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The Best Star Wars game ever made !


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Hi Bioware,


I read too much trash about SW:Tor, people forget just one thing. Your game IS Star Wars, you made the best star wars game ever. This is the most immersive MMO i ever played, and i play MMOs since EQ1. You made the most exiting PvE content ! ( PvP has great ideas like Huttball, but needs improvments ! ;) )


The game isn't perfect but once again, all the little things which are missing and all the minors bugs are nothing compared to the feeling of playing in the Star Wars Universe.


That's all, just wanted to say that you made a great game.

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There is nothing more immersive than loading screens and dead, instanced worlds. So we can agree on that point.


I can think of about a half dozen or so Star Wars games that are better than TOR off the top of my head..




TIE Fighter


Dark Forces






Shadows of the Empire


Empire at War


etc, etc ,etc




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Hi Bioware,


I read too much trash about SW:Tor, people forget just one thing. Your game IS Star Wars, you made the best star wars game ever. This is the most immersive MMO i ever played, and i play MMOs since EQ1. You made the most exiting PvE content ! ( PvP has great ideas like Huttball, but needs improvments ! ;) )


The game isn't perfect but once again, all the little things which are missing and all the minors bugs are nothing compared to the feeling of playing in the Star Wars Universe.


That's all, just wanted to say that you made a great game.


This must be your first Star Wars game.

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SWG was miles better, pre NGE that is, I didn't actually mind the first CU.


This game runs like crap and I fast losing my patience.


Oh you mean the game where you were macroing during 10 hours to finish the game while watching TV ? We don't have the same vision of "fun", then.

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SWG was miles better, pre NGE that is, I didn't actually mind the first CU.


This game runs like crap and I fast losing my patience.


I Totally Agree, SWG best StarWars (Pre NGE) MMO Donne so far, about this one well already canceled so its all said.


Look at pops status its decreasing and soon i am afraid it might be a dead game, in only 2 months, how is possible i dont know but well it seems it is...weird.

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SWG for sure. They took chances no one else would, and it was the ultimate sandbox. Once you made it to level 90 you could grind a crafter and take on crafting which was sooooo in-depth that there will never be another crafting profession in a game since that can match it. It was hard, but rewarding.


You could be a mayor, you could be a variety of different crafters, you could create your own missions with chronicles, you could farm stuff needed to craft and sell. The economy was amazing. Every item in the game was a 3d object, not just a flat 2d item in your inventory, all of which could be displayed in any number of the houses you could own, or in your ships! Every single item you could put in your inventory!


So many little things and it being a sandbox made it a game that could have lasted another 10 years, but this abomination of a game forced SOE to end SWG. As much as people will say otherwise, this game released Dec 21st, with an initial release I believe of Dec 15th. SWG ended Dec 15th. They claimed Lucas Arts didn't wanna renew the license but I believe they made it cost so much on purpose to give SWTOR a fighting chance. IF SWG was still going while SWTOR was I guarantee many would have joined SWTOR and ran right back to SWG. If anything SWTOR would have helped to make SWG a bigger success this late in the game, because population was declining, but IF people were ready to leave this game you know others would be saying "but did you ever play SWG?" and they're go right to it first thing.


They gave us new content almost every other month, and the major updates were always MAJOR updates, not just a slew of fixes.


Where Bioware went REALLY wrong with this game is that they didn't try to incorporate into this the features that kept players playing an 8 year old Star Wars game. Player housing and player created cities. Space that was a whole other game in itself, with the means to want to keep playing it in hopes of looting that one part with that one stat needed to create an uber space part with. Making every object a true 3d object, so that even junk could be used as decor. A lot of junk was needed to turn into stat mods no less. So everything had a use pretty much. This game is nothing more than an expensive fully voiced single player game that's trying hard to be an MMO.


There's very little in common with SWG in this game. Too bad for SWTOR and us that they tried to copy things from WOW more than SWG.

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We are glad to hear you are enjoying the game and we want to assure you that we continue to make improvements to the game. Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback!


Since this conversation does not have much room for additional constructive discussion we will be closing this thread. Enjoy the game!

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