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dude...I hope all u tracer missile/grav spammer DIAF...NERF those abilities....


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I currently play a heal merc. This is my second 50 and its a fairly new one. Im in full centurion with a couple replaced with piece of champ. I dont know where i developed such a pet peeve/ rage for these no talent hacks but I gotta ask. what the F***********ck is the deal with u idiots who do it? WHY?! its NOTTTTTT the best way to dps as that spec. how is it fun for you to run around and push one button. at lvl 20 I can KINDA see why they do it because its your best ability. still annoying but whatever. but i see you 50s doing it!!! learn your f***ing class please. do you even understand how the mechanic of your spec works?



Bottom line is im saying those 2 abilities need a NERRRF. what makes me most angry is those 2 skills (grav round/tracer missile) when spammed are viable enough to pump out sufficient dps. its not the best way but its enough to put a hurt on someone. Ill never roll that spec merely because you tools who spam give that spec a terrible name.



suggested nerf bioware....please do at LEAST one of the following...



>place a 2.5 second CD on tracer missile/grav round

>lower the damage by 15%

>increase casting time to 2.5 seconds



not saying do ALL of those nerfs but any 2 of them would still make that spec completely viable in pvp. hell buff other skills to replace that nerf. but PLEASE get these A**clowns off the one button mash. making an entire spec should never have one ability thats powerful enough to be mashed down over and over.

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some ppl over react you need 3 tracer missile to stack buff and then use your other skills. I have it someone 3xtracer missile, upload, rail shot, and then heat seeker get yelled at for spamming tracer and to learn my class but that is how the class is played. Some ppl just complain to complain
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Thing is, even those of us who dont enjoy spamming tracer missle must. All of the arsenal talents are built around heatsignatures/tracer lock that tracer missle gives. Without the debuff given by 5 tracer missles/ 3 tracers when speced. The dps is supremely nerfed. So to say that using tracer missle isnt the way to do the best dps is wrong, because unfortunatly even those of us good players have to live with the fact that our dps career will be ruled by tracer missile. Grant you there are bad players that only spam this ability, but even good players are required to use it profusely to do max dps.
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Obvious troll is still obvious.

It doesnt need a nerf, the whole Arsenal Tree needs a revamp to be more interesting and maybe harder to play it. Above of that the merc need some extra tools for dictating range.


how in the hell does ONE ability that does 2.5k dmg every 1.5 seconds and only gets worse due to armor reduction NOT need a nerf? you realize that ONE ability pumps out more dps in that given time period than some complete rotations from other dps classes? I have a sniper in full champ gear specced lethality and it takes me about 4 seconds due to setting up my dps before i can top that kind of dps.....by that time the merc/trroper has already let off 3 of those and reduced a S*** ton of armor...Im squishier and need to work 3 times as hard just to have a shot at keeping up with that kind of dps. especially since most of the abilities i use to set up that kind of dps have cooldowns. ya thanks ur right they dont needs nerrfs PSSSHH no wayyy

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no I get the the 3 tracer missile setup. Im not speaking to you people who play the class/spec correctly. But As a healer when im healing myself from one of these tools and i see 7? 8? 9? TEN grav/tracers on me? or on the target im healing? and im all for giving buffs to other abilities or adding more heat signature pert hit to the ability...u just shopuldnt be able to pump that kind of dps from spamming it. Edited by Maliceminded
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no I get the the 3 tracer missile setup. Im not speaking to you people who play the class/spec correctly. But As a healer when im healing myself from one of these tools and i see 7? 8? 9? TEN grav/tracers on me? or on the target im healing? and im all for giving buffs to other abilities or adding more heat signature pert hit to the ability...u just shopuldnt be able to pump that kind of dps from spamming it.


BWAAA HAAA HAAA HAAAA............ Evil laugh!!!!!

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Personally I would much rather have it re-designed to where it's instant and applies the armor debuff stacks at once. Have it stay up for maybe 20 seconds, but the ability itself have a 15 second CD or something. The fact is that if there is either an Operative or Marauder on you that you will likely not be able to get off more then 1 tracer missile on them.
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Someone need to L2P, I have no problems with TM mercs, if anything they run from me.




did i say ANYTHING about havin an issue with them? i wasmerely talking about the ability to pump out more dps than most chanins from other classes. dont insert words that were never said

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tbh, I don't think it would be such a bad thing if it got toned back a bit. When I dropped pyro for arsenal for a week I went in with the solid conscious intention of NOT being a TM spammer. And after about 15 minutes of seeing the damage and the debuffs...


I fell in the trap. The buttons like a friggin magnet, even if you try not to push it, it's just too easy to win if do... so you give in. Next thing you know... TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM


It is ridiculous.


It's bad, it's OP and it makes arsenal a single-button-mashing retarded monkey prof. I have no respect for arsenals that just stand around spamming tm constantly (which appears to be about 93% of them btw) because seriously, my cat could do that while I'm playing bejeweled blitz on my phone.


Cut the "gimme insta-win" out of tracer missiles and make the whole prof necessary, not just one ablility of the prof. SKILL > I-WIN

Edited by bahdasz
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Honestly, this bad reputation does only good for me in PvP.

It's always a laugh, when those pesky sorcs think they just shut you down with their interupt, freezing in agony, when they realize you just popped their bubble guns blazing, hitting them with other missiles (Incendiary, Fusion on insta, hell even wrist missiles), railgun, flamethrower and rocket punch.

Arsenal Merc certainly is no OP class, when it comes to 1v1 duels - but it also certainly has its (many) moments outside of tracering.


PS: on a side note - rocket punch as finisher while running straight through your oppenent ftw!!

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and breathe


it sounds to me like you are talking about PvP?


well i did read somewhere in these forums. that arsenal mercs are just glorified turrets with nice armor and name plates. so the question is do you have problems dealing with a static turret


and there is the real point. it don't a need nerf. the weakness is already there, they are stationary or have very bad mobility, if you can't take advantage of that weakness then its you that needs to learn to play


as other ppl have pointed out the tree revolves around tracers, this is a shame and boring but its not the players fault. i like bodyguard and i like arsenal, and i'm not going to say sorry for playing either


so its the tree that needs changing and nerfing TM won't sort anything

Edited by grandmthethird
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I can see where the OP is a lil pissed. I see TM spam happen from time to time and I can imagine how enraged the recieving end must feel but....


I am tired of people yellin in chat at me for TM spam....I set up with 3 TMs (5 if I am lucky, alone and perched) then move into RS or Unload and so on. Seems to happen every few rounds Ill see a yell in chat or sometimes even get a whisper " TM MONKEY ***" lmao!


I'm not bent but these guys QQ about "learn to use your class"....I am using it u knob =\.


I love my TM x3 HS, UN, RS repeat as needed =)


I hate getting knifed.....

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Hi. I'm Urthok. I spam tracer Missiles in your face.


Of course, that is when I'm not set up to unload, rail shot, heatseeker missile, rocket punch, explosive dart or death from above your sorry *** as well.


If a Bounty Hunter is ONLY spamming tracer missile, he is easy to kill. if a Bounty Hunter is using Tracer Missile as it is intended, moving and mixing in his other abilities...



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