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Change the endgame


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Hi there,

here's the matter: a lot of swtor players are formely wow player most or former mmorpgs player.

A lot of people is leaving swtor for a reason: swtor PvE endgame is nothing new, is the SAME thing to the others MMO, so i suggest to change something.


The endgame chain is:


Trough daily i gain equip,

trough equip i gain HMs access,

trough HM i gain better equip,

trough better equip i gain ops access,

trough ops i gain top equip


Ok, i've got the best equip in the world, and now?

Another pc? Same thing, levelling, equip etc etc


What's the difference between swtor and other mmos? The story, and it's great, but when you finish it it's the same thing as WoWs (meaning other mmos of the same stencil).


We need a change.

Edited by XargonWan
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So basically you want to lock all HM raid zones until you do a daily quest that gives you the proper gear in order to get into that zone.


I think you did not understand what he wrote.


He merely wrote how it is currently (progression from quest purples -> t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> what's the point)


He wants a change as this model of endgame is very dated and boring (and I don't blame him).



But, without giving an idea of how to change it - it's rather a request, not a suggestion :)

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I think you did not understand what he wrote.


He merely wrote how it is currently (progression from quest purples -> t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> what's the point)


He wants a change as this model of endgame is very dated and boring (and I don't blame him).




But, without giving an idea of how to change it - it's rather a request, not a suggestion :)
Uhm, maybe you're right :p Edited by XargonWan
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Perhaps End game should offer new game play concepts..



Only after completion or lvl 50 can you obtain the:


Ascention Phase


*New crafting including mixing crystals to form unique coloured lifsabres and attributes.

*unlockable extra missions on new planet (Freeroam Mode).

*The chance to participate in Bounties (Either NPC or Players).

*Addition to building financial resources to buy a different class of ship.

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Endgame definitely needs something more than new set of gear (and ops) every few months. How to do it here I dont know. It could be something more player-driven (pvp coming to mind at first) and/or random, but hard to say. I'm used to the "do pve to get good gear to compete in pvp" route, which some don't like at all and that swtor has avoided by the pvp gear sets. Since that choice also creates "two different endgames" I really dont know how to make it work. Player-driven endgame stuff that doesnt necessarily involve pvp? I hope they are creative :)


Edit: Speaking of non-story stuff that is. Afaik they are continuing the class stories every now and then, but if the difficulty and time they require stays the same, they get consumed super fast so needs something more too.

Edited by Freor
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  • 3 weeks later...
I wanna bring attention to this topic


for someone who wants to bring attention to it you sure chose a poor way of doing so. heck, you have been here since the foundations were laid. bioware stated many many times prior to release that we were getting a tried and true mmo experience with the main innovation being the story driven element. why would you think the endgame itself would change?

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There are two types of games:


1. Games where your status is determined by gear/stats.


2. Games where your status is determined by past performance.


The first type of game is your typical RPG, MMORPG, and games like them. Your status - or how 'good' you appear to be to other players - is determined by your gear. As you said in your post, you do missions to get to 50, you do daily missions, you do hardmodes, you do ops... but it all is a linear gear progression that eventually lets you get to the top level of gear, at which point you burn out and get bored because there's no way to keep progressing.


The second type of game tends to be more along the lines of ladder RTS games, or First Person Shooters, where gear doesnt really exist or matter, but you have a list of statistics (kill to death ratio, win to loss ratio, weapon accuracy, deaths per game, kills per game, etc. etc.) that determine your status among other players. In those types of games, you do the same 'content' over and over and over again, gradually improving (or rather trying to improve) your statistics so you can boast to other players how good you are.




There are no other types of games. They all fall into one of those two categories. That's just how gaming is - you will always be trying to get the 'best stuff' because you want to flaunt your awesomeness to other players, impress the noobs, make yourself feel better - that's what games are all about at their most basic level.


Game developers have been trying to stray from those two categories for decades now, and none of them manage to do it. If you think you have some brilliant idea that none of the other game developers on the planet have come up with yet, I suggest you get a grant and put it into action =p

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So the error may be tought TOR as a multiplayer game with single player things, wondering what happend thingink about the inverse: single player with a big multiplayer thing.


The fact is that this game is exactely WoW with SW thing and with a good story:


I'm bored of WoW -> I came to TOR -> I finished the (very good!) story -> Now? Now I'm playing a game that si exact thing as WoW, so I'm bored... no real innovation at all...

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