guiding hand' towards "make your X look like a typical X" that's currently irritatingly present in overly tailored quest rewards.), a /c <message> channel to allow for companion based emotes for RP dialogue.


Frankly, all those things matter a *heck* of a lot more to me than 'Oh dear, can't the poor Trooper win against a Sorceror in some grubby little virtual PVP ball game?' or whatever the current PVPwhine is.

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It's people like this who make general forums unbearable for me.

"I don't group or join guilds, cause I just want to play a KOTOR that has no end!!"


You're putting words in others' mouths there; the OP didn't say any of that. Wanting a story based game is NOT the same as never grouping with anyone, at all, ever. None of this has anything to do with guilds.

Edited by Aloro
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