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4 hour maintenance - Fix two things?


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I hate to complain, I really do, but 4 hours to fix these two things?;


* Corrected a server-side issue that caused some game systems (Such as companion missions) to behave incorrectly.


* Fixed an issue that caused some pre-assigned guild names to appear as misspelled or incorrect when players log onto their designated server.




That's it? I was hoping for more in 4 hours then those two things.. What about the issues with companion skills not saving when you disable them and then go to a new zone? What about sith corruption automatically turning back on when you change zones? Galaxy map becoming bugged if you join a group then try to use it? Guild roster not showing all members until you ctr+u twice?

I know none of these are game breaking, but jeez, 4 hours..


Oh well, rant over. Other then this maintenance time irking me, the game is great, having fun playing with my mates, can't wait to get back into game, but I hope to see another patch fix some of the things above..

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Not really sure what the issue is... To my knowledge, this is the first time that they've taken the servers down for patching since beta ended. Most likely, they don't want to **** anything up too horribly in the course of patching, and I'm fine waiting a little bit longer.
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The main thing I wish was fixed is the resource node bug on Drummond. So annoying seeing a node there.. but just visually and it's not actually despawned. Hoping this gets fixed sometime, lol. It was like this in the beta as well.


They said that's a problem when someone activates the node, but doesn't loot the node due to full inventory or just forgetting too loot it, and it then doesn't de-spawn. Server restart fixes it till someone else does the same thing.

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The main thing I wish was fixed is the resource node bug on Drummond. So annoying seeing a node there.. but just visually and it's not actually despawned. Hoping this gets fixed sometime, lol. It was like this in the beta as well.


Amen brother. I love the space game though. Make A LOT of credits doing it.

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Paid 150$ for the game, entitles me to complain all I want, customer is always right.


But your post makes me believe you didn't even read the full post, as it wasn't a QQ, was a rant about things that should have been patched since beta, and then at the end I said I'm still enjoying the game regardless.

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Paid 150$ for the game, entitles me to complain all I want, customer is always right..


The customer is not always right. But I'm not debating that, regardless..


Get used to this. Bioware did this during beta too. They would say an hour or two maintenance, when in reality, it was normally 2x that. It sucks yes - but I don't foresee it changing. But they do try their best to fix things, which in my opinion counts.

Edited by Ethurian
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Paid 150$ for the game, entitles me to complain all I want, customer is always right.


But your post makes me believe you didn't even read the full post, as it wasn't a QQ, was a rant about things that should have been patched since beta, and then at the end I said I'm still enjoying the game regardless.



Actually... it's just something people say.... the customer is not always right. Also... as someone in an IT shop it's not as simple as you think.

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Paid 150$ for the game, entitles me to complain all I want, customer is always right.


Except when they're wrong, like you.


But your post makes me believe you didn't even read the full post, as it wasn't a QQ, was a rant about things that should have been patched since beta, and then at the end I said I'm still enjoying the game regardless.


Everyone thinks their issue should get patched first. But there's limited time and resources and someone gotta make a list. This means some things are at the bottom of that list, important or not.


Try shipping a few games, then complaining.

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Each and every server has to be checked. How many servers are there?


Yeah...I guess they should just open em up and let people in without testing.


Wouldn't you rather it take 4 hours to do a maintenance right than 1 hour with numerous new bugs and crashes?


Surely you would.

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The customer is not always right. But I'm not debating that, regardless..


Get used to this. Bioware did this during beta too. They would say an hour or two maintenance, when in reality, it was normally 2x that. It sucks yes - but I don't foresee it changing. But they do try their best to fix things, which in my opinion counts.


Figure of speech, May not always be correct, but always right to complain, you should not be denied a high quality of service if that's what your paying for.


I'm already used to high downtimes in most games, doesn't really effect you in a game until your playing a game at launch, later down the road, I won't be playing 24/7 and probably won't be awake for the maintenance :p

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