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Not enjoying Marauder. Does it get better?


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I have a level 50 Jedi Guardian and I have really enjoyed the play on that character. I wanted to try the Sentinel/Marauder class and thought it was an excellent opportunity to see the Sith Warrior story.


I am loving the story, but the gameplay on my Marauder feels clunky and isn't much fun. I am level 34 currently and I am specced Carnage. I tried Annihilation first, but as the damage from dots doesn't really have time to ramp up while levelling against normal mobs I decided to switch.


I can see where the synergy is trying to go, but I am just not sure I am going to enjoy it. It feels way to proc dependent to me right now. Instead of managing my focus and abilities on their own merit (either using a rotation or priority system), I find myself constantly having to wait on an Ataru proc so I can get the insta crit for Force Scream.


I am holding out hope that Massacre will solve that problem as it will provide an automatic Ataru proc and I won't have to wait on them. At this point, if Massacre doesn't make the whole rotation gel together I fear I will never really enjoy the class.


Anyone have thoughts or opinions on this? Does Massacre make everything gel and suddenly become enjoyable to play?

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I have a level 50 Jedi Guardian and I have really enjoyed the play on that character. I wanted to try the Sentinel/Marauder class and thought it was an excellent opportunity to see the Sith Warrior story.


I am loving the story, but the gameplay on my Marauder feels clunky and isn't much fun. I am level 34 currently and I am specced Carnage. I tried Annihilation first, but as the damage from dots doesn't really have time to ramp up while levelling against normal mobs I decided to switch.


I can see where the synergy is trying to go, but I am just not sure I am going to enjoy it. It feels way to proc dependent to me right now. Instead of managing my focus and abilities on their own merit (either using a rotation or priority system), I find myself constantly having to wait on an Ataru proc so I can get the insta crit for Force Scream.


I am holding out hope that Massacre will solve that problem as it will provide an automatic Ataru proc and I won't have to wait on them. At this point, if Massacre doesn't make the whole rotation gel together I fear I will never really enjoy the class.


Anyone have thoughts or opinions on this? Does Massacre make everything gel and suddenly become enjoyable to play?


The top talent in all of the trees brings a huge quality of life improvement for the specs. A lot of people say mara dont shine till they reach 40's and i do agree with this it was a really ****** class to level for a large part of getting to 50 but it gets a lot better when you are 40+.

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Annihilate doesnt really make a big difference to playstyle...

It's just one additional button to hit every whatever 12 seconds or so.

Nice damage and animation though.


The dots all have very short duration, around 6 seconds or so.

So there is time for the dots to run out on strong/elite mobs, sometimes, multiple times.



Marauders do get stronger as u level up.

With healer guy, i can take on two Elites and a Strong without dying.

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In all honesty.


If at level 40 the class doesn't "Click" for you..then save yourself the trouble and level something else.


40 is typically the tipping point of when marauders actually start to feel better (due to the 31 point talent in whichever tree you decide to lvl as).

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Everyone more or less said it, but i'll take it a step further.


Annihilation can function without Annihilate, it'll just be less bursty.


The issue with Carnage is that it does NOT function as intended without Massacre. For example, one of my largest DPS-dumps is +10 rage > Frenzy > Berserk > Gore > Massacre Spam for the 6 charges. Which then immediately leads into the Fus Ro Dah combo.


Just keep at it until 40. Trust us, you WILL see a night and day difference once you get Massacre.

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The problem with the Mara is, you shouldn't have to level through 80% of the game (levels wise), to "come into your own". That is really poor class design, more than anything else. But to answer the OP, yes it does get better, eventually. End game Mara do have very nice dps though.
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Anyone have thoughts or opinions on this? Does Massacre make everything gel and suddenly become enjoyable to play?


1. Carnage is terrible to level with. Annihilation is "oh no dots take rampup", but that's not the point. The point is that Enraged Slash and Quick Recovery are in the Anni tree. Deadly Saber is a gigantic damage proc at level 20. Annihilation is so far ahead as a leveling spec from 10-40 that it's ridiculous to spec anything else.


2. When Carnage gets Massacre, THEN the spec becomes complete. Before that, Carnage is garbage. Carnage is still weaker than Annihilation for PvE, but it's no longer crippled.


3. Annihilate doesn't help the Annihilation spec that much. Just makes it slightly more efficient in general and more burst for PvP.

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Carnage is terrible for leveling imo it's just not good enough without gore and massacre


Wow, so Carnage isnt good enough without the 2 MAIN skills that make it amazing. Thats like saying a healer sucks without his heals. GJ dude. Uninstall the game, you won.

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Wow, so Carnage isnt good enough without the 2 MAIN skills that make it amazing. Thats like saying a healer sucks without his heals. GJ dude. Uninstall the game, you won.


Considering you don't get Gore until 30 and Massacre until 40 his point is valid. He did mention 'for levelling' or did you miss that part in your quest to flame?

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The problem with the Mara is, you shouldn't have to level through 80% of the game (levels wise), to "come into your own". That is really poor class design, more than anything else. But to answer the OP, yes it does get better, eventually. End game Mara do have very nice dps though.


Well i disagree, loved mine from LvL 1 on, its a skill class plain and simple, it starts to shine after your Combat Vanish and only gets better, lvl'd ahnilation the whole way and 48 atm and just love her, do 300+ per most wz's since i was 36...

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Anni works for clearing trash packs at a easy pace. This is the fastest way Ive found: 3 weak and 1 strong. Charge 1 weak, kick, (wait for the rest of the mobs to come close or get close to them) and smash, then pummle strike the first one if it isnt dead by now. if it is dead, Pummle #2, then Battering Assault, Rupture. Now Ravage #3 while your dot finishes #2. Assault or Vicious Slash to finish off #3. Now you can use Deadly Saber and finish off the Strong.


You can do it various way, but with a DoT spec you just take the enemys to half or 1/3rd health and move on to the next while your DoTs finish them. Make sure to utilize kick and pummle strike. Tho Pummle strike sucks that it is on a 45 sec CD which means you use it on every other pack. If you like using Jaesa, she has a AoE slow that enables kick, which seems to be up about 50% of the fight.

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