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SGR - Let it go..........for now


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I read all 80 pages of the Q & A last week, and half of them this week.


Little overkill on the SGR option guys! :)


For SGR option in the game, Im pretty sure they got the message we want it, I think 3/5 of the posts were on SGR!) I think it would be cool too guys...not a hater believe me! They obviously are strategically ignoring the politically controversial issue until they are ready to make a statement on it. Its been 2 week, and the silence is deafening as if the 200+ posts didn't exist! :)


What im trying to say is Id love to see it among the things implemented over time, but lets use the Q & A thread to get answers to quality of life issues, guild questions, legacy system, broken dynamics. Not waste our one question and fill the thread with probably 30 pages of the same question that they probably ignore by now.


Anyone agree? or wanna kick me down a flight of stairs? ;)

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Translation: My wants are more important than yours, so stop telling the developers the things you want.


Yes because things the entire community can use are more important than a story option for a small percentage of players. That is what he is saying, and he is 100% correct.


EDIT: I mean seriously...I don't even get the thing with the SAME SEX romance arcs. We have real life for relationships, we don't need them in a game. In fact I think it is kind of weird.


The other thing people need to consider is that whether it should be or not, this is a controversial subject for a lot of people. Including SGR in a single player RPG is one thing, but if Bioware makes the move to add it to an MMO, they are making a direct political statement that they may simply not want to involve themselves in. Doing so would lead to them being used as an example to advance an agenda, and whether it is a worthy one or not is not the issue, it is simply not something most game companies are comfortable doing.


I support people's right to live the life they value the most, but I think a lot of people are misinterpreting what is involved in this particular situation and coming to completely wrong conclusions.

Edited by Cancrizans
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Yes because things the entire community can use are more important than a story option for a small percentage of players. That is what he is saying, and he is 100% correct.


Except that he's not. Bioware has specifically stated that minority groups deserve development time too. Plus, the entire community can use a SGR the same way the entire community can use a new speeder, so your point is moot anyway.

Edited by Caelrie
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Translation: My wants are more important than yours, so stop telling the developers the things you want.


I think that's a mistranslation. I read it as he wrote it: they've obviously seen it, since every other question was on SGR, and so they've obviously intentionally ignored it. Since they're intentionally ignoring it, why flood the next thread with questions about it, which can drown out other concerns that they may not ignore?

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I think that's a mistranslation. I read it as he wrote it: they've obviously seen it, since every other question was on SGR, and so they've obviously intentionally ignored it. Since they're intentionally ignoring it, why flood the next thread with questions about it, which can drown out other concerns that they may not ignore?


So because the team decides to stick their fingers in their ears and shout "la la la" we should just move on...


What if we did that for every issue they "ignored?"

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Except that he's not. Bioware has specifically stated that minority groups deserve development time too. Plus, the entire community can use a SGR the same way the entire community can use a new speeder, so your point is moot anyway.


Do you think the entire community will use it though? I doubt it. This whole discussion is kind of dragging the game into the realm where we are discussing its role as some kind of relationship simulator. I think at this point Bioware is asking themselves why the hell they even included the opposite gender romance arcs.

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Hi everyone,


As we already have several threads for discussion of the various aspects of this topic, we're closing this thread in the interest of consolidating discussions. We encourage you to join the existing discussions about this topic in the following threads:


The Pro-Toggle Thread for same gender content.


Same-Gender [Flirt] Prompts


Same gender relationships clarifications?



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