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So... 1.2 is going to be the Messiah of all Patches?


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1.2 will add/fix most of the main gripes people have.


1.2 will not change the fact that some players are stupid.

1.2 will not satisfy the content locusts.

1.2 will not change the fact that some people are burnt out on MMOs.

1.2 will not change the fact that MMO players don't like MMORPGs.

1.2 will not change the fact that this is not WoW.


1.2 will be the second departure of the people who didn't actually understand what they were buying.

1.2 will be the beginning of the maturing of this game.


1.2 is something I'm looking forward to.


You forgot to mention if 1.2 will provide character progression for solo players? And whether it will offer challenge & reward for hardcore players?


You do seem to have a crystal ball though in assuming it will fix/add most of the main gripes people have had. Good luck with that

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You forgot to mention if 1.2 will provide character progression for solo players? And whether it will offer challenge & reward for hardcore players?


You do seem to have a crystal ball though in assuming it will fix/add most of the main gripes people have had. Good luck with that


Actually, I do have a crystal-ball, it's called "Dev Tracker"... the cool thing is, it's not a rare drop. Pretty much everybody can use one if they want to, and they're equippable by all classes. You might want to check it out.

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Seeing as how I already answered this question i'll just quote myself




Having solo versions of FP & OP's would allow you to gear yourself and your companions, it would offer character progression. You could alterante your companions afterall we have 5 of them but only ever use 1.


This would offer me months of entertainment value in between patch content, If I could handle completing ZA & ZG over 500 times being able to do the above would be paradise.


GDI, play a single player RPG would you?

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Actually, I do have a crystal-ball, it's called "Dev Tracker"... the cool thing is, it's not a rare drop. Pretty much everybody can use one if they want to, and they're equippable by all classes. You might want to check it out.


Oh I read dev tracker everyday, but seeing as how I dont speak politician it tells me very little. Words like "soon", "it's under consideration", "the team is discussing it", "were looking into it but it might take some time" mean absolutely nothing to me.


Dev trackers provides no usefull information for the most part, it's nothing more than an opportuntiy to appear as though something is being done without actually committing to anything. The only questions that get answered directly are technical issue's which I have no interest in.

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GDI, play a single player RPG would you?


Havent you heard? Everyone is saying this is one


Refrain from telling others what to do it's rude & disrespectfull


Edit:Also SPG dont have a general chat to allow chatting with other players, they dont have a AH or GTN, neither do they offer WZ. Dont disrespect the solo player there is more of us than you think, my idea got 30 pages of support in the suggestion box.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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This^, .... is what will "ruin" the patch for people. It's what "ruined" the game for people. You set yourself up for disappointment by having (too many)"expectations" for games.


The info for the patch is readily available thus far, do your homework and if it's not up to snuff by all means: move on.


There's really NOT MANY PEOPLE at all who care about your expectations.


My expectations of 1.2 are as follows:


-They ban the IP addresses of unsubbed accounts on account expiration.

-They remove PvP from the game in it's entirety.

-They push all the QQ and complaint posts into another forum area, disguised as General, so the flamers and trolls can rub one another's egos there, and think they are still doing something to cause an upset in the balance of things.

-The push all the extreme fanbois into a section like mentioned above.

-They give 3 day bans to armchair devs and couch economists.

-They pay off haters' bosses to fire them and say "I found this guy on the SWTOR forums who says he can do your job better than you, sorry. He's 14 too so he'll work for 2 cans of soda and a peanut butter sandwich every day! Not to mention he knows what EVERY ONE of our customers want based on his poll of 63 people! Amazing right?!?!?!"



Then again: why do my expectations matter to any of you? They don't. And they shouldn't. ;)


Except my expectations are totally reasonable for a 3 month old game, and are not at all far fetched.

Edited by Gungan
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Havent you heard? Everyone is saying this is one


Refrain from telling others what to do it's rude & disrespectfull


Edit:Also SPG dont have a general chat to allow chatting with other players, they dont have a AH or GTN, neither do they offer WZ. Dont disrespect the solo player there is more of us than you think, my idea got 30 pages of support in the suggestion box.


I concede on your first point.


Xbox Live has chat.


This game may as well not have an AH either since everything on it is worthless.


I don't care how much support you got, I'm sick and tired of paying for multiplayer games where nobody plays together.


If even half the development resources that was spent on the solo levelling experience was used on flashpoints and operations, they may actually have been challenging, memorable, and not riddled with bugs.


As it stands they're way too easy (even on hard mode), half the time you can't even tell if that was a boss, and the only PVE mechanic they could come up with was an enrage timer on every other boss. I doubt anybody here can even name every boss in any given instance by name, that's how memorable they are.

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If you people followed the pre-release developmemt of this game at all, you'd know they don't commit to anything they're not sure of. And if you haven't found at least a few things exciting about 1.2 by reading the Q&A and tracker, you might as well unsub now. Seriously. Because you will not be happy.
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If you people followed the pre-release developmemt of this game at all, you'd know they don't commit to anything they're not sure of. And if you haven't found at least a few things exciting about 1.2 by reading the Q&A and tracker, you might as well unsub now. Seriously. Because you will not be happy.


A couple thing I'm looking forward to, however as a person who works for in software development I know that things you want in a patch/release can be pulled out real damn fast. So I will not count on anything until I see it for myself in the patch notes or live.

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I don't care how much support you got, I'm sick and tired of paying for multiplayer games where nobody plays together. If half the development time that was spent on the solo levelling experience was used on flashpoints and operations, they may actually have been challenging, memorable, and not riddled with bugs.


Sorry but I snipped the first bit to discuss the second


I can understand that the difficulty in finding groups at the moment is impacting on your game. This is not an issue with solo players, this is an issue with BW for thinking that standing around in fleet bored to death typing LFG is creating community. Is there a problem with the grouping system, yes there is. Is BW looking into it, apparently so but the answer we got was another one of those political phrases "were looking into it".


You do realise that BW targeted the single player community? Lesson 4 of their 12 point draft of lessons learned from other games deals exclusively with solo players and their market size and how Wow tapped into it and they wanted a peice of it. This game was designed for solo play from 1-49, but at 50 theres nothing to do but roll an alt.


Look I agree for the serious/hardcore raider this game offers very little challenge vs reward. And it is something I would address were I in the position to do so, but blaming solo players is just making us out to be scapegoats when it's pretty obvious the game was still released in Beta phase. And what we are currently paying for is to Beta test their product before it goes truly world wide.


Edit: My daughter who's 14 is more intersted in grouping and socialising in this game that I am. Perhaphs its the age demographic that this game appeals to that makes players disinclined to group

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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I agree with this post in many ways. I wish they would get rid of PVP, Although I know that will never happen I do think that they could make a solo only server, or a server where you could group but groups are penalized.


Besides PVP though my biggest gripe is the space combat.....I want a flight sim something where I can get my old flight stick out for. I dont know where they got the idea for this space setup but it is an epic failure. If I wanted to play starfox I'd play that......bring back what we had in galaxies YES I KNOW ANOTHER GAME.


I know it is going to take awhile to get up to speed of what this game can become and I will be here the entire time, I don't care if it takes a year or two, there truly is no hurry. Although everyone is arguing that the next patch is going to be the make or break we all know it has absolutely nothing to do with making or breaking the game, most of us will still be here if the patch is the worst in history.




This^, .... is what will "ruin" the patch for people. It's what "ruined" the game for people. You set yourself up for disappointment by having (too many)"expectations" for games.


The info for the patch is readily available thus far, do your homework and if it's not up to snuff by all means: move on.


There's really NOT MANY PEOPLE at all who care about your expectations.


My expectations of 1.2 are as follows:


-They ban the IP addresses of unsubbed accounts on account expiration.

-They remove PvP from the game in it's entirety.

-They push all the QQ and complaint posts into another forum area, disguised as General, so the flamers and trolls can rub one another's egos there, and think they are still doing something to cause an upset in the balance of things.

-The push all the extreme fanbois into a section like mentioned above.

-They give 3 day bans to armchair devs and couch economists.

-They pay off haters' bosses to fire them and say "I found this guy on the SWTOR forums who says he can do your job better than you, sorry. He's 14 too so he'll work for 2 cans of soda and a peanut butter sandwich every day! Not to mention he knows what EVERY ONE of our customers want based on his poll of 63 people! Amazing right?!?!?!"



Then again: why do my expectations matter to any of you? They don't. And they shouldn't. ;)

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Sorry but I snipped the first bit to discuss the second


I can understand that the difficulty in finding groups at the moment is impacting on your game. This is not an issue with solo players, this is an issue with BW for thinking that standing around in fleet bored to death typing LFG is creating community. Is there a problem with the grouping system, yes there is. Is BW looking into it, apparently so but the answer we got was another one of those political phrases "were looking into it".


You do realise that BW targeted the single player community? Lesson 4 of their 12 point draft of lessons learned from other games deals exclusively with solo players and their market size and how Wow tapped into it and they wanted a peice of it. This game was designed for solo play from 1-49, but at 50 theres nothing to do but roll an alt.


Look I agree for the serious/hardcore raider this game offers very little challenge vs reward. And it is something I would address were I in the position to do so, but blaming solo players is just making us out to be scapegoats when it's pretty obvious the game was still released in Beta phase. And what we are currently paying for is to Beta test their product before it goes truly world wide.


Edit: My daughter who's 14 is more intersted in grouping and socialising in this game that I am. Perhaphs its the age demographic that this game appeals to that makes players disinclined to group


No problem with the snip.


I'd like to counter with the fact that despite the fac that WoW was the first to make hitting max level a soloable endeavor, that is not what made it successful. Vanilla WoW was probably the least solo friendly of all the iterations. WoW started with 200k subs, and grew to over 1 million before the first expansion. TBC was more of the same with regards to solo content, but introduced even more difficult group content, and yet subs continued to rise.


WoW was always, and still is, a game where you can only solo to the entry level of endgame group content so that player turnover is mitigated, and the number of capped players is replenished, allowing people to continue doing group content at endgame (new patches raise what is considered entry level).


Key point here: You can have a solo friendly game that encourages new blood to jump in and reach what any reasonable person would call entry level for the current group content, but you still have to retain your capped players or your game will succumb to an endless cycle of turnover where there are never enough capped players at one time to support it.


I'm not even talking about raiding, I'm talking about run of the mill flashpoints, which are awful by comparison to even the first version of Deadmines in Vanilla WoW.


So yes, BioWare targetted soloers with SWTOR... but for the wrong reasons, and missed the point completely while trying to emulate WoW's success.

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I agree with this post in many ways. I wish they would get rid of PVP, Although I know that will never happen I do think that they could make a solo only server, or a server where you could group but groups are penalized.


Besides PVP though my biggest gripe is the space combat.....I want a flight sim something where I can get my old flight stick out for. I dont know where they got the idea for this space setup but it is an epic failure. If I wanted to play starfox I'd play that......bring back what we had in galaxies YES I KNOW ANOTHER GAME.


I know it is going to take awhile to get up to speed of what this game can become and I will be here the entire time, I don't care if it takes a year or two, there truly is no hurry. Although everyone is arguing that the next patch is going to be the make or break we all know it has absolutely nothing to do with making or breaking the game, most of us will still be here if the patch is the worst in history.


LOL Another kid who wants everyone to play his way, spoilt much?

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1.2 does not solve the basic problem that this game has: There is nothing to do at level 50.


A new operation or some new flashpoint does not fix the issue.


world pvp remains broken and with nothing to grind or any sort of political system there is no reason to log on other than rolling an alt.

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let me tell you what's going to happen when 1.2 releases.


Despite the patch having a great deal of fixes and content, the forums will be in an uproar about how terrible the patch is and how bioware is doomed. Someone will post a graph showing a dip in server population and talk about bioware completely failing and mention how they've dropped the ball. What with gw2 around the corner.


The same ten people who have been saying they're going to cancel their subs will continue to inform us so, yet they'll continue to post and play the game.


There will literally be dozens of posts by armchair developers about how they would've done the patch a million times better than bioware. Everyone of these posts will be about some ridiculous feature that no one besides the poster really cares about. Someone will spell ridiculous as 'rediculous'.


Meanwhile, in game, people will continue to play and have fun.


+1 :)

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originally posted by fenshire

let me tell you what's going to happen when 1.2 releases.


Despite the patch having a great deal of fixes and content, the forums will be in an uproar about how terrible the patch is and how bioware is doomed. Someone will post a graph showing a dip in server population and talk about bioware completely failing and mention how they've dropped the ball. What with gw2 around the corner.


The same ten people who have been saying they're going to cancel their subs will continue to inform us so, yet they'll continue to post and play the game.


There will literally be dozens of posts by armchair developers about how they would've done the patch a million times better than bioware. Everyone of these posts will be about some ridiculous feature that no one besides the poster really cares about. Someone will spell ridiculous as 'rediculous'.


Meanwhile, in game, people will continue to play and have fun.


qft. +10

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If you people followed the pre-release developmemt of this game at all, you'd know they don't commit to anything they're not sure of. And if you haven't found at least a few things exciting about 1.2 by reading the Q&A and tracker, you might as well unsub now. Seriously. Because you will not be happy.


...and they lie about the rest, or I suppose you gonna say they never lied :p

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Worst Developing Company ever in charge of the SW franchise and BW is not it. SWG Survived for 7 years? I survived 5 of those 7 assuming they actually pulled the servers down... The game has been out for about 4 months -- I still see people in Fleet, 120-180 players on coruscant at every point in the day that I log in, new player planets with 40-50 players as well as shoutouts for LFGs for Heroics....


1.2 isn't going to be the final nail in this coffin nor will it exalt it to the best of the best MMOs. The status quo will change, the issues being resolved will allow the little green check mark to be put on the QA board and they can move onto other things such as end-game content.


Keep in mind, the MMO will always evolve. I remember when WOW was level capped at like 40, then 50, then 60, then 80.... There will NEVER be an in-game with an MMO -- Its like feeding at fat little bird all day long, it will never be satisfied (the player).


LOL, 5 months since launch and this game is "over"....

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