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SW Canon and you


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There seem to be a number of people who have a tough time understanding Canon. Many people seem to think that The Clone Wars, or any of the post RNJ stuff is non canon. A big misconception is that anything that is not George Lucas is not canon. This is not how it works. There are different levels of Canon, but that does not make lower levels irrelevant. Here's a bit of a guide:


G Canon: Anything in the main 6 movies, or anything directed by Lucas.


T Canon: Anything relating to the Clone Wars movie and CG Series, as well as the upcoming live action series.


C Canon: The main continuity canon, this encompasses nearly all published works, such as books, comics and games.


S Canon: Secondary canon. This is related to some early marvel comics and other publications which were made before there were concentrated efforts to maintain proper continuity.


N Canon: Non-canon. Anything under the Infinities label. These are mostly what if stories. (Such as the first appearance of Maul with Robot legs)


Lower levels of Canon are not "less-canon" than others. What the order means, is that lower levels must abide by the rules of the higher levels. Therefor, if something in G canon happens that contradicts C canon, then C canon must create a retcon of sorts to maintain relevancy. The Darth Bane series and Ruusan Reformations are a result of G canon stating the Republic to be 1000 years old, after established C canon had placed it as 25000 years.


C canon elements have often shown up in higher levels of Canon as well. Planets, ships, species, people. C canon creations all created under various authors have had the distinction of appearing in G and T canon as well. Coruscant is a prime example of this.


So to clear up a few big misconceptions people have: TCW is fully Canon. Anakin had an apprentice named Ahsoka. Regardless of how you feel about the series, it is fact, and because nothing in G canon contradicts it (The show has made great efforts to enforce this, such as not letting Grievous and Anakin meet, or allowing Anakin to best Dooku). Also, Boba Fett is alive and well. C canon states that he escaped the Saarlac. Given the description of the Saarlac in the movies (Slowly digested over thousands of years) Does not suggest instant death. Also Boba Fett is covered head to toe in armor and weaponry, making such an escape not improbable. The Movie does not provide a clear cut death for Boba, and therefor he is free to return and continue to be used.


This game falls under C Canon. Many elements of this game are taken from sources beyond G canon. Great lengths have been taken to ensure that it fits properly within the continuity.


Finally. If you only like the movies, and choose to think of star wars as only the 6 films, then that is your OPINION and not a fact, so please do not tell people that things outside that are non-canon. This is the equivalent of Stating that only TOS is the true Star Trek series, and proclaiming everything else to be non-canon, or dismissing anything Stargate beyond the original film. Your views and opinions exist in a lowel level of relevancy than the 5 levels of official canon I stated. So next time there is a thread about Boba Fett or TCW series, please do not post comments such as "It's not canon" as these do not further the discussion in any way other than to show that you are ignorant.

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What you failed to mention, Omnitheo, is that there are two separate universes in SW. You are talking only about the Expanded Universe.

The "true" universe would be the "Film only continuity" that Lucas himself directly created and controls. In that universe, this game is not canon, Boba Fett did die in the Sarlacc, Emperor Palpatine never came back as a clone, Luke never got married, the Yuuhzan Vong war never happened, etc etc. So, if it's not in Lucas' films or TCW series, then it not canon in his universe. That is not opinion, it is a fact.

Edited by billyboyjennings
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What you failed to mention, Omnitheo, is that there are two separate universes in SW. You are talking only about the Expanded Universe.

The "true" universe would be the "Film only continuity" that Lucas himself directly created and controls. In that universe, this game is not canon, Boba Fett did die in the Sarlacc, Emperor Palpatine never came back as a clone, Luke never got married, the Yuuhzan Vong war never happened, etc etc. So, if it's not in Lucas' films or TCW series, then it not canon in his universe. That is not opinion, it is a fact.


Ah, but in the EU his word is still canon. Leland Chee states that and he enforces it.

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your description of G-canon is inaccurate. It's anything in the 6 movies, scripts, novelizations and ANYTHING George Lucas says.



As for Boba Fett and post ROtJ not being canon both George Lucas and Leeland Chee have stated this.



George Lucas has said on multiple occasions that Boba Fett is dead. I don't know how much clearer that can be.



Add in the fact that you see him fall into the pit, the novelization and the script both say he dies then yes boba Fett living contradicts G-canon.

Edited by jarjarloves
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your description of G-canon is inaccurate. It's anything in the 6 movies, scripts, novelizations and ANYTHING George Lucas says.



As for Boba Fett and post ROtJ not being canon both George Lucas and Leeland Chee have stated this.


Leland Chee never stated that. That wouldn't make any sense. His job is where he oversee's all continuity. Please find me the source.



George Lucas has said on multiple occasions that Boba Fett is dead. I don't know how much clearer that can be.


They are 2 seperate Universes.





Statements in bold.

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Ah, but in the EU his word is still canon. Leland Chee states that and he enforces it.


True. Lucas, the creator and owner of the franchise, can pretty much do whatever he wants with the EU. Though he rarely involves himself in that universe.



"I don't even read the offshoot books that come out based on Star Wars."

- George Lucas, 1999 - Film Night interview



"I don't read that stuff. I haven't read any of the novels. I don't know anything about that world. That's a different world than my world. But I do try to keep it consistent. The way I do it now is they have a Star Wars Encyclopedia. So if I come up with a name or something else, I look it up and see if it has already been used. When I said [other people] could make their own Star Wars stories, we decided that, like Star Trek, we would have two universes: My universe and then this other one. They try to make their universe as consistent with mine as possible, but obviously they get enthusiastic and want to go off in other directions." - George Lucas, 2005 - Starlog magazine interview



"They have their own kind of world. There's three pillars of Star Wars. I'll probably get in trouble for this but it's OK! There's three pillars: the father, the son and the holy ghost. I'm the father, Howard Roffman [president of Lucas Licensing] is the son and the holy ghost is the fans, this kind of ethereal world of people coming up with all kinds of different ideas and histories. Now these three different pillars don't always match, but the movies and TV shows are all under my control and they are consistent within themselves. Howard tries to be consistent but sometimes he goes off on tangents and it's hard to hold him back. He once said to me that there are two Star Trek universes: there's the TV show and then there's all the spin-offs. He said that these were completely different and didn't have anything to do with each other. So I said, "OK, go ahead." In the early days I told them that they couldn't do anything about how Darth Vader was born, for obvious reasons, but otherwise I pretty much let them do whatever they wanted. They created this whole amazing universe that goes on for millions of years!" - George Lucas, 2008 - "George Lucas" interview, Total Film Magazine

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Statements in bold.


Even in the two separate universes in the Movies + EU the EU stuff must conform to G-canon otherwise it's not canon



Yes leeland did say that




Date Posted: Jan 26, 2004 09:33 AM


Is there anything post-Return of the Jedi that is G level?


Not in the database, no. If there is anything anywhere, only George knows


leeland's user name is Tasty Taste






his death is pretty clear there

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Even in the two separate universes in the Movies + EU the EU stuff must conform to G-canon otherwise it's not canon


This is true. However, Lucas himself approved Boba Fett's return in the EU.

Obviously, Lucas did this because Boba Fett is an extremely popular SW character. More new Boba Fett novels/merchandise = TRUCKLOADS OF MONEY!!



Q: "Did George Lucas intend for Boba Fett to die in the sarlacc, despite what others may say or print?"


A: "Yes, in George's view -- as far as the films go -- the baddest bounty hunter in the Galaxy met his match in the Great Pit of Carkoon where --unfortunately for Mr. Fett -- the ghastly sarlacc made its home.

However, Lucas also approved Fett's comeback in the expanded universe. And of course, by going back in time with the prequels, the Star Wars creator has brought Boba Fett back to life himself, albeit at a much younger age." - Steve Sansweet, LFL/Fan Relations, 2002 - "Does Lucas Consider Boba Dead?", StarWars.com

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This is true. However, Lucas himself approved Boba Fett's return in the EU.

Obviously, Lucas did this because Boba Fett is an extremely popular SW character. More new Boba Fett novels/merchandise = TRUCKLOADS OF MONEY!!



Q: "Did George Lucas intend for Boba Fett to die in the sarlacc, despite what others may say or print?"


A: "Yes, in George's view -- as far as the films go -- the baddest bounty hunter in the Galaxy met his match in the Great Pit of Carkoon where --unfortunately for Mr. Fett -- the ghastly sarlacc made its home.

However, Lucas also approved Fett's comeback in the expanded universe. And of course, by going back in time with the prequels, the Star Wars creator has brought Boba Fett back to life himself, albeit at a much younger age." - Steve Sansweet, LFL/Fan Relations, 2002 - "Does Lucas Consider Boba Dead?", StarWars.com



but just because it's aproved doesn't mean its canon. He aproves of everything that comes out in the EU is aproved by lucas.


Lucas approved the Star Wars game Masters of Teras Kasi but that doesn't make it canon.


He approved Luke getting married but has even gone as far as saying latter that it never happens. Just like with Boba Fetts death.

Edited by jarjarloves
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Even in the two separate universes in the Movies + EU the EU stuff must conform to G-canon otherwise it's not canon



Yes leeland did say that






leeland's user name is Tasty Taste






his death is pretty clear there



Thanks for the source. I admire you for being one of the few who provide ones.


But, he also states books are C-Canon on that same page. Which IMO means like I said before they are 2 seperate Universes.


He says


Is there anything post-Return of the Jedi that is G level?


Not in the database, no. If there is anything anywhere, only George knows.


I don't like Boba Fett or how he got some fans for doing nothing but looking cool. But I know that if he died it would jack up allot of the canon Post-ROTJ. And Post-ROTJ is C-Canon. He's stated that, I can find it if you want me to.

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