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Went from 40-50 without a single group.

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Spent at least an hour each day for about a week or more (this being an alt) Looking for a DPS slot in group. Before getting bored and either pvping or just questing(ugh)



Pathetic, no wonder I always run tanks.



q) Whats an MMO without the MM.


1) just o.



Oh, this was also a heavy (at least o the weekend) pre-launch west coast server: Krath

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And so what you are looking for is.....?


Server merges? LFG tool? BW employing a few people to make toons to come play with you? What?


BAsically yes, all of the above.



Servers SHOULD be merged.


LFG tool should have been in at launch.



And now that you mention it, dang it would be nice to see some staff run events instead of all this static BS.

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q) Whats an MMO without the MM.

1) just o.


Massive Multiplayer - which has nothing to do with whether or not people group to play together. You could have 25 people on the same planet, one person states in general "LFG Heroic+4", well what if the other 24 people have no interest in doing Heroics. Bioware has made the means to bring people together and have offerred incentives for doing things together, they can not force people do things they dont want to no more than you can. If by chance in those last 40-50 levels you were the only person questing on those planets then either find an active guild, make friends with other players, or reroll to another server.

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well what if the other 24 people have no interest in doing Heroics. Bioware has made the means to bring people together and have offerred incentives for doing things together, .


You post was fail but this part actually rings true.


There is no 'means' as you state unless flagging yourself LFG and chats that do not even get heard cross planet counts, wait nope it does not.


They actually have incentives to NOT, too darn easy to just buy mods with comms from questing.



Bad design is bad design.


Point being, in an MMO this should not happen. Im just glad it was an alt or woulda cancelled my sub this weekend. Its not that people were not online there was over 100 in fleet but were more motivated to stand around the pvp terminal or do A*al [links] rather then you know actually play. I dont expect people to pay 15$ to play with me, but I DO expect to pay my own 15$ and have people to play with, else why not just fire up the ol Xbox.

Edited by WutsInAName
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