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Why didn't they just include a crap ton of playable races?


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Rodians can speak Basic as easily as humans. There are some in The Clone Wars, Jadan Korr if you go Rodian, and even some Rodian NPCs in TOR that all speak Basic.


Not only Rodians, but Jawas also have been known to speak Basic occasionally. Case in point:




Yes, a Jawa who not only spoke fluent Basic but was also a Jedi. It does not get much cooler than that.

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Not only Rodians, but Jawas also have been known to speak Basic occasionally. Case in point:




Yes, a Jawa who not only spoke fluent Basic but was also a Jedi. It does not get much cooler than that.


That is one example.


One example does not justify inclusion in a game. In most cases, single examples exist to make them special (see also: Yoda, Force-using Wookiees). If you include it as an option in a game, with equal footing as other options, then it should at least be considered "normal" if not "common".


Having Force-using Jawas in SWTOR is, in my honest opinion, silly and stupid. In order to not break lore and atmosphere, every other encounter with an NPC would need to start with "Holy crap! I've never heard of anything like you before!"

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