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Tier 4 PVP set in march?


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Is there going to be a tier 4 gear set, and tier 4 pvp set in the march update because im already at full battlemaster and about to be full rakata. Is there any word or speculation on this? I dont like alts and i'm gonna run out of stuff to do.


Part of the day thier is something that goes on, its a phenomenon....a star likes up our sky. its called the sun. giving your current routine you will probably need some sunblock before you experience this though. Also on the other side thier is something called night, and generally you can take someone with the opposite reproductive organs as you out and have what we like to call non cyber relationships.


Good day.

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Part of the day thier is something that goes on, its a phenomenon....a star likes up our sky. its called the sun. giving your current routine you will probably need some sunblock before you experience this though. Also on the other side thier is something called night, and generally you can take someone with the opposite reproductive organs as you out and have what we like to call non cyber relationships.


Good day.


Jesus approve this message.

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Part of the day thier is something that goes on, its a phenomenon....a star likes up our sky. its called the sun. giving your current routine you will probably need some sunblock before you experience this though. Also on the other side thier is something called night, and generally you can take someone with the opposite reproductive organs as you out and have what we like to call non cyber relationships.


Good day.


If you're going to insult someone, maybe you should use correct spelling, and proper grammar.

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Part of the day thier is something that goes on, its a phenomenon....a star likes up our sky. its called the sun. giving your current routine you will probably need some sunblock before you experience this though. Also on the other side thier is something called night, and generally you can take someone with the opposite reproductive organs as you out and have what we like to call non cyber relationships.


Good day.


TY for your comment :confused: Usually when people say stuff like this, its because this is the way their life is actually going... and i feel sad for you :( but dont take it out on others.

Edited by Saereth_Darklighter
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TY for your comment :confused: Usually when people say stuff like this, its because this is the way their life is actually going... and i feel sad for you :( but dont take it out on others.


Dun let casuals get to ya, all they tend to do anymore is complain at not having something or complain / act like a smart *** to someone that's not casual; also agree with ya on what they said. As for some casuals acting like this, take the "WHAAA I WANT BATTLEMASTER BUT IM A CASUAL AND CANT GET IT" thread on page 2 at the time of me posting this. If they had a life, they wouldn't be coming on here trolling / putting up complaint topics on how things take to long for them to get.


Back on topic though, I'm interested in hearing about the T4 set of gear as well, haven't heard anything yet though.

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Part of the day thier is something that goes on, its a phenomenon....a star likes up our sky. its called the sun. giving your current routine you will probably need some sunblock before you experience this though. Also on the other side thier is something called night, and generally you can take someone with the opposite reproductive organs as you out and have what we like to call non cyber relationships.


Good day.


What language is this?


There *should* be another set for ranking warzones - just I wouldn't expect it right in 1.2.0 - more like 1.2.7-1.2.9 - also new tier is not necessary. But new design could be nice.

Edited by Pashgan
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Is there going to be a tier 4 gear set, and tier 4 pvp set in the march update because im already at full battlemaster and about to be full rakata. Is there any word or speculation on this? I dont like alts and i'm gonna run out of stuff to do.


Is getting gear the only reason that you play?


Crazy thought, but you could try playing for fun instead.

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1. Is getting gear the only reason that you play?


2. Crazy thought, but you could try playing for fun instead.

1. Usually second to having fun, and only if it looks better than the current crap they have in as tier gear. I don't know about you (if you even play a gunslinger), but I'm tired of looking like a mexican bullfighter. :mad:


2. Usually the main reason. Gear came as a plus to this, though. If you aren't having fun you won't play enough to get the gear you want.

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