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Merc Pyro PVP and WZs am I missing something?


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So last night decided to switch from Arsenal to Pyro since I was getting bored and I was just so UNDERWHELMED by the spec. I mean the damage output felt lackluster and im noticing the spec is very CD dependent. In 1v1 situations by the time I get my dots rolling on some of these classes im alrdy at half HP so can someone who is experienced in pyrotech PVP fill me in as to how to play it? Would be greatly appreciated.
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So last night decided to switch from Arsenal to Pyro since I was getting bored and I was just so UNDERWHELMED by the spec. I mean the damage output felt lackluster and im noticing the spec is very CD dependent. In 1v1 situations by the time I get my dots rolling on some of these classes im alrdy at half HP so can someone who is experienced in pyrotech PVP fill me in as to how to play it? Would be greatly appreciated.


Since you said you just switched last night, I'd say you just need some practice with it. I've done pryo, arsenal, and hybrids and have the most fun and best pvp dps with pyro. It is only on rare occasions when someone gets more damage/kills than me in a wz. If your geared right you should be knocking out 300k easy with 40+ kills in a full huttball game.


I hesitate giving to much details on how to play as I really want to do a full write up on the subject and still have research to do on the whole crit - surge - power situation but a simple tip to get you started would be to start off with Incidiary Missle, throw your TD, RS, PS until RS proc and always always always be shooting something while on the move.


Also, do not underestimate the damage output of Rapid Shots with Combustible Cylinders on a full spec pyro. Your biggest advantage is dps while moving. If someone is on you, they will get tired of chasing you if you use Sweltering Heat, Electro Dart, Jet Boost and Concussion all while shooting on the run. Use your mobility!

Edited by Ciry
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If your used to Arsenal your probably used to getting large criticals that melt the opponents. Pyro is all about setting them on fire and watching them burn. Also remember to use Rapid Shots when your moving it does a lot more damage.
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If your used to Arsenal your probably used to getting large criticals that melt the opponents. Pyro is all about setting them on fire and watching them burn. Also remember to use Rapid Shots when your moving it does a lot more damage.


Correction: setting them on fire and NOT watching them burn if they know you're there. the best thing about Pyro is that while your DoTs are ticking, you can duck behind a corner and still be hitting them, while they can't do anything to you (unless they have DoTs as well).


And to anyone saying "Pyro doesn't haz teh armor pen!!!" Elemental damage isn't mitigated by armor, and we have about 30% armor pen on railshot, which is our second-hardest hitting non-elemental attack. Not 55%, sure, but still quite a bit.

Edited by Anatlos
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