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New build that makes a huge difference in pvp.


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lol we're totally massacreing the sith on Ilum hahaha. freakin ownage. I even dance on the sidelines for fun (good ole twelike dancing)



going to fraps this now


Not entirely sure I'd credit a really bad build like this with Republic winning Ilum. I'd rather be focusing down a healer and actually turning the tide of a fight.

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Not entirely sure I'd credit a really bad build like this with Republic winning Ilum. I'd rather be focusing down a healer and actually turning the tide of a fight.


A really bad build for you, a great build for him. He is doing what works for him and helps his team win. You like focusing on healers, he likes moving his whole team. One mans meat is another mans poison.


Imo ppl need to spec and play to maximize there usefulness and enhance there play-style. Problem is most sentinels don't experiment with the specs available and possible hybrids to suite there play-style and guild needs. Imho its no good to top dps charts but constantly loose WZs/ Ilum.

Edited by Egnyte
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A really bad build for you, a great build for him. He is doing what works for him and helps his team win. You like focusing on healers, he likes moving his whole team. One mans meat is another mans poison.


Imo ppl need to spec and play to maximize there usefulness and enhance there play-style. Problem is most sentinels don't experiment with the specs available and possible hybrids to suite there play-style and guild needs. Imho its no good to top dps charts but constantly loose WZs/ Ilum.


thanks for the encouragement and nice words.



One thing I want to add is that in case anybody is trying this build and is wondering how to build centering if they didn't get 2 people close to them and it didn't refund 30... the answer is cyclone slash. It builds 4 centering a slash with Valor and costs 1 focus. Also you can usually get a Leap in with 0distance requirement and then run away with force camo (it's not that hard to get a leap in) and if you were refunded less than 30 you should be close to 30. if not, just add a zealoos strike to your leap because your target is rooted and you'll have more than enough focus to cyclone clash to a Transcendence. It's actually not hard at all since your force skills give you twice the centering as well wtih Valor.



Enjoy the transcendence and the enhanced meaneverablity.



Also just a little tip, as long as you have Valorous Call you should be able to leap into the complete middle of a full group of imps on Ilum or warzones. then you can sweep or force status sweep for the double damage. when rooted, pop resolute, then force camo and transcendence you'll outrun every one of them, you can also use Guarded by the force.



Nothing better than slicing 1v24 on ilum doing aoe damage and getting away with it scot free.

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I don't know why people are giving you a hard time, I thought that's what trans was for, to give a group some speed?...you're maximizing that by sacrificing dps, sure, but that doesn't mean others aren't picking up the slack in that dept.


I've always thought trans was the most fun out of our buffs, because it made it almost impossible to kite me, and it even looks like my abilities/animations fire quicker. This build isn't for me personally, but still sounds like a lot of fun...good job OP

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I think some of the Imp pre-mades on my server are now rolling with something like this -- as a Shadow with force speed I've never before been interrupted while capping the left turret in Alderaan by an Operative till yesterday. So, unless the Sentinels on our side also do something similar we're always going to end up losing both left and right. Edited by Ancaglon
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A really bad build for you, a great build for him. He is doing what works for him and helps his team win. You like focusing on healers, he likes moving his whole team. One mans meat is another mans poison.


Imo ppl need to spec and play to maximize there usefulness and enhance there play-style. Problem is most sentinels don't experiment with the specs available and possible hybrids to suite there play-style and guild needs. Imho its no good to top dps charts but constantly loose WZs/ Ilum.


I'd agree. Our server hardly ever saw situations where the Imps were camping at the Republic base. There were a couple of days, but they were rare. Since we regularly push the imps out of central, and since I spend a good deal of time in Ilum running solo during off hours, my build will be far different from his.

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Meh bad spec... You take worst parts of every spec. Take nothing good (Foucs Gen and Damage Increas on DoT) from Watchman and nothing good from Focus (Auto crit on Sweap?)


So yeah go back to the drawing table ;p The only usefull hybrid spec that I have come up with is http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501oZGGrM00roMZGMRrzb.1

And that is only because of the ability to spam Blade Storm for 1 Focus and 6s CD and have free slash from Zen that does maddive damage.

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Meh bad spec... You take worst parts of every spec. Take nothing good (Foucs Gen and Damage Increas on DoT) from Watchman and nothing good from Focus (Auto crit on Sweap?)


So yeah go back to the drawing table ;p The only usefull hybrid spec that I have come up with is http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501oZGGrM00roMZGMRrzb.1

And that is only because of the ability to spam Blade Storm for 1 Focus and 6s CD and have free slash from Zen that does maddive damage.


It bugs you that other people might be having fun doesn't it?


I like the build. Utility is fun sometimes instead of min/maxing dps. I can certainly see how some points could be thrown around slightly differently but it is a great build option especially when dual spec comes out.

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It bugs you that other people might be having fun doesn't it?


I like the build. Utility is fun sometimes instead of min/maxing dps. I can certainly see how some points could be thrown around slightly differently but it is a great build option especially when dual spec comes out.


The questin was why you at all spec Focus than? You get more than enought speed/ultility from Watchman only, and with the 2 Talents that build Cnturing, you will have almost full uptime on the Speedbuff, rather than specing and using points in FOcus for just 10 Centuring and a 10m leap...

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In a group built around this spec, it's awesome for WFs. I can still break 350k+, so the damage isn't that bad... just a different style than watchman. Granted the ST is pretty bad, it does good replacing a tank in the group... my healer hasnt needed guard since noone can stay on him.


On that note, I tried it with other group builds and it just doesn't make an impact... better off going real dps.

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The questin was why you at all spec Focus than? You get more than enought speed/ultility from Watchman only, and with the 2 Talents that build Cnturing, you will have almost full uptime on the Speedbuff, rather than specing and using points in FOcus for just 10 Centuring and a 10m leap...


Agreed let the bads be bad.

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I used a similar spec to help down soa hard mode.Certain people, who we probably would have been better off replacing, were somehow unable to deal with lightning without the 80% speed boost so i was just like F it, I'll just make sure they can always have the speed boost, made last stage a bit harder to burst down but we managed.


I find in general watchman with the increased trans speed speced for is the way to go, you already generate centering super fast, just remember you don't always have to use zen and a good trans can completely destroy people trying to kite. I much prefer having access to an 80% speed boost when needed than the constant 50% available to focus spec.


if you are severely under geared fresh 50 though I do recommend a spec along the lines you suggest though as it will provide more for your group than some really weak damage probably could.

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I used a similar spec to help down soa hard mode.Certain people, who we probably would have been better off replacing, were somehow unable to deal with lightning without the 80% speed boost so i was just like F it, I'll just make sure they can always have the speed boost, made last stage a bit harder to burst down but we managed.


I find in general watchman with the increased trans speed speced for is the way to go, you already generate centering super fast, just remember you don't always have to use zen and a good trans can completely destroy people trying to kite. I much prefer having access to an 80% speed boost when needed than the constant 50% available to focus spec.


if you are severely under geared fresh 50 though I do recommend a spec along the lines you suggest though as it will provide more for your group than some really weak damage probably could.



I've noticed a few things that I'll share while pvping. Firstly, SecondWind is one hell of a skill. Secondly I hardly ever run into a no-focus problem as the skills that do the most damage cost 0 or 1 focus. Whcih means I can be constantly attacking with whatever attacks I want, which ups the DPS when compared to the rotation of a watchman which is dependent on focus and has to use strike and zealous strike in the rotation and leg slash. That's 3 skills used while I am already using my big hit skills from the get-go. In fact in pvp I love taking on watchmen because I can dps them faster to a dispatch level then the can for me with all the restrictions of focus building and what not.

Edited by RakeHoxven
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interest idea

what do u say about this bild?



Excellent idea. My version is something like this... http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRrzMZ0MZRrRrzbM.1




But with switching between juyo and shii-cho forms a player can get both auto-crit skils from both trees.



I just tested it out... hits like a truck.

Edited by RakeHoxven
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