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High level character watching low level character storyline


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I have searched around to find this answer and haven't found anything specific. If there is a thread on this and you can point me to it that would be great! If not here is my question:


If I take my level 20 Consular to Ord Mantel and join a low level trooper to watch their storyline will I lower the experience they get from the quests? I can see a few scenarios and I am just not sure how it would work:


1. If I help kill everything do they lose experience?

2. If I help when they are in trouble do they only lose experience on those encounters?

3. If I just sit back and watch will they get full xp?


I want to try this out, but I don't want to mess things up for a low level player. I am fine with just watching if participating is going to lower their xp.



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Well I had a lvl 50 BH join my IA on Hutta to rush me through it and I got no exp from kills, only from the bonuses and handing in quests.


I then joined him on his new marauder with my lvl 10 IA and he didn't get exp for his kills or mine until our lvls was within 3 of each other.


Even if you don't actually kill any mobs for them they don't get kill exp from their own kills in my experience, so helping them with just heals has the same effect as killing everything for them or even just being in the same group.

Edited by Synalon
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The limit is 8 characters per server per account if that changes your thought but otherwise I wouldn't recommend grouping with someone else to see the storyline as they will probably not select the response you want or worse, spacebar through the story.


What I can recommend is to browse youtube and search through google / video's. Youll likely find some

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ther is a way for higher lvl to help.


Do not join group make sure lower lvl is doing damage to higher lvl npc you cant be more than 6 lvls higher than the person your halping


Walk thru and kill all the agro after the lower lvl has infliceted at least a third damage



This is hit and miss, however I lvled my son up doing this petrry fast..... I must admit I thought it crap as he was skipping alot of content ...In my opinion


If you wanna see the story, you can join group for the convos, its best for the socil ...I think...points;)

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Thanks for the suggestions, but my hope was to interact and meet other people while seeing the other storylines as opposed to watching youtube.


When I use to play UO and Everquest (and a few others, I never did the WoW thing), people didn't seem to play alts as much and you got to know people a lot better (my opinion of course) so I was hoping to be able to play mostly one character so that character gets to know people and they get to know him, instead of playing a bunch of alts.


Ah well, I will have to rethink the strategy. Thanks for the help.

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