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Option to hide/prevent others from inspecting your gear.


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I have no idea what you're trying to get at with your first point. Math exists and optimal stat distribution, builds, and rotations will always exist and be quantifiable. Always.


Your second argument is obviously comparing apples and oranges. Cursing is offensive to some people and even more important it's a necessary part of parental controls. Your proposed toggle has no useful purpose and either you are intentionally making these false analogies or you legitimately don't understand the difference.


That's my point. You might follow the math 100% and care totally about the DR %. While someone else goes against your idea and builds with something like Alacrity and he is very effective, should he have an option to hide it? Yes.


It is not apples to orange, just like cursing is offensive. Some of us find that people inspecting other people is offensive, or we just want to hide our info at certain times for whatever reason. Making a simple toggle in the preference tab wouldn't change anything as other people have already stated. Even people who has disagreed with the option have said we have issues with under geared people currently. We all deal with them the same way, guidance and move to the next person. This just gives us more options within the game for those that want to use it.


I find it amazing how a simple on/off option for those who would like it causes so much drama. Don't use it if you don't want to, just like your other filters.

Edited by Pandorah
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That's my point. You might follow the math 100% and care totally about the DR %. While someone else goes against your idea and builds with something like Alacrity and he is very effective, should he have an option to hide it? Yes.


It is not apples to orange, just like cursing is offensive. Some of us find that people inspecting other people is offensive, or we just want to hide our info at certain times for whatever reason. Making a simple toggle in the preference tab wouldn't change anything as other people have already stated. Even people who has disagreed with the option have said we have issues with under geared people currently. We all deal with them the same way, guidance and move to the next person. This just gives us more options within the game for those that want to use it.


I find it amazing how a simple on/off option for those who would like it causes so much drama. Don't use it if you don't want to, just like your other filters.


That poster appears to be one of the "cookie cutter" brand and appears to hold the opinion that if you deviate even a little, then you are a "baddie" and someone to be avoided like the plague.


I'd be very surprised if he were able to play without someone else telling where to put his talent points and what buttons to press in what order.

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That's my point. You might follow the math 100% and care totally about the DR %. While someone else goes against your idea and builds with something like Alacrity and he is very effective, should he have an option to hide it? Yes.


It is not apples to orange, just like cursing is offensive. Some of us find that people inspecting other people is offensive, or we just want to hide our info at certain times for whatever reason. Making a simple toggle in the preference tab wouldn't change anything as other people have already stated. Even people who has disagreed with the option have said we have issues with under geared people currently. We all deal with them the same way, guidance and move to the next person. This just gives us more options within the game for those that want to use it.


I find it amazing how a simple on/off option for those who would like it causes so much drama. Don't use it if you don't want to, just like your other filters.


You may find it offensive, but EAWare likes money, and finding pieces on others that are liked means more items bought directly off the CM and indirectly off GTN. I doubt this change is going to happen.

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That poster appears to be one of the "cookie cutter" brand and appears to hold the opinion that if you deviate even a little, then you are a "baddie" and someone to be avoided like the plague.


I'd be very surprised if he were able to play without someone else telling where to put his talent points and what buttons to press in what order.


Well you don't really know me at all, do you. I have a program written and a spreadsheet that I use to compare stats using...*GASP* MATH! You might want to think you're a special little snowflake but the math doesn't lie, if you aren't listening to it you will be sub-optimal, that is just a fact of life. You might not be bad, but you won't be as good as you could be and, maybe its just me, but I don't like to do things half-way. I guess you can choose to gimp yourself in the name of originality and go around saying that everyone who listens to math is "cookie cutter".


I guess architects who listen to math to create structurally sound buildings are dumb too and you'd rather live in a building where the architect didn't use math and just winged it based on what felt good, eh? As long as a strong breeze doesn't come by, I'm sure you'll be ok.

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That's my point. You might follow the math 100% and care totally about the DR %. While someone else goes against your idea and builds with something like Alacrity and he is very effective, should he have an option to hide it? Yes.


You could be effective but you will still be sub-optimal.


It is not apples to orange, just like cursing is offensive. Some of us find that people inspecting other people is offensive, or we just want to hide our info at certain times for whatever reason. Making a simple toggle in the preference tab wouldn't change anything as other people have already stated. Even people who has disagreed with the option have said we have issues with under geared people currently. We all deal with them the same way, guidance and move to the next person. This just gives us more options within the game for those that want to use it.


I find it amazing how a simple on/off option for those who would like it causes so much drama. Don't use it if you don't want to, just like your other filters.

Well, now you're just lying. Clearly, swearing is different than someone looking at what you're wearing but you've outed yourself as someone who will lie and use hyperbole to try and make a point. Looking at what clothes you're wearing and having your kid be called a "F&*$#N C&*!T" are wildly different and if you can't acknowledge that simple truth its worthless to discuss with you because in your mind you'll always be right and just shout anything you can think of to support your point of view regardless of its basis in reality.

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Well you don't really know me at all, do you. I have a program written and a spreadsheet that I use to compare stats using...*GASP* MATH! You might want to think you're a special little snowflake but the math doesn't lie, if you aren't listening to it you will be sub-optimal, that is just a fact of life. You might not be bad, but you won't be as good as you could be and, maybe its just me, but I don't like to do things half-way. I guess you can choose to gimp yourself in the name of originality and go around saying that everyone who listens to math is "cookie cutter".


I guess architects who listen to math to create structurally sound buildings are dumb too and you'd rather live in a building where the architect didn't use math and just winged it based on what felt good, eh? As long as a strong breeze doesn't come by, I'm sure you'll be ok.


Architects use math, yes, but they are NOT tied to only one way to do things, unlike some people in this thread. That might explain why there are so many different styles of buildings. Funny thing is that they ALL seem to be sound, not just the style that someone who "claims" to use a spreadsheet says is the "ONE, TRUE STYLE and all others are merely waiting for the first strong breeze to cause them to topple".

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Architects use math, yes, but they are NOT tied to only one way to do things, unlike some people in this thread. That might explain why there are so many different styles of buildings. Funny thing is that they ALL seem to be sound, not just the style that someone who "claims" to use a spreadsheet says is the "ONE, TRUE STYLE and all others are merely waiting for the first strong breeze to cause them to topple".


Ok, dude, go be happy being worse than you could be, I don't care. If you don't want to acknowledge that using math one can quantitatively and definitively prove the best way to spec, then you're just lying to yourself.


Note: I am referring to things in PVE, I don't personally care about PVP but recognize that far more variables exist in a PVP environment and more choices exist. I'm sure there is a mathematically best way to spec assuming everyone else also does exactly what they're supposed to as well, but that's far less likely than an Op boss behaving exactly like its supposed to.


Edit: yeah, there are multiple ways to build a building and perhaps that wasn't my best analogy but there will still be a best design, one that provides the most structurally sound building. Just like in network cabling there is a best way that provides the least amount if impedance and that provides the best network throughput.

Edited by Phyltr
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If people want to keep people from seeing what gear they have.. Fine..


I can kick them from any op, flashpoint, or PVP for hiding their gear..


Assuming someone makes the unwise decision of allowing someone hiding their gear to stay in any of the above activities, any and all drops will also be hidden from said person and they will be unable to roll on anything..


At the very least, unable to need roll on anything.. At least not until they come to terms with the idea that a need roll also means allowing others to see that you actually need something..


Bottom line in my opinion, if you have something to hide from your fellow players, then you have no business playing with fellow players.. I would actually argue that someone hiding their gear or stats, shouldn't be allowed to participate in any group activity.. :)

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If people want to keep people from seeing what gear they have.. Fine..


I can kick them from any op, flashpoint, or PVP for hiding their gear..


Assuming someone makes the unwise decision of allowing someone hiding their gear to stay in any of the above activities, any and all drops will also be hidden from said person and they will be unable to roll on anything..


At the very least, unable to need roll on anything.. At least not until they come to terms with the idea that a need roll also means allowing others to see that you actually need something..


Bottom line in my opinion, if you have something to hide from your fellow players, then you have no business playing with fellow players.. I would actually argue that someone hiding their gear or stats, shouldn't be allowed to participate in any group activity.. :)


See, I agree with this to a point, but then I realize that people are awful. You know that it will cause drama, you know that kicking someone because they refuse to show their gear will result in tons of $h*! talk in general and maybe even the forums. That's drama that just isn't necessary. If you refuse to let someone roll need, even if you were clear with the rules beforehand, there will still be drama, that person will scream bloody murder and freak out. It is inevitable that people who crave drama will use this as a tool to cause it.


It just seems like way more trouble than its worth.

Edited by Phyltr
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  • 5 months later...
It would be convenient if we had the option to prevent other players from inspecting your character to see gear etc.




Much as I hate gear score there is content that requires certain gear so people need to be able to inspect to ensure those scores are met.


Ive actually had GF groups for tactical flashpoints where people arrive in level 36 blue gear


Im no hardcore player but thats even to far for me to accept in a 55 flashpoint


Plus Ive inspected to find out what the name of certain gear is to buy later


The ONLY reason to not allow people to inspect you is to try and do content in to low gear.

Do that junk with your friends

In pug or GF, come with proper gear

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Pretty much yeah. There is no reason to hide your gear except misplaced "special snowflake" mentalities or hiding your gear.. People like to be individualistic anyways though, so chances are you won't see 3000 copies of your exact gearset. On all of my characters I've seen exactly 1 person in an identical setup to any of mine, there are hundreds of thousands of combinations to use after all.


As far as "my stats are viable but people say I'm doing it wrong because the internet said so" goes, go run a 5 minuite dummy parce. When people question your stat distribution, link them the damn thing, if your stat distribution is viable, or better than what is generally accepted, they'll change thier tune in a hurry because clearly you have the actual answer. Otherwise, suck it up and learn to gear because they can mathmatically prove that their way works well.

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but they don't/ know that do they?


I met a operative the other day who had 39k health, which was a really good sign, but things were taking longer than i expected and we even struggled with an enrage timer in czerka core. Check his gear, turns out he's in full fort augments. He's losing out on 448 cunning, which would be a huge boost to dps. The abukity to hide gear would make identifying crap like that and figuring out who is responsible really difficult in flashpoints so we can get someone who can actually do it, especially if neither dps is willing to revaeal their gear, and any decent raid leader is going to demand you reval your gear anyways.


I don't know why people seem to think that your gear is private information.

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Not being a developer looking at the code, I can't really speculate how 'simple' this would be to implement or maintain. But the two or three people who want it, sure seem to know its simple to add.


I haven't really seen a clear reason why it'd be good. Apart from the incredibly unlikely event that you'll come up with a significantly peculiar build that no one else could come up with or identify it just by watching you.


That leaves being a peacock. Liking the thought that everyone is curious where we found our latest fancy hat is an integral part of every MMO! Well that idea is already shot, there are websites dedicated to outing that sort of stuff before it even hits live servers. But we can always tell ourselves someone really copied us, we were absolutely the first to make that unique combination of 6 items, out of hundreads of thousands of players.


So in conclusion with have very little to gain for an unknown level of programming and bug fixing... Sure why not, this should be moved to the front of the list of game improvements.

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Privacy of your build, I can see it as a trade secret if you PvP for it may be a definite advantage, but also is a great way for a loot ninja's to hide the truth over their need or greed for items to be rolled during raids or PvE action.


As a raid leader, I do inspect each and everyone who joins the raid to ensure that the OPS can have the best potential for a successful completion.


If a player hides their gear stats, and I am forced to confront them as for permission to check them out, frankly as a woman, I hate confrontation so an automatic kick out of raid will occur. Sorry for this, but I am happy that your right for privacy has been enforced, enjoy.


As a raid leader, the raid being organized is by definition: My raid. By default I am responsible to all players joining "my" raid to run it as flawlessly as possible and achieve success.


A huge issue with many PUG raids is the honesty of players and their atttiudes, some steal loot and need in stuff they should not, others are trolls that gets their kicks by slowing down the game, getting others killed, and the list goes on and on. The more notorious trolls get their name black listed and shared among the major guilds, so to prevent this individual from ruining the experience for so many.


But the sad truth is that trolls can pay to change their name, and that looking at a character does not in general convey an accurate sense of what the player is like on the other side. Because of this, I have to look for indicators, clues about the owner of the character; one of such clues is their willingness to join a Voice Over IP such as Teamspeak, Ventrillo or Mumble, if they are not willing to do so, the likelyhood they are going to be a problem for the raid to be executed successfully is quite likely, even if the player is an honest player.


Now here comes to OP with the need for privacy, the first impression I will get from a person hidding information from me is a poor one, a very poor one. Do understand it is my raid, and it is you who is asking me to let you join me, get that clear, and now you are telling me to ask you for permission to check your gear? really? Strikes me as arrogant in my opinion.


I am telling you, if you even think in joining any of my raids, you better have the flag set to allow to be checked before you even send me a tell to join, because the moment I try to inspect you and I cant, you are out of my raid with no words exchanged. I value those first impressions and clues about who you are, and someone who hides information from me, may very well be a loot ninja or troll and I have no need or desire for them to be in my raid, and I am quite sure that the other participants in the raid feel the same way.


So while the concept may be acceptable, the practices associated with this privacy measure need to be clealry fleshed out and agreed, for instance, you flag yourself to be inspectable before asking to join, and you remain inspectable for the duration of the raid, other player have the right to make sure that your rolls for need and greed are honest ones. Don't expect me to memorize your build, and remember at rolling time if your choices, when looting, were legitimate or not.



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I'm not a fan of this suggestion. I like seeing what other people are wearing.


However, if they did implement this, I can see the next request. "We should have a list of people that we can add their name on to that they can always inspect my gear." Then the next one is, "We should have the option to have our entire legacy be able to be added to the list."


It's just never-ending work for the devs. I say, leave well enough alone.

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As many people I encounter running around in empty shells, green items 10 levels below their own, or have cunning/aim when they are STR users.... yeah bad idea.


Sorry to burst your "I'm special and unique" bubble, but this is an MMO, not a single player game. If you end up grouped with someone, they have every right to look at you and make sure you won't make their game time a disaster if your teamed up with them.


As for the "you can't know I'm wearing the "tube top of skankiness" with the "panties of the bordello queen", & "thigh highs of ankle breaking".... well... again, your not unique or special, so please get over yourself. :p (The above mentioned is apparently the guild uniform for Dalyu on Jung Ma :rolleyes: )


It could be worse. EverQuest 1 said in chat any time someone inspected you. That was especially fun when trolls would follow you around spamming it.


"Bubbafatt is looking at your equipment."

"Bubbafatt is looking at your equipment."

"Bubbafatt is looking at your equipment."

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Terrible idea, not just for raids, but also for PVP. It's very helpful to know if a teammate is woefully under-/inappropriately geared so you can plan tactics accordingly, like, not leaving them alone to guard a node. And using Inspect, I've found people who didn't know how to gear properly and was able to give tips on how they can up their bolstered stats.


As someone else already posted, this suggestion has no use except for the special snowflakes who think that having an unknown piece of gear will make their epeen bigger, or for people who are undergeared and want to be carried.

Edited by HeatRacer
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  • 7 months later...

lol.... ugh.


I'm sorry.. But I HAVE to resurrect this thread. For starters, I find it funny that none of the posts can simply just answer the OP's question (Which I was researching when I happened along this pool of idiocy). Secondly, like... really? Either majority of the people playing SWTOR during 2014, never played any other MMO, ever.. OR they're just beyond ignorant.


I dunno about yall, but I've played many MMOS and all either do not have the option to inspect or there is an option to not allow inspection. I find it hilarious that the OP's simple question merited 8 pages of bandwagon haters and really bad trolls..


...Talk about sheep :p

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lol.... ugh.


I'm sorry.. But I HAVE to resurrect this thread. For starters, I find it funny that none of the posts can simply just answer the OP's question (Which I was researching when I happened along this pool of idiocy). Secondly, like... really? Either majority of the people playing SWTOR during 2014, never played any other MMO, ever.. OR they're just beyond ignorant.


I dunno about yall, but I've played many MMOS and all either do not have the option to inspect or there is an option to not allow inspection. I find it hilarious that the OP's simple question merited 8 pages of bandwagon haters and really bad trolls..


...Talk about sheep :p


What sheep? People were disagreeing with the OP how on earth does that make them haters? Myself, I think it it's a stupid idea and would do more harm than good in the long run. But again that is just my opinion and that does not make me or anyone else in this thread a hater.

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What sheep? People were disagreeing with the OP how on earth does that make them haters? Myself, I think it it's a stupid idea and would do more harm than good in the long run. But again that is just my opinion and that does not make me or anyone else in this thread a hater.


Like.. You JUST proved my point. If you read.. (Is this a new thing? People not reading/comprehending?) I stated that it's basically not uncommon for there to be an option to decline inspection. I ALSO explained that most MMOs have the option to decline inspection or simply do not allow/support/implement the feature.




I'm not sure how it could cause issues in the long run.. But personally, I would prefer if people didn't see my stats or gears name. As the OP mentioned, It would make you (the player) have to use your OWN brain and put some actual thought into your stats/build and appearance. Apparently the OP and myself, are the only ones who like this, magical, unheard of, idea of people having to use their own brains and make choices..


Now that I think about it, suppose SWTOR kinda proves that in a way. Not like you have to put any thought into anything in SWTOR, other than your gear appearance, character customization, and light or dark options.


Thnx casuals~

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