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Well.....Chalk me up as done with this game


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First of all I really liked this game, until I hit hoth think that was around 40. I really started to pay attention to the amount of players on each planet cuz you need groups for heroics. from hoth, to belvas, to voss the amount was always 18 and below.


Alright, I figured I was lagging behind the starting group, I'm on dark reaper, the very first servers to go up. In my mind I was thinking alright all the action and all the players are on ilum. Well I hit 50 today went there, 38 players. Out of the whole flipping planet theres only 38 players there?????????????????????? I saw 2. WHY R THESE PLANETS SOOOOOO EMPTY????


Does anyone know how many people their server can handle on one planet? I hate wow but dang!!!!! there was always that many people just bsing in towns. I saw more people out in about in aion and rift, hell even in the matrix for that crap game.


I'm tired of hearing well at the fleet theres 200, who gives a ...... thats not a planet where you can run into a real opposing faction. Maybe they should put both faction fleets, on the same planet opposite ends, then we could have some massive wars.


This game should be described as a great single player, with the option to chat, and play warzone with others. Anyways, my scrib ends in 22days, maybe check in after that big patch comes out and see whats up. Just hope they can do something like the idea above.

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First of all I really liked this game, until I hit hoth think that was around 40. I really started to pay attention to the amount of players on each planet cuz you need groups for heroics. from hoth, to belvas, to voss the amount was always 18 and below.


Alright, I figured I was lagging behind the starting group, I'm on dark reaper, the very first servers to go up. In my mind I was thinking alright all the action and all the players are on ilum. Well I hit 50 today went there, 38 players. Out of the whole flipping planet theres only 38 players there?????????????????????? I saw 2. WHY R THESE PLANETS SOOOOOO EMPTY????


Does anyone know how many people their server can handle on one planet? I hate wow but dang!!!!! there was always that many people just bsing in towns. I saw more people out in about in aion and rift, hell even in the matrix for that crap game.


I'm tired of hearing well at the fleet theres 200, who gives a ...... thats not a planet where you can run into a real opposing faction. Maybe they should put both faction fleets, on the same planet opposite ends, then we could have some massive wars.


This game should be described as a great single player, with the option to chat, and play warzone with others. Anyways, my scrib ends in 22days, maybe check in after that big patch comes out and see whats up. Just hope they can do something like the idea above.





Valid concerns, but why are you complaining to the rest of us who actually like the game?

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and now ill search your post count for the thread that says "WE NEEDZ LFG TOOLZ PLOX" since most poeple complaining we dont have one also complain there aint enough people around to do anything, just think if we had one there would be 0 on each planet lol.


Anyway im on a server thats pretty full, (3rd day of pre launch) guess some others are a bit barren.

As for Rift i had the experience it was dead, they left server transfers too late and i quit after the 6th week due to no one anywere to group with. and i started at launch.

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I'm kind of new to Star Wars the Old Republic. Is it a few years old? Or is it a relatively new game?


























I'm pretty sure it's new game. There will be adjustments on the servers and populations on servers will fluctuate as the game takes time to become established. Low population servers will become High Population servers. As new servers open up, some players will flock from one server to another. Eventually servers will level off and maintain a certain population. Me, I can't speak for everyone, but, I'm finding the game fun enough, that I'm not terribly concerned about population. Besides, it shouldn't take forever to level up in this game, so; you could always move to a server with a larger population. Hope this helps you re-consider leaving. Especially, if you have enjoyed the game till now.

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awwww no one talks on the server? not very many people on the planet? do you play on a server outside your timezone? do you play at non populated hours?


do you really want to group but noone replies? maybe people have you on ignore?


so many topics about the non existent server pops.....its just plain not true, sure the free month ends and people dont or cant resub, that means people stop logging in, if it is more people on your server thats a shame, you should re roll until they implement server transfers. dont want to reroll bioware promised you a populated server you think they should do something for YOU?


bah re roll and stop making threads where threads exist , i love the game, i piad for half a year up front, i KNEW exactly what this game will be like, what the pvp and pve would be like, i knew what the general chats would be like and i knew that the trolls would leave after the first couple months to go troll the next game....


its too bad there are a few people who didnt bother to research before spending and starting, i never buy a game without checking it our several ways, common sense i suppose to NOT listen to what is broadcast for the sheeple to bleat at and line up day one roflmfao at sheeple. i would suggest next time you purchase a game, read up on it, and as a nintendo vice president of customer relations told me : you could have used you tube to watch other people play it first...." yes she indeed told me i should use you tube before purchasing games.....


it is most depressing that people feel the need to bash on the way out the door, its always "wow is bettah im outt ahere unsub" when its just the fact the free month ran out and they will go play something else until bored 5 minutes later.... heres a pro tip....phone games and facebook games are perfect for people with uber short attention spans, and you can troll facebook pretty much all day without any kind fo moderation, its handmade perfection for twitchkiddies and scriptbabes give it a try.

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Hello everyone,


We do appreciate when anyone has taken the time to express their thoughts and concerns. We will be closing this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion. However, we do value any feedback and do encourage anyone to voice their feedback on the forums. We only ask that feedback focus on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ itself, and that it is constructive and as detailed as possible.


If you would like to give your feedback on the topic of server population, we encourage you to please post in one of the following threads:



We thank you for your time and your understanding that we've closed this thread.

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