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Lol, at people saying Sent/Mara are OP


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After my WZ matches lately, I've been getting whispers saying something along the lines of "You will be getting nerfed soon lolol"


best of all. Most from sages.


2 Months ago everyone lol'd at sents/maras


Now we are all properly geared. and wreaking havoc. IN THE ONLY WAY WE CAN.


We are a DPS class. That is it. We do damage.


I get 400k dmg bc I'm neutralizing their healer not bc i'm roflpwning everyone I go into combat with.


1v1 I will kill you. 2v1 I may if you both suck. But that is because I'm a strict damage class.

While everyother class reaps the benefit of 2 specs. I specialize in KILLING YOU.


I just wanted to post this in the sentinel forums so you guys know. And vent a little :p

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This post just seems like a lie. Well, maybe you really did get that tell, but it seems more that you are just trying to impress us that you are a good player.




In SWTOR, all class to almost exactly the same damage, if they are spec'ed for damage. Healers/Tanks/Ranged all do about exactly the same damage we do if they are spec'ed for dealing damage.



It is writtien this way so people don't exclude people from PvE encoutners.

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This post just seems like a lie. Well, maybe you really did get that tell, but it seems more that you are just trying to impress us that you are a good player..


I wouldnt say he was lying, i play three different classes but only one at lvl50 and i get asked for my build or rotation on ALL three classes by randoms.

Its called being above average.


In SWTOR, all class to almost exactly the same damage, if they are spec'ed for damage. Healers/Tanks/Ranged all do about exactly the same damage we do if they are spec'ed for dealing damage..


Total BS.

There is a world of difference between sustained damage over a 1-10 minute encounter in PvE and Burst damage and controle in PvP.

A Sent / Marauder can effectively stop other classes from doing their big damage dealers in PvP, and also nullify alot of their damage by correct use of CD's


If i can stop a Merc from hitting me with a single tracer missile while im DPS'ing him then how can we both be doing the same damage?

Wake up.

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OP? No


Strong class in small fights, absolutely. I think with most ppl being in Watchman spec they are incredibly hard to take in 1 on 1 fights or in fights when you are guarded or healed at all. Sent/Mara have so many nice tools but so do every other class.


But sage/sorc crying is either the crying of a terrible player or a troll. Ignore them.

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This post just seems like a lie. Well, maybe you really did get that tell, but it seems more that you are just trying to impress us that you are a good player.




In SWTOR, all class to almost exactly the same damage, if they are spec'ed for damage. Healers/Tanks/Ranged all do about exactly the same damage we do if they are spec'ed for dealing damage.



It is writtien this way so people don't exclude people from PvE encoutners.



I'm not lying. I would call out names from my server but I don't want to shame anyone.


I really just wanted to point out how people claimed we were so weak. And now the story is completely different. If I was trying to brag I would give out my numbers or post screenies... I was just raging a little and needed to vent. Thats what forums are for right?

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I'm not lying. I would call out names from my server but I don't want to shame anyone.


I really just wanted to point out how people claimed we were so weak. And now the story is completely different. If I was trying to brag I would give out my numbers or post screenies... I was just raging a little and needed to vent. Thats what forums are for right?


The issue is many really can't play sent/mara clickers and bad cd managers. I think its quite simple and cry buff us in the hands of a good player that can handle the simple priority rotation and bam you have a 1 on 1 hell on wheels of carnage. With a pocket healer you can burn suckers down quickly heck even without if your cd are up guarded by the force is pretty sick many blow and waste all what they have while you take almost nothing now they are out of gas or on CD and you destroy them so yeah they cry nerf lol.

Edited by LordbishopX
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most players in the imp side are usually scared when they see me. and they always say im gnna get nerfed

itll be sad day if they ever do nerf us. depending if its on watchman our most useable spec.


I would not say I am a top notch PvP player, but I still had a sorc accuse me of hacking this past weekend. After that he said my combat build was OP because ranged can't kite me and that the spec will be nerfed for sure.


Bad players are bad, and rely on the crutch of calling their opponents OP when they lose.

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I would not say I am a top notch PvP player, but I still had a sorc accuse me of hacking this past weekend. After that he said my combat build was OP because ranged can't kite me and that the spec will be nerfed for sure.


Bad players are bad, and rely on the crutch of calling their opponents OP when they lose.


and as combat spec?dang props for you

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So I am new to MMORPGs....my first exposure was when I bought this game two months ago. With some advice and help from fellow sentinels like yourselves, I've been starting to get the hang of it.


I am very interested to know why everyone is saying watchman is better than combat. I am currently combat right now, but will probably reset my points and do a watchman build, if I can understand why its better. Could somebody help me understand why combat isn't as good as watchman?

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People like Watchman because it has interrupts on lower cooldoown (6 sec leap, and 9 sec close quarters leap), self heals from your dots, which means that in watchman popping Zen grants an 18% heal, and because as a watchman your primary damage dealers are DoTs, so you don't need 100% up time to be putting out damage.


The watchman skill Overload saber, which applies a DoT on your next 3 melee attacks, isn't time based, while combats precision slash grants you a window of 6 seconds in which to deal your damage.


I actually play combat myself. I really like the control the specs gives, especially in group pvp.


There are a ton of threads on the subject on the sentinel class board. Lots of flaming but some good points are made about all three of the specs.

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Yeah, you're right about precision slash...I just got precision slash a couple levels ago and its been awesome for me! What is the best interrupt for combat build? I always just use force kick...am I in the wrong for that?


It's the only melee range interrupt you have along with Force Stasis. Force Leap is an interrupt but only Watchman Sents can spec it to be 0 range.


As far as being OPed, I can definitely understand why bad players can think that when they see their HP bars just melt away into oblivion. I was messing around on Illum late lat night and I, literally, won every 1v1 fight I was in (granted my enemies were not very good at all). They would then gang up on me and I would pop Guarded by The Force and just talk mad **** before trying to (sometimes unsuccessfully) Force Camo the **** out. Good times.

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Kick is the only true interrupt for sents of any spec. In that it locks out the ability that you interrupted for 4s.

Leap, stasis and awe will break a cast. And camo will break one directed at you. But they can go back to casting straight after.

Kick is your friend, learn to love it :)

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and as combat spec?dang props for you


A good combat sent should never lose to a sorc/sage 1v1, regardless of spec, unless their gear is far better. They cannot kite you if you use your abilities right, and you can burst through their bubble/heals.

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Lol one last question....and this one is gonna make sound like a total noob....what does "OPed" and "OP" mean? Go ahead and laugh if you want, I am slightly noobish ;-)


haha, we all started somewhere my friend :)


Private message me if you want any further advice on sentinels. Or mmos in general. I will gladly help

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If i can stop a Merc from hitting me with a single tracer missile while im DPS'ing him then how can we both be doing the same damage?

Wake up.



Romgaylordo, What about all the tracer missles he cranked out before you got in range?? How about comparing non-stop tracer missle spam to your focus builders?


Wake Up

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Romgaylordo, What about all the tracer missles he cranked out before you got in range?? How about comparing non-stop tracer missle spam to your focus builders?


Wake Up


If a tracer missile spammer is out DPSing you it means you are on a bad team, which may very well not be your fault if you are pugging. The tracer missile/grav round spam build can be locked down quickly and easily by any reasonably coordinated team. They only get tough when a team ignores them, or if they are being well protected by their own melee and healers. 1v1 it is a very weak build, and I see many games where feared tracer missile mercs are shut down by a good team.

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Mr. Vodrin, there is totally a Marauder on my server with your name.



Nah, my point is that all classes do just about the same DPS in this game, if they are spec'ed for damage. It is this way to make it balanced for PvE, so people playing a certain class doesn't ever get excluded.


Tracer Missle hurts yo, regardless of the skill it takes to crank them out, they do really good damage. They don't hardly cost any heat if talented, and have fantastic range. If you interrupt the Tracer Missle spam, they have even better attacks just waiting to hammer you with to cover the 4 seconds they can't use Tracer Missile.


Like regardless on how you feel about the skill level to play the class, Tracer Missle really does do a good job at pushing out DPS.

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This post just seems like a lie. Well, maybe you really did get that tell, but it seems more that you are just trying to impress us that you are a good player.




In SWTOR, all class to almost exactly the same damage, if they are spec'ed for damage. Healers/Tanks/Ranged all do about exactly the same damage we do if they are spec'ed for dealing damage.



It is writtien this way so people don't exclude people from PvE encoutners.


Lol everything he said is true.. On my server I continuously run into people who troll me on my sent saying "your bad, your class is OP". Mind you these are sometimes sorcs which I find funny because I faceroll people on my sorc and get the same responses. Everyone finds anyone that beats them to be OP it seems. Only class that I feel is OP are lightning/tank hybrid assassins since they are almost every classes hard counter, and have infinite survivability. At the same time I won't troll a lightning/tank assassin saying he/she beat me in a fight because they are OP, but some weaker minded people would immediately reach that conclusion.

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Nah, my point is that all classes do just about the same DPS in this game, if they are spec'ed for damage. It is this way to make it balanced for PvE, so people playing a certain class doesn't ever get excluded..


I have already explained this to you once before, here goes round two.

The same DPS might be true for all classes over a PvE encounter that lasts a few minutes.

In PvP there is no such thing, PvP is about burst and controll. The point i made before still stands... if im fighting a merc i start the fight with force camo, i get my opener and a couple more hits before he uses his KB, i leap back in and dps his *** using my interupts to stop a single tracer landing.

So who has the greater DPS in that fight? The fact is PvP is fluid with many variables. Just because you take class X and go for ALL DPS sklls in the trees, doesnt mean class Y with more contol won't beat your *****... Ill tell you right now he will.


Tracer Missle hurts yo, regardless of the skill it takes to crank them out, they do really good damage. They don't hardly cost any heat if talented, and have fantastic range. If you interrupt the Tracer Missle spam, they have even better attacks just waiting to hammer you with to cover the 4 seconds they can't use Tracer Missile..


I have fought many Mercs, if you interupt Tracer 90% of them keep spamming it thinking it just bugged out... so you get a few seconds of free hitting, then tracer lights up again and they try to unload and guess what? Yeah u guesed it, its greyed out again.

A good Merc will hit you with unload as soon as he is interupted, then its on CD for 15 seconds lol.

A Watchman sent will never lose against a Merc 1vs1 period.


Like regardless on how you feel about the skill level to play the class, Tracer Missle really does do a good job at pushing out DPS.


Only if you let them, good teams take out the enemy "turrets" and let their own "turrets" do their thing.


PS : Stop sending me crude and insulting PM's, i responded in kind this time. Next time im going to report you.

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Dude, you are all theory on paper, but no practice. It's like you aren't even level 50.




Don't act like you get 'Every' tracer missiler, 'Every' time. They run up on you when you are stopping people from bombing voidstar. You can't 'force camo' and sneak up on them all.


Stop acting like you are moving at 500% speed through the catawalks, with radar, knowing where every Merc is in Huttball, all while being immune to fire hazards, knockbacks, and endless stealth.



You post nothing but thoery, of what you think should work on paper.

Edited by Asphen
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