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Official Q&A Thread for March 2nd, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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When is Soa going to be fixed? It has been two months!


When will those quests stuck in my quest log become abandonable?

When will my BH's loading screen display the proper "interlude" slide instead of the last act 3 one?

Can I make the mantis's interior less yellow?


Change tracer missile animation and sound, thanks. Maybe swap it with fusion missile, as at 33 heat and 30s CD I almost never use that skill anyway.

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Will there be any way to upgrade Planet or PVP commendations? It was in beta originally and people were exploiting this. So understandably this would need to be controlled. What about limiting what level characters are able to collect such commendations?


Example: Tython commendations can only be earned by a character levels 1-10. Coruscant commendations can only be earned by a character levels 10-15. Etc..

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It can be very frustrating in PvP to have a full resolve bar and still not have full control of your character. As many likely know, snares (slows, roots, etc) do not currently contribute to, and are not affected by, resolve.


A common example: I am carrying the ball across a fire trap in Huttball when someone uses a stun and caps my resolve bar (makes it go white). I pop my CC breaker and am immediately rooted in the fire for the duration of both the fire and my supposed CC immunity as my resolve bar empties, and am killed by the environment.


Are you happy with the way resolve is currently working in the game? Do you have any plans to alter the resolve system in the near/distant future?

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question: I love the pvp. The game is so very balanced. I have 4 different toons and all do well in pvp. The one thing i would love is another currency to buy different gear. Such as world pvp with its own separate vendor. This would make people on pvp servers fight a bit more as well as offer more to do with their friends.


I am Glad your game is not like wow. Please don't add All the wow features that blizzard did add. I want a different experience.

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Will there be anyway to convert my centurion commendations to champion commendations in the future? Or will there be new things I can buy with my "extra" centurion commendations? I currently have 3xx commendations, but I already have all my centurion gear. Edited by Spinley
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Hi BioWare / ToR Development Team,


Being one of my first posts ever on the Forums here, I want to thank you first; for your work on TOR and your dedicated support to delivering content for the fans!


I just wanted to ask if you were planning on introducing small little animations such as Standing Idle Animations or perhaps Voice Emotes? Good examples of either can be found in World of Warcraft.


I do appreciate that The Old Republic is its own MMO, but I feel like these little tweaks and additions will really help drive home the reality of our characters and Companions / NPCs and complete-the-look, so to say.



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I know that you have implemented an achievement system in the sense that the game tracks different stats for each of the planets.


Are there any plans on expanding on this in the future? Will there be an update to this in the future that adds more details and lets you track different achievements? (i.e. offering titles or rare items for completing different achievements)





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When I was younger and I saw the original three the first time, I was dumbstruck when the scene opened with the boom boom boom of the Imperial March, watching Vader stride by, his cape flowing, the Dark Side by his side.... So I've since been Empire4Ever.....


But alas, where is the Imperial March?! I hear enough of the Battlefront theme, but I'm asking where is the Imperial March?

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I'm sure this has been covered somewhere but I'm going to ask.


Will inter-faction chat be available on custom channels?


A.) This would make running player events much easier.

B.) Allow guild to have both a republic and imperial side while not feeling like there is a huge wall in between them. Just because I want to run my smuggler, and my friend wants to run his Juggernaut doesn't mean we don't want to chat and experience the game solo. Yes I am aware third party programs available like Vent for instance, doesn't make me want this chat any less.

C.) This is only on custom channels. I do not feel like pub channels should be able to communicate for all the reasons you probably feel.


Both of these things -----> Stronger community, longer player retention, overall better experience.


THANKS! And keep up the good work!

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Asking as a raging altoholic, when will there be more options for leveling areas? If I have to go through Coruscant/Taris/Nar Shadaa/Tatooine again, I'm going to poke out my eyes, honest. Will we have a choice of planets as we level alts? Or possibly even new quest areas on the same planets, so that we can skip one or two of the lame-old same-old after having gone through them 5-6 times?
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Are the 8 man hard modes (parts of normals) going to be fixed. The main problem is with the 2 towers bugging out in EV, we spent longer porting out & back in to reset it than fighting the other bosses. The "fixed" walls in KP are just ridiculous, even the humor of getting inexperianced ppl to run through them is loosing its lulz. Are the lightning balls on the 2nd level of the Soa fight ment to disappear if they're kited, & the tactic to deal with them to run at them? If so could you show it a bit clearer whos being targeted maybe keep the text up when they spawn untill they're no longer the target. I know we're getting a new 8-16 man soon, it'd be nice if the ones we had worked consistantly.

Oh & pls answer all the others about sgra, I went through 40 pages of this so I didnt repeat anyone, & it may as well been a sgra whining post. I got sick of seeing it so sorry if I have repeated a point that someone else has made

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