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PvE commando assault sucks, right?


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There's a guy in my raid who is 100% convinced that this is the way to go, I'm a vanguard assault and I don't think this would lend itself well to commando (especially with no ion pulse)


Am I wrong? I just assume gunnery is much better, even though I have no in depth knowledge of commando's - thanks

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Assoult spec for commandos ia a bit diferent than vanguard in termas what skills are buffed but i dont see it being better than gunnary. It still focuses on HiB but commando cant get 90% ignor armor on HiB and no skills to increas HiB damage other than in gunnary and that is to high in the tree to get and need GR anyways.


Well this is for PvE, PvP is a diferent story.

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I found assault fun to "toy with" for a few hours as a Commando, but for a perm build? No thank you, never. For the best damage output (as far as I've seen) it tends to be more ammo intensive than Gunnery is. With Gunnery (at 40+) you fire off 3x Grav Rounds... then demo/full auto... 2x Grav then High Impact Bolt... then full auto... Grav, demo...so on and so forth. Even with this rotation (if you have decent timing) you won't really run out of ammo.


Tossing in a cryo grenade every now and then is nice too. lol... but anyway. :D


^ is by no means the only way to dps a gunnery... just the rotation I've found most favorable to -my- preference. I know everyone's varies. :)


Going back to your question... Assault as a whole can't hold up to Gunnery. In the short term it can be comparable, but once you run out of ammo? You fall way behind. Try to pace too much and you're hurting yourself and your group.


But me? I spend most of my days bouncing between Combat Medic and Gunnery about every week or so... depending on my mood. End game... combat medic the whole way.

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Commando use charged bolt / full auto instead of ion pulse as their main attack to get HiB procs, and these seems to do more damages than ion pulse, which is balanced by the fact that vanguard HiB seems stronger than commando HiB. All in one, I don't see fundamental difference making vanguard assault more viable than commando assault.


Also, to me, assault DPS _seems_ comparable to gunnery. Its all about ammo managment for commando DPS, and assault ammo mechanism seems as strong (if not better) than gunnery, when properly used.


Again difficult to tell without parser, one spec may be a little better than the other, but they seem to me not too far apart, and assault commandos are certainly viables.

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It's perfectly viable. Seems dps is close to par with gunnery if you're careful about ammo. It is somewhat more mobile, but sacrifices armor penetration.


Vanguard assault does seem stronger, though I'm not sure how Ion Pulse and Charged Bolts damage stack up against each other - and how the 2 piece Eliminator set bonus affects this.

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My guild had a couple people who started as assault when doing operations (leveled and started gearing through PVP) but respeced to gunnery. They said they felt like they were doing quite a bit more DPS (though there is really no way to show it). Not sure if it is because you see more big numbers on gunnery or what.
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Assault can actually match Gunnery DPS pretty easily. That's just my personal experience, of course, since it's impossible to tell for sure without combat logs. Assault is also a lot more mobile than gunnery, which can come in handy for some boss fights.


The big advantage that Gunnery has, though, is the armor debuff. For that reason alone I run Gunnery in raids. -10% armor is extremely helpful, and it even stacks if you have multiple gunnery commandos.

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Thanks for all the input guys - looks like he's fine as is. I still may suggest he goes commando for the armor debuff but seemingly it does comparable DPS so I won't push it, as it's his preference and we're not a hardcore guild by any means, and just hope he's managing ammo well.


Thanks again

Edited by Pazdingo
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