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Project slower than Shock


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Pretty simple: due to the animation Project takes one or two seconds to actually hit and do damage, whereas Shock is pretty much instantaneous in dealing damage.


Why do I consider this important?


Well, as an Infiltration Shadow, Clairvoyant Strike grants a buff to Project's damage, but it's a shorter buff than Circling Shadows, so you can cast Project using Circling Shadows while Clairvoyant strike's buff is up, but lose the buff from Clairvoyant Strike before Project hits.


I have done this many times when quickly moving between mobs of enemies: I use Force Speed to get in range fast enough, cast with reduced cost, but hit without the damage buff because it's shorter and Project's animation time was the difference between using it and losing it.


Shock, without the delay of Project, doesn't present this problem. If you have the buff (or both buffs for that matter) you use them both at once, right as you cast.


Is anyone else upset by the discrepancy?

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Discussed a lot. I don't think anyone can add anything on this anymore. They have to make them same yes. Whether change our animation or theirs is up to Bioware if they ever wish to. You can find a lot more detailed discussions in previous threads.
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Discussed a lot. I don't think anyone can add anything on this anymore. They have to make them same yes. Whether change our animation or theirs is up to Bioware if they ever wish to. You can find a lot more detailed discussions in previous threads.


No thank you. The delay in project is actually better for burst.

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No thank you. The delay in project is actually better for burst.


So you are saying no to a fix because you have the upper hand. That is disgusting. Hence why i say they have to match them. One way or another i can't care less. The classes are supposed to do -same- things with different animations. There are more examples to this than just that but this is most obvious and broken one.


I really hate people thinking *if i have the advantage it's cool bro.*.


Edit: That sounded a bit ruder than intended. I just dislike that way of thinking nothing against you mate.

Edited by Ecmelt
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So you are saying no to a fix because you have the upper hand. That is disgusting. Hence why i say they have to match them. One way or another i can't care less. The classes are supposed to do -same- things with different animations. There are more examples to this than just that but this is most obvious and broken one.


I really hate people thinking *if i have the advantage it's cool bro.*.


Edit: That sounded a bit ruder than intended. I just dislike that way of thinking nothing against you mate.


Wow o.o. It's not my fault BW made it this way. It can still be looked at as a disadvantage (which it still is at times). However I am telling you the truth: It is better for setting up burst that an instant cast. At the same time, insta-shock can stop a capping node.

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No thank you. The delay in project is actually better for burst.


Oh yes! Two floating chunks of garbage in the air doing nothing is soooooo much better than actual damage.


Not stopping the cap because of an instant-cast's damage delay is obviously beneficial.


Anyway, they said they're working on this. We'll just have see what they do.

Edited by DarthSalt
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As you probably know, Low Slash is not a stun ability, it breaks when you deal damage.

Delayed project is a bless for Low Slash, Force Lift and similar non-stun abilityes.

You can use Project and then add another instant ability - they'll do damage simultenously, not giving your foe another GCD to retaliate.

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So you are saying no to a fix because you have the upper hand. That is disgusting. Hence why i say they have to match them. One way or another i can't care less. The classes are supposed to do -same- things with different animations. There are more examples to this than just that but this is most obvious and broken one.


I really hate people thinking *if i have the advantage it's cool bro.*.


Edit: That sounded a bit ruder than intended. I just dislike that way of thinking nothing against you mate.


Except, you don't have the upper hand.


The reason she said it's better for burst, is because whatever skill you use next, lands at the same time as project, making them hit at the same time, which looks more bursty, while in fact you're doing the exact same damage in the end as someone who uses shock.


On the flipside, you are literally telegraphing when you're gonna burst someone.


You see a rock pop up from the ground, you have at least a full GCD to pop resilience, vanish, shields, bubbles, etc.


So there it is. it's not better than shock for burst. Especially not on people who are aware of *** is going on on their screen.

It's the exact same damage in the end, with the main difference being the delay making your burst "look" bigger, but also telling whoever you're fighting when you're gonna burst and giving them enough time to react.

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So there it is. it's not better than shock for burst. Especially not on people who are aware of *** is going on on their screen.

It's the exact same damage in the end, with the main difference being the delay making your burst "look" bigger, but also telling whoever you're fighting when you're gonna burst and giving them enough time to react.


Exactly, the burst does absolutely nothing when you are telegraphing the move. It's like a boxer trying to wind up for a heavy knockout uppercut by swinging his arm in a circle before throwing the punch. Know what happens? The punch most likely doesn't land.

Edited by KilmarFyrewynd
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Personally I think they either need to change project to a simple blast of energy making it truly instant, or change shock to have a windup prior to firing the lightening. Either way it normalizes the animations and removes the problem.
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I've had maur/sents/shadows vanish on me while project was mid animation and has actually left the rocks suspended in mid air.


I was thinking that if I had shock the hit would of registered and possibly would of died before vanishing.


I just had this happen yesterday. I don't really care that much that there is this delay, just that assassins don't have to deal with it too.

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