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Hutt-Ball should really have some work done to it.


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So far I love Hutt-Ball. I hate to "Toot my own horn" but I am a huge team player when it comes to hutt-ball. I end up scoring a lot of our points.


The silly thing with Hutt-Ball is that we don't seem to get rewarded for scoring points or passing to other players. Why isn't there a score/assists reward system in Hutt-Ball. If I score 5/6 of our points and we will the game I would like to think that I, or anyone in my scenario, would likely be at the top of the stats.


Hutt-Ball is a huge team game yet when it comes to MVP voting the top Damage still wins it every single match which is kinda dumb.


Can't hutt-ball be worked on to reward people more for scoring points rather than getting kills like the other two warzones?

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Yeah, a "Scores" option would be really nice, also a "Passes" so people will actually try and do it more... They need every motivation they can get to not be bad.


I would like to see the top healer be at the top of the list when ever the default score shows up because I see a lot of people just clicking the first person on the list for MVP and I really think healers deserve more MVP votes. Healing=Winning games.

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It's the same thing with voidstar, I placed all 3 bombs earlier and disabled a bomb on the final door which would have made us lose the game (so I basically won the game for us) yet I only got 1 mvp vote while the guy with slightly higher damage than me got 3 votes. It's kind of a ****** system in general but w/e.


Medals for passing/capping a ball in huttball wouldn't work though, people would just pass the ball back and fourth to each other just for the medal and if you got medals for capping then it would make bads even more reluctant to pass the ball.

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Slightly off topic....but


Do I understand it right that this Hutt-ball is a game in the game? Like some futuristic fottball/capture the flag or something?


In that case, where in the galaxy do I go to watch a match? I'm not interested in playing it, but let me have a look at it from behind a one-way window or a holoscreen and see what's going on.

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Dude, a mode where someone can invite you to "Observe" them like spectator mode would be awesome! You could follow them around and fraps the combat unable to do anything. Just put a camera behind the person who invited you watching them and give the spectator the ability to move the camera view around for filming.
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Well, that's peoples fault for voting for the guy at the top of the list. I always sort the list and vote for the person with more objective points for MVP.


If people start rewarding objective points, things will be better.


Edit: Ok, thinking a bit more on this, OP is right anyway... The list is set to put the guy with more medals at the top. So, give medals for actual team play.


Placed a bomb - 1 medal

disabled a bomb - 1 medal

5 Successful passes - 1 medal

hutball score - 1 medal

Dealt damage X to ball carrier - 1 medal (easier to acquire than just dealing damage)

healed ball carrier for X - 1 medal (easier to acquire than healing others)


etc. etc


That way, the team players will get more medals, and will be on the top of the list where they deserve to be.

Edited by Raximillian
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if there werent so many unscruplous people out there that woulod hog the ball so their guildmates or friends would get more than everybody else this would be a decent idea. but since there ARE so any unscruplous people out there this would only serve as another way to keep certain people form getting more points and giving free points to others.


dont think it would happen? well on my server..probably right now...there are people doing this sort of thing already.


because we dont have cross server warzones, there are people with alts on opposing factions.

this normally shouldnt be a problem...but wait...theres more.


these people that know players on the opposing faction will run the ball into their own teams territory and hand the ball off to the other team so they can score. ive whitnessed it so many times its pathetic. (which reminds me we need ingame demo recording options for warzones like fps games have for matches)


(zez-kai ell server.."death dealer" guild, empire..these are the worst offenders)


we also need to stop the premade teams too. a full team of sorcerers or sages will absolutly destroy anything else.

Edited by Anathar
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